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Posts posted by mona_brazil

  1. Hi,

    My husband is sponsoring me, but he doesn't meet the Income Requirements. We are gonna use his stepdad as a household member. His stepdad and his mom fill the taxes forms jointly, but his stepdad is the one that makes the money(I am sending his W2s as well).

    On the form I864A, Part.1, question n.8: Its asking my husbands stepdad what is his relationship to the Sponsor, its no alternative for stepdad, should we put parent anyway???

    Should I use just his stepdad as a household member or should we use his mom as well? If we decide to use his mom, she needs to fill a I864A as well, right? I preffer not to use her because is kind of hard to split their taxes once they fill it together and she doesnt work(no W2s).

    We also have to provide proof of their relationship...Is the taxes papers enough(there it is that his mom and his stepdad are married filling jointly)???

    How could we proof that we have the same residence?

    On Part 2., n.13, they are askin for a Indicate number, what that would be???

    All my forms are ready to go I just need to finish the I864A to send everthing, please help!!!

    Thanks a lot,


  2. Hi,

    I am applying for AOS. Got married to USC couple months ago. And I know I have to send all my forms to the office in Chicago.

    But on the form I-130, part 22, its asking my husband : " Your relative is in the United states and will apply for AOS to that of a lawful permanent resident at USCIS office in: ....

    Should I put the office in Chicago/IL??

    Just wanna make sure,

    Thank you,


    You put your local USCIS office down.... not where you are sending the form too..


    So...Should I put Anchorage/Alaska???

    Oi Mona, se este é o escritório local do USCIS, então é este que vc deve colocar =)

    Temos um grupo aqui onde nós brasileiras nos encontramos "virtualmente" para conversar, se chama "Brasileiritchas". Fica o convite para vc aparecer por lá, ok?

    Alaska, menina, vc vai congelar aí! eu estou na California, bem-vinda ao VisaJourney!


    Oi Vanessa,

    Poiseh vo aproveitar para pedir um conselho, eu ainda nao estou no Alaska, eu estou morando em Key West/FL mas estamos saindo de mudanca para o Alaska daqui uma semana...Agente vai de carro ate Portland/OR e dai vai voar para o Alaska, vamos chegar la dia 16/05/07. Estou com os meus papeis prontos, e eu ja queria mandar, mas nao sei se mando com o nosso endereco do Alaska ou da Florida, ou se espero ateh chegar no AK pra mandar tudo com o endereco de la. Esse negocio de mudanca de endereco vai complicar alguma coisa???

    O que vcs acham???

    Thank you!!!!


  3. Hi,

    I am applying for AOS. Got married to USC couple months ago. And I know I have to send all my forms to the office in Chicago.

    But on the form I-130, part 22, its asking my husband : " Your relative is in the United states and will apply for AOS to that of a lawful permanent resident at USCIS office in: ....

    Should I put the office in Chicago/IL??

    Just wanna make sure,

    Thank you,


    You put your local USCIS office down.... not where you are sending the form too..


    So...Should I put Anchorage/Alaska???

  4. Hi,

    I am applying for AOS. Got married to USC couple months ago. And I know I have to send all my forms to the office in Chicago.

    But on the form I-130, part 22, its asking my husband : " Your relative is in the United states and will apply for AOS to that of a lawful permanent resident at USCIS office in: ....

    Should I put the office in Chicago/IL??

    Just wanna make sure,

    Thank you,


  5. Hi,

    I am a brazilian citizen got married to USC and I'm fillin up all the paper work to get the green card. We are planning to send off all my paper work this week but I want to change my last name for my husband's last name and I was reading some of the topics and wondering if would be smart to change my name now, before to start all the process, or after, on the interview or after that.

    I need some advice.

    Thanks a lot.


  6. Hi,

    I came to this country on a J-1(not subject to the two-year residence requirement), got married to an USC but my visa has already expired. Now I'm filling all the forms to become permanent resident but I have a question on the form I-485...

    On Part 2 they ask for my Application type and I dont know what I should put there...

    letter "a"- an immigrant petition giving me an immediately available immigrant visa number has been approved (Attach a copy of the approval notice, or a relative, special immigrant juvenile or special immigrant military visa petition filed with this application that will give you an immediately available visa number, if aprooved.)

    or letter "h" - Other basis of elegibility. Explain.

