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Posts posted by dclopez62

  1. Missileman,


    Thank you for your comment. I did consult with a lawyer and they were the ones that helped me put the application together and the last thing they told me was that it was up to me to follow up, which I did with my Embassy. The department of state has everything they need from me and my case status says pending. I just cannot believe that these two agencies do not communicate with each other but the USCIS does and did know the potential processing time of the department of state.


  2. Hi there,


    I applied for the green card July 2018 and was interviewed April 2019 and today I got the notice that my case was denied. Bit of background, I have been in the US for 12 years and one of the visas I held was a J1 with a 2 year restriction (basically needed to go back to my country). At the interview it was brought up to my attention that I needed to apply to a waiver (never had been mentioned to me before). The agent said that the department of state may take up to 3 months to approve such waiver, so I applied immediately after the interview. The notice from USCIS today said that I only had 30 days to appeal and submit that waiver but the Department of State waiver case says pending...

    Though the USCIS agents know that the granting of such waiver can take a long time,  they still only gave me 30 days. What am I supposed to do? There is absolutely no way to accelerate the Department of State process nor there is any communication between those two entities. I am awfully frustrated and I feel now that they are just going to make me re-apply to the whole process and start from scratch. 


    Any helpful suggestions would be deeply appreciated!


    Thank you,


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