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Posts posted by jasper

  1. iam sending my I751 soon and this is what iam sending

    all relationship evidences bank statments photos..etc

    copy of my green card

    should i send a copy of my passport??

    should i send my birthcertificate??

    5 on 5" photos???should i send that too?

    please what are the documents needed to be sent other than the evidences ?? thanks so much.

    I sen with mine:

    copy back and front of green card

    car insurance

    lease agreements (since 2004 when we got married)

    bank statements (since 2004 when we got married)

    utility bills (since 2004)

    3 afidavities from 2 friends and landloard

    wedding pictures

    letter from friend inviting us to weeding

    income tax return (since 2004)

    copy of our both licenses showing same adreess

    of course there is not limitations..... but Do not forget the taxes!!! really important

    you guys have children?>?? send birth certificate of the children.

    what about the marriage certificate ?? do i have to send it too??thanks a lot.

  2. first of all i want to thank all of you who do there best to help everybody here i really need some good answers before i submit my form to lift condition,

    #1 question has to do with letters from friends,so far all i have is 1 friend who is ready to testify that our relationship is valid our other friend they are busy and we never catch them,my wife's grandmother who lives in an other states is ready to help too,so do you think these two people are good enough? our friend and my wife's grandmother?

    #2 question i have a lot of proofs to copy to send the package will be heavy if i copy every document that i have like electric bills and phone net etc... do i have to send them all ?? every bill ???

  3. :whistle: hey guys what is up ?

    today is a new day!!!

    abdo! welcome back!


    sma3 a jemi .your case is very complicated buddy ,its seems like u are in love with someone who is much older that you are ,you have to know the rules ,any US Consulate has right to deny or delay the processing of the petition to years as long as there is a big age gap ,in there mind they are thinking you only want the visa and to come over to US due to what happens to many USC ,all i can say is wait and be patient you got yourself involved now USCIS is different world,

    good luck o lah ye3awnak ,ama mirikan a jemi rah ghir chohra o safi kona kan9zo jebnaha fi karna o safi welah ,lghorba m9awda o mirikan 3mara ghir bi hdid o tor9an hehehehehe safi ma fiha walo ,thala fi rasek a jemi o lah ye3wnak ila khasek chi haja sayft liya .

  4. i came to USA on k3 visa ,when my USC wife applied for me USCIS asked her for mom ' gave full name and my mom did not have an ID so we just them a different last name ,now my mom has an id and her name is different that the one we gave to the immigration,now i want my mom to visit me, do you think they have my mom infos in there system or not??? since she has a diffrent last name would she be able to come to US?

  5. Are you able to provide your new address with your package? If not, do you have time in the 90 day window to wait a few weeks until you do have a confirmed new address? The easiest thing to do would be to send off the package with your new address rather than having to file a change of address. You don't need to send it in exactly at 90 days before it expires - it can go in any time within those 90 days.


    Also when you do move you will still have to file AR-11, and spouse/sponsor needs to file I-865, even if you provide new address on the I-751.

    i know the address that iam moving to and i will provide it on I-175 i will file AR-11 and my sponsor will file I-865 ?too,i heard that USCIS gives a hard time to people who change there address when they lift there condition,is that true?? thanks so much guys.

  6. hey guys ,me and my wife are not gonna have health inssurance because its expensive ,do you think this will effect my CG removal??? i have other evidences,thanks a lot

    in my opinion it cant be obligate requirement, we didnt send any insurabce papers at all

    you got a REF it was for what????

    hey guys ,me and my wife are not gonna have health inssurance because its expensive ,do you think this will effect my CG removal??? i have other evidences,thanks a lot

    in my opinion it cant be obligate requirement, we didnt send any insurabce papers at all

    you got a REF it was for what????

    i am afraid they will ask me for joint health inssurance :(

  7. Almost 3 years of marriage...I don't think it was a scam. Why did you mention the part about the FBI? Are you sure he is planning on staying in this country?

    he will be deported because he will never have a GC without you attending the intreview when the AOS get approved ,then he will be deported ,but he is stupid because he thinks that he got what he wants but he never did ,now he is gonna suffer a lot with no GC no social security,nothing and nobody will hire him and if get hired he will be one of those who spent there life in USA without going back to there countries because if get married or try to get immigration benifits they will deny him because he has to get his GC through you as his first sponsor.

    if hes waiting on fbi check he probably already had the interview.

    did you guys have AOS interview,if yes then he is waiting for the green card ,how long have you been married? if less than 2 years then he will have CGC and hw wil have a hard time removing his condition because he wont have lots of proofs to prove the valid marriage ,what you have to do is call DHS and USCIS and report marriage fraud ,

  8. Almost 3 years of marriage...I don't think it was a scam. Why did you mention the part about the FBI? Are you sure he is planning on staying in this country?

    he will be deported because he will never have a GC without you attending the intreview when the AOS get approved ,then he will be deported ,but he is stupid because he thinks that he got what he wants but he never did ,now he is gonna suffer a lot with no GC no social security,nothing and nobody will hire him and if get hired he will be one of those who spent there life in USA without going back to there countries because if get married or try to get immigration benifits they will deny him because he has to get his GC through you as his first sponsor.

