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Posts posted by bletchley

  1. Hello Everyone,


    I had a question regarding insurance and taxes. After marriage, the forms for the visa need to be submitted to kick off the process. Since my spouse would not be with me during this time nor in the country, my question is: how does this effect filing taxes and health insurance here in the states? Would I have to fill out another W-4 saying Married and no longer single? Or does this not take place until my spouse has gone through the process and is residing with me in the USA. Thank you for reading and taking the time to provide some help! :D





  2. This is making much more sense, thank you for all the input :) 
    Just to clarify, if we get to the date of removing the conditions of the green card and decide to voluntarily surrender the green card and move out of the country, will that have any impact on us trying to apply for a new green card in the more distant future?

    Thank you again for the time and insight :) 

  3. Hello everyone,


    I currently live in the USA and am a citizen.  My two intro questions are more for clarification since information regarding them could not be found on the .gov site. My GF and I intend to get married and kick off the process to start the spouse visa. I currently earn the salary to bring her over, but living is a different situation, which is my first question:
    1. Are there any living requirements (house, apartment, etc) to start the process or is that null and void so long as I meet the financial requirement. e.g. I could sponsor her and then move when she is here?
    2. Will surrendering the conditional residence cause any conflict when trying to re-obtain it in the future? For various reasons this has come up as a possibility and I was not sure how this would appear or if it would cause conflict.

    Thank you for your time and help, I greatly appreciate it! :)

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