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Posts posted by Takiniteasy

  1. 40 minutes ago, designguy said:

    I don't think you are clear on the requirements. Everything you have stated so far makes her more of a risk of overstaying her visa. There is a presumption of immigrant automatically with all non-immigrant visas. The burden is on the applicant to prove otherwise. Also there is no such thing as "sponsoring" someone for a tourist visa. No documents to show money in your bank account will have any benefit. These are not legally enforceable. The CO is going to be much more interested in all of the reasons for her to return back to Thailand.


    Does she have a job? Does she own property in Thailand? What are her ties to Thailand?

    Thanks for your input.....

    14 minutes ago, Unlockable said:

    Unfortunately, that is not how it works. Even with your medical condition it can't be done like you want.


    First, there is no sponsorship for tourist visa. It is a foreigner's myth. She would have to obtain a visitor under her own merits, meaning having strong ties to Vietnam and not to the US. If she can't show that she has strong ties to Thailand, she will not get a visa.


    Second, if she were to get a visa to the US, she can't use to to provide caregiver work for you. There is no working under a tourist visa.


    Third, the only option would be a temporary work visa like a J visa. But you (or rather she) need to research the requirements. And the J visa has strict requirements like remaining inside the US as a resident and only working here for a certain amount of time before returning home. Also, her employer would have to pay her at least the legal wages required by law.


    As you can see, it is not as simple as you think it is and your plan is not doable the way it is now. You will have to do some more research and some decisions will have to be made.

    Thanks for your input....

  2. Hello......a lil help please. I am a 68 year old Retiree living in Thailand. I am soon going back home USA for 3 months. I have a wonderful Thai  Friend/ Companion who has been with me for over 2 years. I am hoping to bring her with me to USA to meet my Family and visit my Country.  I am a single Man ,  Veteran and have a heart condition . My friend has been there for me if I ever needed emergency help , and has also introduced me to her country of Thailand over the last past 2 years. I would love to continue having her support and also return her kindness via introducing her to MY Country.  I am willing to sponsor her as well as Deposit enough cash into her account to assure that if anything happened to me, she can safety make her way back home to Thailand. Question: I am aware of the criteria for her to qualify for a Tourist visa. We would both travel to USA together. I support her and will continue to do so. She has already submitted her form 160 . We are now in the stage of accumulating supporting documents for the interview. Any suggestions or opinions that may be helpful ? ( We are very good friends/ companions, I would not leave her for 3 months.)

  3. Awwww.....I have been researching this DCF IR1 topic. Just the little bit I have research is already hurting my brain. ")

    A few QUESTIONS please :

    1. Would there be any advantage in retaining an Immigration attorney, or would Rapid Visa help walk me through this process?

    2. I have lived in Thailand for a little over a year and over 6 months consecutively as a USA citizen. Is DCF the best way for me to go regarding obtaining a Visa for my Thai wife?

    3. Would the DCF decrease the process time,  which I understand the process time for the IR1 app  is approx 9 months

    Thank you !

    PS: I hope I am on the correct format, I do not want to step on anyone's Post.

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