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Posts posted by rosee

  1. 7 hours ago, Zoeeeeeee said:

    It seems really weird to be talking of how you’re going to be evidencing your relationship is real, so you can emigrate and get married...when you haven’t met each other yet.


    Before you start planning how you’re going to evidence that it’s a real relationship, surely you want to meet first - so you can establish yourself if it’s a real relationship?


    In the way you describe it, and reading your past posts, sounds more like planning to get you to America, rather than a blossoming romance, IMHO. So you may want to consider how you word all this to your interviewing officer, assuming the application gets that far...


    We have been reading this forum together for sometime and we are truly scared for all the horror stories that we saw here and dont want any mistake that avoid us to stay and live together, as i said she dosent like Peru and dont want to move here and we are planning moving there, thanks for the judging we you already made the process

  2. Hello VJ comunnity i already made a post some weeks ago about my questions and other type of situation about the Visa, its the first time we are doing this but we are planning something and with your experience i hope someone can guide me!


    We are meeting in November in Mexico near Texas, my future wife said to me that i can stay in her mexico house for 1 month after we meet ( she has her own house in a place near to the US ) and told me to stay there for keep visitng me every weekend 


    What you guys think about this? we are going to stay together for like 15 days and after that im staying 1 month in her house just to keep in touch, we are going to take more pictures and proof that our relationship is real, its a good plan? 

  3. 1 hour ago, vistawateraz said:

    It wasn't any faster, the government works at their own speed, but they ensure everything is correct and make it very easy to enter information on all the forms.  They review the documents and let you know if anything (evidence etc.) is missing or unclear that could cause an RFE. I didn't have time to focus on the applications, very busy with work, so the service was a life saver for me.  Overall excellent experience using them.




    From the day the got all your information on their hands how much time they took to send the package to start the process? thank you very much

  4. Hello good evening im not a english speaker but ill try my best explaining my situation, thanks a lot for all the suggestions based on experenciences and any information you can help me with (please dont jugdme!)


    Im a 22 years old guy im from Peru my future Fiance is from Houston, Texas , she is currently married but her husband decided to divorce her few months ago, we started a relationship on facebook 3 months ago and they already made the decision about divorcing, so... there is any problem about our timeline when we meet she still legally married but we are a couple at this moment and they are making the divorce by the end of this month ( the husband know about me and he is okay with the current situation because he made the decision ) i have a few questions and thanks for all.


    Im 22 years old She is 31 there is any problem with it?


    If someone ask about when we started the realtionship we should take our current date (may) or we should take starting on the divorce date certificate?


    Her husband is a citizen from Argentina and they have been in a relationship since 2012 and married in 2015 , now he has a permanent greencard but he plans to go to Argentina again and not backing to the US.


    We really love each other, we didnt made any damage to the relationship because that was a decision of her husband and they both made the decision but didnt have time to divorce.


    Thanks a lot and god bless you! 



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