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Posts posted by Angreed

  1. How is everyone doing?

    Please guys, help us understand this situation...

    I am the beneficiary on a CR1 visa at NVC part.

    Now, our case was moving okay until we reached the NVC part. Hubby and I sent sent in documents after pay and 2 weeks later, we received an email that they had rejected;

    1) My Divorce Decree because apparently I sent in a copy other than original.

    2) Hubby’s and cosponsors tax returns/W2s because he had not separated them

    3) Our cosponsors affidavit of support because there some fillings that were wrongly made.


    We made the corrections and resubmitted in the papers.

    4 days after we received an email asking hubby to put in a name and wet signature on his affidavit of support.

    He did and resubmitted.

    Yesterday we received an email stating that hubby does not qualify sponsoring me, and that we need to submit hubbys and cosponsor proof of assets that were entered when filling the affidavit of support.


    Now here is my questions.

    1) Why did we receive the message that hubby does not qualify to sponsor me yet we have a cosponsor who earns around 60,000 yearly? 

    2) From the message below, will the consulate at the interview still make a decision from hubby not being qualified even when we have a cosponsor?

    3) Do they always ask for proof of assets?

    4) How bad is our situation? Do you all think that we need a lawyer?

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