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Posts posted by delbertjohnson

  1. congrats relyn and patrick after the long wait now you guys will now can start a new life together and start a family, been praying for you. he.hehe the rain is a significant of a shower of blessings patrick so be prepared coz you will see flood of blessings with the love of your life. relyn....ninang ka ng baby ko ha? tawag ka sa akin pag nandito ka na sa US ha? i think less than a week you can have your visa. God bless you both as you continue the journey.

    Mercy and Jim

  2. Thanks for your reply. I was just worried about timelines and I didn't want us to fall into a USCIS trap. We are going to file as soon as we can. It has been a whirlwind since she has arrived. The first two weeks she was here, we moved closer to my job as she doesn't drive and we were living somewhat in a isolated area and I wanted her to be close so to tend to her needs and yes, be treated to lunch on the table everyday at lunch time. My wife is a wonderful and God sent lady. I could never thank God enough for the treasure of having such a great woman to love. Like I said, we were just married on April 5th and trying to get things straight as far as Social Security so that when we do file for adjustment of status, everything will be in order for the EAD and AP when we plan on traveling back to the Philippines for her friend's graduation from nursing school. Again, thanks for your help. Hope your have a blessed life and journey,,,

    Jim and Mercy Johnson

  3. How long after we get married do we have to file for adjustment of status. We have already applied for her SSN and that should be here next week then we have to go back to have the name changed on the card as this is what the SS clerk said. We are just curious as to a time frame. I know her I-94 will be up in June. Do we have to file the AOS before the I-94 has expired? I know I have read a couple of topics in here where couples have waited up to a year to file. I'm not saying this is our case just asking some valid questions. We plan on doing to at the end of May at least. We would like your advice and input on this.

    Thanks in advance,,

    Jim and Mercy Johnson

    Officially Mr. and Mrs. Johnson- April 5th, 2008

  4. Hello Friends,

    it's been awhile since we posted and just wanted to give you an update. We will be getting married on April 5th at 1 pm and then have a reception at uor home following the ceremony. It has been so busy for the both of us after getting moved into the new home, getting set up in it and then working on things for the wedding. So just wanted to let you know where we were. After we get some pics of the new Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, we will post some on here. Mercy has been adjusting really well in her new world called America with meeting new people and friends. It was a blessing about two weeks ago that we met a couple close to where we live whom, the fiancee had just arrived in the states from the Philippines. It was a blessing to see Mercy and new filipina friend Jovey interact with one another. We are suppose to have dinner with them soon so that is going to be exciting for both of us as I know thar it is a relief for not only her but for me to know she has someone from the homeland to connect with face to face. I hope everyone is doing well from our class of K-1's for January. Hope everyone is settling in and for the rest of you, hope your journey is going well.

    Take care and God Bless as he continues to bless us.

    Jim and Mercy

  5. Hello Everyone,

    :help: we just move to a new place and we need help how can we file change of address mercy already filled out the AR-11 form and were just confuse in the part that they asked"I am in the United States as a: Visitor,Student, Permanent Resident and Other(specify) we put marked as permanent and K1 for others were really dont know how to do this any output is much appreciated we need it asap. thank you

    God Bless,

    Jim and Mercy

  6. Hello Everyone,

    :help: we just move to a new place and we need help how can we file change of address mercy already filled out the AR-11 form and were just confuse in the part that they asked"I am in the United States as a: Visitor,Student, Permanent Resident and Other(specify) we put marked as permanent and K1 for others were really not sure any output is much appreciated we need it asap. thank you

    God Bless,

    Jim and Mercy

  7. Hello everyone,

    well Mercy landed in Houston on time Friday. My baby was exhausted due to the flight and not getting any rest on the plane. i thought she wouldn't be able to and I was right. The excitement and nervousness of first time flying is the reason. Anyway, on her flight schedule, she made a stop in Guam. I was under the impression that Guam wasn't a POE but that is where the USCIS processed her. Anyway, the officers there were really nice to her. She said she was out of immigration in about 5 to 10 minutes. In hindsight, I think it was best that she had Guam as POE cause I know if she would have landed in Houston while I was waiting, I know I would have been a bundle of nerves waiting for her to come out. Not the case though cause once I found what gate her plane would be arriving in IAH (Houston) I just patrolled the baggage claim area (suggested by Continental staff) until I spotted my beautiful wife to be got her bags and were on our way. She said her flight was good other than the length of it (22 hours with layovers) and not being able to sleep well. After we left the airport, we made our way to my brother's home in Killeen to stay the night and unite Mercy for the first time with family members. We will keep everyone updated on wedding, AOS and future plans as we go along our new life's journey together. May God bless all that are in VJ and to the one's that were so instrumental in supporting us, we want to say a big thanks.

