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Posts posted by ana2003

  1. I apologize for posting this question in the wrong forum  and thank you all for your responses!


    Yes I'm a U.S. Citizen and I'm planning on sending both forms together in one package with all the necessary documents.


    The only one thing that concerns me is the part of showing evidence of a bonafide marriage. I saw the list of example requirements and most of them had to do with providing proof of joint ownership, joint accounts, etc. However, me and my spouse currently don't have anything like that at the moment. What other proof can I provide that our marriage is genuine? Is the use of pictures, letters, and phone call records still an acceptable form of showing proof of our genuine marriage? Thanks!



  2. Hi Everyone,

    Hope all is well. I'm new here and I'm so happy to find this place! I married my husband in the DR about three months ago and I'm looking into bringing him and his daughter into the US. What I wanted to know is what additional forms I need to fill out so that I can start the petitioning process especially since I'm petitioning for him and my stepdaughter combined. The forms that I already filled our are the I-130 forms.  I just want to make sure that I'm using the right form(s). If so, I'll appreciate any useful information that applies to my situation. Thank you.


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