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Posts posted by trueimage

  1. How about Western Union receipts, have you ever sent him cash? Just make more emails - he has to get to a library or a cyber cafe and start writing back and forth love notes and ecards etc. They are paper pushers without brains so the more paper you put in front of them the better.


    I don't have any receipts. I guess I thought it was all cut and dry. I was even there two weekends ago taking him his paperwork and I didn't keep any receipts. I don't know what I was thinking other than we had enough evidence. :bonk:

  2. Yeah, but we ain't married to each other, Sis.

    I don't remember typing anything about marriage.....but I do believe that our friendship is of God. 'Where two or more are gathered together in My Name, there amd I in the midst." LET"S HAVE CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Who are they compared to Pharaoh? Let these Romans pray to their false idol of bureaucracy, The Lord of Hosts will do battle for us. :innocent: Who's plotting is supreme, HIS is always. :innocent: None shall consume HIM nor is HE consumed and he will not tire, but they will. HE has already granted prayers many times and HE will do it yet again. I will pray for your victory. :thumbs:

    I'm all pumped up now!!!!!!! Thanks 5!!!!!!!!! You're an awesome edifier!

    yes, True this is a Blessed group... and if you are looking for diversity, it is Here :thumbs:


  4. I have a prayer request myself. Apparently we didn't submit enough relationship evidence. Please pray that we can come up with enough evidence to appease the consulate and are issued the visa without delay or further hassle. Thank you so much!!!!!

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