    Jim and Mercy

  8. Manila 2005

    Yes, the embassy will call you to tell you that the visa is approved and/or ready for delivery. I have heard of people getting a call from Delbros first. My suggestion to you would be to call the embassy as much as you possibly can in order to track the process. It will not hurt your case any. All you do is call Grace or Sophia at 301-3000 extensions 5184 or 5185. They can give you updates on your case. Don't be surprised if they just say that it is under review but be persistent with your calls. Again, this won't hurt your case in anyway. I requested a follow up on the case and within 2 days after that we had our approval. So that is another option you can take. Just ask them for a follow up on your case and hopefully that will speed things up if your documents are back from the NSO via delbros. If they say your document verification is complete and it is with the officer,, your really close. These steps that I have given to you in advice are the steps we used. We were in AR for almost a month so your very close. By the way, where is your fiance from in the states? Mercy will be here friday February 29th. I am so excited to finally have her here with me. I hope your close to having your visa. Just be patient and take the steps I just explained to you. :thumbs:

    May God Bless you soon,,,

    Jim and Mercy :innocent:

  9. Hello, Manila 2005,

    it takes up to 3 to 4 weeks for the document verification to be completed so with any blessings you should hear something soon. I would suggest calling the embassy as much as possible in order to see where your at in the process. We were in the same issue with the document verification and I know it is very frustrating but don't give up hope. You'll get your visa soon if there is nothing wrong with your records. Basically they verify your birth certificate, NBI, cenomar and/or annulment if you have been previously married. So don't worry, it just another process that keeps us from being with our mates. If you need any help or have anymore questions, please feel free to ask us. We're not experts just be thru this situation as have others. Take care and God Bless you with your visa soon.

    Thanks to everyone for the congrats recently. Your kindness is always appreciated. May God continue to bless those that are journeying thru this long and difficult process and pay that all you prayers are answered soon.

    God Bless,

    Jim and Mercy

  10. Thanks Everyone,

    all of your support was and is very important to both me and Mercy. Without it and the strength of our love for one another it could have felt worse. I can't wait to hold my asawa ko. She is my world as I am hers. I will continue to be here people. We're not going to leave good friends. May God Bless each and every one of you on your journey. We will update you all on her trip and how things are adjusting for her in the states. I know she will be fine as long as I here as she says. Just alot of hugs and understanding.

    Jim and Mercy

  11. Hello Everyone,

    just want to let everyone know that on 2-14-08, we were approved by the USEM for our K-1 visa. After spending almost a month in AR due to the document verification, we were approved. Man, this feels so uplifting to know that soon we will be together and within a month we can officially call each other husband and wife. Mercy will be on her way to the US via Houston- POE on the 28th from Manila, arriving in Houston on the 29th of February. That day I will gladly give her the biggest American country boy hug she could ever expect. We will then travel to my brothers for her first meeting with family. Everyone is so excited and is open armed to this lady I fell deeply in love with almost 2 years ago. All my friends at work- my extended family are also welcoming her with open arms and they just can't believe how beautiful she is and how much she affects me in my heart every day. People, I would like to thank everyone for their support in the times that were so difficult for us. We both found friends that gave us that little extra encouragement and strength to be patient. My hat goes off to all VJ members and the love and concern that is felt in this site. My God always richly bless each and everyone of you and your love with your mates. We are still going to be around to help those that are starting and going thru the process. Got to pay it forward. Thanks again members,,,

    Mahal kita my maganda asawa ko Mercy. Thank you for believing in me and the love we share. It's a bond that will stand the test of time and be displayed for generations to come

    Jim and Mercy


  12. Hello Everyone,

    Good News!! We were approved on 2-14-08 by calling the USEM via Grace. Our visa is now in printing. We look to have it sometime next week. Thanks for all of your support good people. As for the delbros payment for the docs verification it is a shame that people are having to pay for this twice. We did find out though that in the month of late Nov, 07 that delbros was experiencing some data problems and this in turn cause some delays in the system. As for paying of the extra fee,,,, if you have your original receipt for the MetroBank payment, that is evidence enough to support the document verification couriering and the text from Delbros. I hope everyone gets their visas soon that have been waiting. If there is anything I or Mercy can help with just let us know. God Bless everyone and most of all keep your faith. God is good and we need to wait for his move not our own.

    Jim and Mercy

  13. delbertjohnson, I am sorry to hear you are in AR hell.

