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Posts posted by Joulz

  1. Hi, I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong section but I'm in need of some help. Currently my fiance has been approved for his visa but we require a joint sponsor. I have a friend willing to be his joint sponsor but his adjusted gross income is more than his total income since he borrowed from his 401k. His adjusted gross income is enough to be 100% over the poverty line for his household size including my fiance but his total wages etc. Isn't and I'm worried this won't be enough. Does anyone know if this will be enough or been in a similar situation? His adjusted gross income is 23k and his total is 19k, household size of 3 eith my fiance included. 


    Thank you for any advice you can provide. I've been so worried and we have been in search for someone who can help us. I make more than enough money on my own but the embassy wants transcripts and I didn't file last year since I was unemployed and in school. 


    Again, thank you so much for your help. 🙏🏻 

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