    Then explain that "I came to U.S. under J-1; however, now patitioning for permanent residence by marriage to an USC."

    I dont know what to do because I call the USCIS number twice and they gave me this 2 different answers.

    I think the answer would be "a", but I am not sure because I'm filling the I-130 and I-485 together so the I-130 hasn't been aprooved yet. But if they will approved my I-130 and then Adjust my status (I-485)(I dont know if its like this that the process happen) letter "a" would be the right answer for sure.

    Can anyone help???

    Thanks a lot,


  7. Nossa gente brigadao!!!!

    Eu ja li e reli esse site umas 1000 vezes, li tudo o que eu achei que era importante e continuo fucando aqui, acho que vou mandar todos os meus documentos terca feira da semana que vem, soh estou esperando o formulario I-864 preenchido do meu Joint-Sponsor(os pais dele) que vai chegar aqui semana que vem por correio....mal posso esperar pra mandar toda essa papelada....

    E sobre ser Au Pair....Vamo falar.....NINGUEM MERECE!!!!!!

    Vo aproveitar pra tirar mais algumas duvidas...

    No meu I-485 eu nao sei o que colocar no meu Application Type, como estou mandando todos os meus "forms" juntos(I-130, I-485,I-864, I-765, I-131) nao sei se deveria colocar letter "a"("an immigrant pettition giving me an immediately visa number has been aprooved (Attack a copy of the approval notice, or a relative, special immigrant juvenileor special immigrant military visa petitionfiled with this application that will give you an immediatelyavailable visa number, if approved) or letter "h" (other basis of eligibility. Explain.)...se eu marcar letra "h" eu iria explicar que eu entrei no pais com visto J-1 e que estou aplicando para ajustamento de status by marriage to USC.... O que vcs acham????Alguem tem alguma ideia???Estou em duvida pq eu liguei no 0800 do USCIS para tirar essa duvida e eles me deram duas diferentes respostas.

    E sera que alguem ai tem um exemplo da letter...How you qualify for Advance Parole???Quero voltar no Brasil pra visitar minha familia.

    Brigadooo meninas!


  8. Oi gente,

    Meu nome eh Monaliza. To precisando de ajuda!!!!

    Eu vim para os EUAs a 1 ano atras(20/03/06) como Au Pair(J-1 Visa). Eu e meu marido(Joe) nos conhecemos e comecamos a namorar logo no primeiro mes que eu cheguei aqui. Dai eu estava vivendo com uma familia americana em North Carolina e por alguns motivos eu tive q sair da familia, a Cultural Care( empresa que eu vim pelo programa de Au Pair) nao achou uma familia pra mim em NC...dai tive que mudar pra Ohio(ecaaaa)....vivi 4 meses de pesadelo...a familia que eu estava morando me tratava super mal....mas eu nao fui embora pro brasil porque amava e amo muito meu marido e agente continuou a se encontrar msm eu morando em Ohio e ele em NC...Soh que chegou um momentou que eu nao aguentei mais e resolvi largar o programa pra morar com ele(em novembro/2006)...Agente casou am Fevereiro/2007 e o meu o meu visto era pra expirar em 06/03/07...Porem qdo eu larguei o programa(novembro/06) eu nao sei se eles cancelaram meu visto... Estou preenchendo todos os formularios(I-485, I-130, I-131, I-864...) para ajustar o meu status para permanente residente... e em alguns dos formularios eles me perguntam pelo meu corrente status....O que vcs acham que eu deveria por? Out of Status? J1 Exchange Student expired? To precisando de opinioes,ja pesquisei ateh e nao achei nada parecido com o meu caso, entao se alguem ja ouviu falar sobre um caso parecido ou tem uma ideia de qual eh o meu corrente status....please....Help!!!!

    Obrigada gente....



  9. Hi everbody,

    I'm brazilian and just got married to an U.S Citizen. We are fillin up all the paper work for the immigration but we got "stuck" filling ud the form I-864. My husband was in school last year and just started working last february. My question is if I am gonna need a Co-Sponsor because he was not working last year even so he is working now?

    Thank you so much.


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