    As for the document verification I agree with your point of view. Why does the USEM website say to pay two weeks before interview to avert possible delay? Why have you text DELBROS to verify payment if verification is not done ahead of time? Why is the USEM asking many applicants to pay the 650 PHP a second time after interview?

    Hello edp333,

    Thanks for your agreement on this subject. As for the payment of the extra 650 pesos, I think your probably referencing the delbros delivery fee if your not going to pick the visa up at the embassy. It's a double wammy to all who apply but it is just a small fee considering. Anyway, thanks for your imput and yes some changes need to be done to better serve the system and the process and I think it would make it easy on the people handling the paperwork to,,,,, lol,,,,,, CO's, their assistants,,etc. was suppose to steamline this system by increasing the fees and adding new staff but I read the other night on CNN website that this backlog everywhere wasn't suppose to get resolved until the end of 2010 due to the amount of the filing increase before the new fee increases took affect on July 30, 2007.. LOL....... change something or add some fees to the process and see what yuh get? Poorer service. HMMMMM, I work for the Fed. Gov but I have never seen such disorganization but who am I. Just another American paying taxes to help pay health and welfare for the countless illegals that cross our borders each month. LOL< Jim, give them a break and get off your soap box. Anyway, not to offend anyone but defending the honor and love of my Mercy (Fiancee) and the countless couples that have to brave this long process everyday. May God richly bless each and everyone of us that are doing it the legal and American way. Have a great night and best wishes on the fullfilment of your journey,,

    God Bless,,

    Jim and Mercy

  14. Hello everyone,

    I know the ones that responded to this forum and have asked questions, here are some answers. First and foremost, if you paid the 650 pesos for the requested document verification well in advance of your interview, it really doesn't seem to help you any as Mercy paid for hers on Dec. 11th, almost a full month before our interview. I think this is where the system is screwed up and if these people had a brain, they would stop and think: "Hey, since this couple has paid for their document verification two weeks prior to the interview, let's make a request from the NSO so that when it comes time for the interview, we will have the documents verified and the case and it's progress can move forward or be denied due to fraud or not enough supportive evidence. Hmmmmm, figured that out on my frontal lobe people. Just venting and trying to joke at the same time but it only makes since right? They know well in advance of what the interview schedules are cause we get them well in advance too. And as far as the random selection of the cases they want to review, pull it out of the hat two weeks in advance. To answer your questions on what documents they verify here they are. NBI clearance, Police clearance, Cenomar (Certificate of no Marriage, Annualment Decisions if previously married, and of course the birth certificate.) Mercy got her documents from the NSO and had them authenticated at the DFA (Department of Foreign Affairs) but it still did not help us to avoid this document verification. Honeybear, I hope you hear something soon. Stay on the phone with the embassy and I would call Ms. Allen at Delbros International and correlate your documents verification with her between the USEM and the NSO. Her number is 011-63-2-339-2761 I believe. At least that is the number my Mercy gave me. If anyone has any further questions I will help out as much as I can. Let's just keep each other in prayer and God will see us through this mess.

    God Bless all of you,,,

    Jim and Mercy

  15. Hello everyone,

    just want to get everyone an update on our visa. According to Delbros International and verification from Ms. Grace at the USEM, on February 1, our document verification was completed and delivered to the embassy. As of today we are awaiting the CO to review the document verification from the NSO. How hard is it to look at a registered document or letter stating that the documents provided for this review are authentic. We had our interview on January 9th and to date it has been 23 working days since our interview. I know there are some still waiting on this review also as we have grouped together for support and there have been others on and after our interview date that have got there visa, some within 2 days. I want to say congrats to those members and give you all well wishes but don't leave us one's that are being left behind so to speak. We could use your support and advice. Me or Mercy are in constant contact with the embassy on the process and God knows we have been patient. We just can't wait to get that joyous phone call or word that our visa is approved and is in printing. I hope and pray that at least she is here with me by Valentines Day weekend. That would be one of the most beautiful blessings of this long and dredging process of the USCIS and the USEM.

    Again, we continue to be very patient and hope for good news from the USEM this week.

    God Bless and thank all of you for your support.

    Jim and Mercy :innocent:

  16. Hello,

    yes, this is a requirement of all applicants of a K-visa, even filipinas married to an American citizen. I feel so sorry for you cause without the attending of a CFO seminar, a certificate and the stamp the immigration service requires, she will not be able to leave the country. This is a fact so my suggestion to you would be to instruct her to go to the CFO next week and go thru the seminar, after which she will receive the certificate and once your visa is delivered, go back to the CFO for the stamp. I am surprised that someone hasn't notified you of this requirement. Let me know if you have anymore questions and I or someone on here will be glad to help.

