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Posts posted by Basketball478

  1. Has anyone here had a spouse visa issued with an incorrect name? How did you fix the name on the visa before leaving the country? Has anyone tried to fly out of the country with a wrong name on the visa and if so what happened? I am worried my wife's maiden name will be listed on the visa instead of her married name that is on her passport. I have been told that the airlines could turn away my wife when she tries to fly to the US if the name on the visa and passport don’t match.

  2. Hi everyone. This is my first time posting so please forgive me if use the wrong format or leave out something. Back on 9/18/2019 we received I-797 stating my wife's I-130 has been sent to the NVC. Since we originally filed the I-130 we have been trying to get USCIS and now the NVC to update my wife's name to her new married name. The NVC still shows her maiden name. I am actually working with a lawyer throughout this whole process and she told me she wants to have my wife's name fixed before we file the DS260 and upload to CEAC. The lawyer said there is a good chance my wife's name will be wrong on the visa if we do not get it fixed now before filing. IF the visa is issued in the wrong name I am told the airline will most likely turn my wife away at the airport because her passport name does not match the visa name. My lawyer said if we do move forward and file now we can try to get the US embassy in Manila to fix her name when she is at the interview but even then there are no guarantees the visa will be issued with the correct name. Does anyone have any experience with trying to fix a name during this spouse visa process? I really don't want my wife to be turned away the airport if they did issue her visa in the wrong name. Also we have already submitted a public inquiry to the NVC back on November 4th and have not heard anything back. Every time we call NVC it goes straight to voicemail. My lawyer also said she has other clients that are on their third public inquiry and have not heard anything back yet before they mail their congressman. Thank you

  3. It's okay if the copy of her passport profile page and the certified copy of the marriage license is a scan? Everything I presented to my lawyer that filed for the visa used a scan of her passport page and a scan of the marriage license. I was told I needed to have the actual Certified True Copy of the passport sent by mail from the Philippines instead of just a scan of any of the documents.


  4. Hello everyone!


    I am in the process of getting a spouse visa for my wife from the Philippines. We recently received the NOA1 in April of this year. We were married in the Philippines in December of last year. When I originally filed my taxes I was told I could file as single since my wife isn't in the US and doesn't have a ssn or ITIN. I was recently told by my immigration lawyer that I need to amend my taxes for last year to married instead of single. I am in the process of trying to get an ITIN for my wife but we have had a roadblock. I know I need to get a Certified True Copy of her passport to file along with the ITIN application. I don't want her to mail me her passport. We aren't sure how to get a CTC for her in the Philippines. She recently had a new passport issued with her new married name from the DFA in Butuan City. Their online passport registration system doesn't allow for a CTC option. We have tried calling of the phone number listed on their website for the office and they are disconnected. I even tried calling the DFA office in Manila and had no luck. We have tried reaching out to there Facebook page and haven't heard back. My wife emailed their office over a week ago and she hasn't heard back from that either. The San Francisco consulate in the US hasn't been any help. Basically we don't know who else to reach out too.


    We are trying to determine if she needs to have an appointment and how to make one for the CTC or if it is just walkins. We also need to know what she needs to bring with her to the office. It would also be nice to know if she can get multiple CTC's to send to me in the mail in case there are any issues filing her ITIN application. She lives about 5 hours away from Butuan by bus so we are trying to get all of this information ahead of time so she doesn't waste her time or money traveling. 


    Does anyone have experience getting CTC's from the Philippines? My apologies if I posted this in the wrong area. 

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