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Posts posted by thejarman90

  1. I am a U.S. citizen by birth. My wife and I have been together for over six and a half years (married over one and a half) and she has had TPS since she was around 14. We've been going through the process of getting her permanent residency and had our interview in El Salvador at the beginning of June.


    When we got the email notifying us of the interview, we had about two weeks to get everything together (including an in-country medical exam) before the date they gave us. We managed to get everything they listed, even stuff that had to be done in El Salvador. However, when we got to the interview, the consular officer asked for TPS proof going all the way back to before she was 18. Now, the email mentioned needing her proof of TPS (we had her current one and her previous one with us), but not every single time she had ever registered for it. Additionally, we went through two document checks before the interview and not only was it not mentioned, they gave us back stacks of other documents at each check saying they already had this or that and wouldn't need it.


    The consular officer said we would be approved, pending that single piece of information, which he would "look up today" (meaning on the interview date). He said we would receive an email either way letting us know if he could find it. Also, he said if we could get photocopies of the proofs, to send them to the embassy in case he couldn't find it. We got a green sheet and an orange sheet from the officer. That night, we got photocopies of the proofs and sent them with the green sheet first thing the next morning.


    Today, we're over a month after the interview and not only did we not get any notice from the consular officer, any attempt we've made to contact the embassy/consulate are met with "canned" responses and no real information. They still have her passport and any documents they kept from that day.


    My wife has been a teacher in Texas under TPS for about 10 years and has no criminal history. She doesn't have anyone she knows in El Salvador and I had to return home for work. Currently, another family member from my side volunteered and went down to stay with her, but we are very eager to get her home. Does anybody have any experience with this or know anything that might be able to help us get her home more quickly?


    Sorry for the long post and thank you in advance.

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