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Posts posted by Peter1479

  1. My fiancee actually decided to hire someone to help with the final steps of the process leading to the interview, just to help relieve some of the stress and make sure she had everything in order.   She was able to schedule an interview the same day that she tried to do so.  She was given a list of about 3 different dates in February.  We were originally thinking March, but nothing was open during that time.  The person she hired told her that March is usually filled up with people getting student visas.  I'm not sure if that's true or not.  But, I did read that if for some reason there are no days available to you before your time runs out, it will be extended because if was not your fault there were no days available.   The person she hired also said the same thing.


    After she got the interview date she later made a medical appointment the same week that we have the interview.  She was told that her medical exam will be in the morning, and that she will be able to pick up the results the next day in the afternoon.


    I will be flying out to be with her early next week, as our interview is on Thursday.


    I hope that is helpful in someway.



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