    Jim and Mercy

    Still waiting on our visa since January 9th AR

  17. cheer up and pray . ..pray . . . .pray.. .


    Thanks for the replies. It gives me more Faith.


    Just want to you to know that you are not alone in this painful waiting. i was interviewd last Jan 9, and until now i dont have my visa yet. and about the delbros verification i paid it thru deposting in metrobank 3 weeks before my interview but it didnt help so it means it's not affecting the release of your visa eventhough you did not pay early. and like you i did all my best to certtified that my Birthcertificate,CENOMAR and NBI infact i went to DFA they put a Red Ribbon on it but it didnt help but atleast i am at peace that my document is true. you are thinkin maybe because of your kids surname or what but i want you to know that i am single never been married but i am also under going this kinda process like yours so i think there is no problem with your papers or mine. it is just the process and like what the other members said it is random and they just pick some people to thorough check like they've been doing to us. And unfortunately they picked us.

    By the way this morning i called the embassy they said they just receive my papers from NSO just this feb 1, gossh!!! since jan 9. and they said it's in the consul officer now and reviewing it and they will decide if they will give me a visa, i am confident of the result coz i am 100% sure that my papers is all true. so i think your papers is also in the consul officers and in a few days you will have your visa. Let's continue to pray

    God Bless you,


  18. Hello,

    I would suggest to have as much as you can possibly carry. Remember though, there is a weight limit on outbound flights from Manila. I think it is 7 kilos for carry-on and 40 kilos for check bags. I had two (2) 29 inch duffle bags full of Mercy's personal items plus my clothes that I packed for my visit and the interview. I also had a leather bag carry on. I wasn't charged extra for any of this (Thank God) cause I know I would have been over the 40 kilos checked luggage requirement. Anyway, as long as she can have a carry on with several changes of clothes and personal items and then check bags that she would not like to carry thru changing planes, then this is what I would suggest. If you do check them, you should have no problems with getting them to your destination. I hope this helps. It's hard to carry alot of heavy bags when your trying to make a connecting flight in a big terminal like Tokyo. Best wishes.

    Jim and Mercy :thumbs:

    Not a problem. Best wishes on your journey,,,,

    God Bless,

    Jim and Mercy

    Thank you for the quick reply :thumbs:

  19. Hello,

    I would suggest to have as much as you can possibly carry. Remember though, there is a weight limit on outbound flights from Manila. I think it is 7 kilos for carry-on and 40 kilos for check bags. I had two (2) 29 inch duffle bags full of Mercy's personal items plus my clothes that I packed for my visit and the interview. I also had a leather bag carry on. I wasn't charged extra for any of this (Thank God) cause I know I would have been over the 40 kilos checked luggage requirement. Anyway, as long as she can have a carry on with several changes of clothes and personal items and then check bags that she would not like to carry thru changing planes, then this is what I would suggest. If you do check them, you should have no problems with getting them to your destination. I hope this helps. It's hard to carry alot of heavy bags when your trying to make a connecting flight in a big terminal like Tokyo. Best wishes.

    Jim and Mercy :thumbs:

  20. Hello Ciarra,

    go to the nearest Metrobank branch at your place and deposit Php 650 Account #: 7-151-51420-7

    Account Name: DELBROS INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS INC. make 3 copies of deposit slip one for the bank, 1 for the embassy and then one for you to keep. then after the deposit you will send a a text message all capital letters to mobile # 0917-5555-313. MESSAGE FORMAT: USE/MNL2008(YOUR CASE#)/SURNAME,_(SPACE)FIRST NAME_(SPACE)MIDDLE NAME/BRANCH OF THE BANK/DATE DEPOSIT ex:14FEB2008/TIME ex:10:06:48AM/Php650. then you will recieve a text mesage confirmation of the deposit that you made.

    God bless,

    Jim and Mercy

  21. [quote name='yolly' date='Jan 31 2008, 06:53 AM' post='154026

    Hi everyone!

    Finally got my visa after twenty three days. Thank you especially to beng. God bless you all.

    Hey Yolly,

    Congrat!!. I so happy for you. Thanks for your post on this forum. It gives us some hope that ours is soon to be next. As you know, our interview was on Jan. 9th and a request was made to the NSO on Jan 11th. As of Monday, Manila time, there was still no word from NSO on the document verification via Ms. Allen with Delbros International but you know it can be getting second hand news on the whereabouts of the verification paperwork. Just keep us in your thoughts and prayers. God Bless you on the rest of your journey and have a safe flight to the states. Welcome to America. God Bless,,

    Jim and Mercy

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