  9. Just wanted to say I hope all is well at the interview. I don't have anything to offer, but a bump on this thread..

    if he doesnt attend the interview with you will be denied and put in removal porceedings ,those evidences you can use them if you are a conditional green card holder and you got divorced but now you status is not even adjusted so you will have to adjut your status 1st but you cant not do it without the sponsor ,which is your husband ,the only oprion you have is to ask him to attend the interview with you as a favour .

  10. the immigration says that to prove that the marriage was entered in a good faith you have to be married 2 years ,

    Where do you find the 2 year marriage rule???

    I think that jasper is concluding this from the fact that, if the marriage is over 2 years old at the time of adjudication of adjustment of status, the permanent card is offered, rather than a conditional one. Mind you, the couple has a responsibility in either case to prove the marriage is bonafide. In the case of a young marriage the bonafides are to be demonstrated at the adjustment and removal stages, for the more long-term married couples, it is already done.

    thanks a lot for your help ,

    i read that the immigration in 1990 changed the law regardless marriage because lots of people were caught evading the immigration (married for the GC) so you have to be married 2 yrs to prove good marriage ,but i have been married for 2 years and getting divorced so when i lift my condition that will prove my good marriage being married for 2 yrs as they asked ,i dont get this,


    I think you're getting hung up on the words "prove". People married more than 2 yrs at the time adjustment of status is adjudicated receive a 10 yr card. This is not to say that they have "proven" their marriage is genuine merely by the time they've been married, and others that have been married for a shorter time have not. The statutes say that in order to discourage aliens from marrying solely for immigration benefit, the Service will only make residency "conditional" for those parties that are recently married. However, in order to successfully adjust, the parties, whether married for 2 years or longer, MUST satisfactorily demonstrate the marriage is for genuine reasons. Length of marriage is merely one factor, but it is not the only factor and certainly would not necessarily overcome a negative factor, either.

    Remember that even after 2 yrs of conditional residency, when removing the conditions from PR, the couple have to show that they are cohabitting and commingling financial affairs. In essence this is to show USCIS that the marriage is "viable" and was not arranged to evade immigration laws. So length of time married is not the "proof" you are going to be asked to provide.

    thanks a lot ,i understand now ,it was a good answer :)

  11. the immigration says that to prove that the marriage was entered in a good faith you have to be married 2 years ,

    Where do you find the 2 year marriage rule???

    I think that jasper is concluding this from the fact that, if the marriage is over 2 years old at the time of adjudication of adjustment of status, the permanent card is offered, rather than a conditional one. Mind you, the couple has a responsibility in either case to prove the marriage is bonafide. In the case of a young marriage the bonafides are to be demonstrated at the adjustment and removal stages, for the more long-term married couples, it is already done.

    thanks a lot for your help ,

    i read that the immigration in 1990 changed the law regardless marriage because lots of people were caught evading the immigration (married for the GC) so you have to be married 2 yrs to prove good marriage ,but i have been married for 2 years and getting divorced so when i lift my condition that will prove my good marriage being married for 2 yrs as they asked ,i dont get this,

  12. You may run into some problems when you attempt to lift the conditions on the green card.

    It is far easier to file to lift conditions when divorced than when only separated, when separated you will need to file to lift conditions jointly.

    Filing if the Couple is Separated

    More troublesome is if the couple is still married, but separated or otherwise not getting along. With limited exception, as long as the couple is legally married, it is necessary to have a joint petition. Thus, troubled marriages often need either to be reconciled or terminated in order to file the I-751. As explained below, the I-751 can be filed by divorced individuals, and may be approved, as long as there is sufficient evidence that the marriage was genuine when initially entered into. It is more difficult to satisfy the USCIS in such scenarios, however.

    Joint-Filing Waived in Limited Cases

    There are two situations in which a person who is still legally married can file the I-751 without the spouse. The first is if the person entered into a marriage in good faith, but has been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty by the petitioning spouse. The second is if termination of permanent resident status and removal from the U.S. would result in extreme hardship to the foreign national. Extreme hardship is a high standard and can be based only upon conditions that arose after the conditional residency was acquired.


    thanks for your help ,so its good to be married 2 years that shows that the marriage was entered in a good faith as asked by immigration law.

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