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Posts posted by Oath

  1. free and cold is always good!! Anything that isn't to heavy as well

    I have to admit, if its free and cold, its worth drinking.

    Well known fact, women like chocolate, men like beer.

  2. i like yuengling

    You sir are a man.

    Bud light is what pussies and Alchoholics down (between shots of Jack Daniels... or bottles :P)

    I admit though, I do enjoy an ice coldbottleof budweiser, just not light, sounds like the "NO SALT" "NO FAT" NO FRILLS" #######.

    I think I broke myspacekey with my puredissentingoutrage.

    EDIT : Mr. and Mrs. German / American do you happen to know a good outlet for German beers in the US? I've been trying to find fustenberg (I Apologise for the spelling and also if it is not German) in the US with no luck.

  3. I don't do 'comfort' food, If I'm feeling crappy I have a beer, yes it is a depressant but it perks me up and relaxes me, for most guys there is nothing like a nice cold one to get you back on your feet.

  4. First of all, well done on the smoking cessation! I have been begging my mom and brother to quit for years, and it's a great and wonderful thing you've done for yourself and for your family!

    My husband always growls about another weight loss tip - don't eat too little. Under 800 calories a day, and your body supposedly goes into starvation mode, and begins storing fat.

    I lost 150lbs about 5 years ago and have kept it off (except for that 5lb up and down since I've had our now 2 year old son), and I just can't seem to lose anymore, it's frustrating. I don't eat much, barely have sugar, barely drink milk, rarely have red meat, I exercise. I'd like to lose 50lbs (though everyone says that's too much for my height/frame what's that mean exactly :P)

    I like fitday.com it's free, and not only does it do calorie counting it actually helps you develop and schedule a weight loss plan on your own (or weight gain if you're odd like my hunny).

    Odd because I wasn't happy with my weight, ok...

    I'm happy with my weight, though I would like to hit 225 but not till I'm working out a lot more than I am now, 198-204lbs is my current fluctuation.

    The basic rule for weight loss is your average intake (woman around 1900 calories men around 2500) plus or minus 500 calories to lose or gain weight, I think that works out at 1lb per week at + or - 500 calories a day. Obviously your average intake varies according to weight and age etc. as an example I'm taking in about 3800-4200 calories a day (not all good :P) and a lot more in the US, but because I am very active and excersize a lot (not recently) I maintain weight with a slight gain at times, I do not cut out anything in my diet except low salt low fat foods :P I eat red meat, I drink beer, I eat fatty foods and I enjoy my life but I don't do these things excessively, and thats another key, all things in moderation (from my calorie intake you probably think I donno ####### moderation is :P) the army is a great basis on diets, three square a day with as much calories as you can get down your neck, with that lifestyle you 'can' gain weight but with the hard work involved you burn most of it off.

    In essence losing weight is a matter of time and patience (as well as effort) for most people (as is gaining weight), take your time if you can as skyrocketing one way or the other can result in loose saggy skin or large stretchmarks (not so noticable at low weight loss). Set a goal of a few lbs a week or even a month and make sure you eat properly but don't deny yourself things constantly, a treat now and again helps to keep you motivated and remember to excersize hard. It is entirely possible to shed weight fast of course but its not always the healthy option for you.

    As often as I laugh at people who attend these groups of things such as Alchoholics Anonymous or Slimmers (insert slimming group :P), for people that can't motivate themselves they're great, when you do well you get a sense of achievement if you don't you feel like #######, depends on you. Personally I devloped somewhat of a 'fuckit' factor (aka Basic toughness) a while back, if I need to do something I get it done no matter what, so I have no problems with motivation, but if you can't keep motivated, join one of those groups, get a personal trainer or join a gym with a friend who will challenge you and motivate you. The key with anything in life is to keep challenged and keep motivated, if you can't do that yourself, find someone who can do it for you or end up burnt out in a rut feeling like your hopeless and life sucks.

    I am by no means Mr Motivator, but if I bark people listen and I'd like to think that my barking at my wife about excersize and motivation has motivated her to better things in all her life and not just her health. My wife likes to joke I should open my own gym or sell myself as a motivational trainer, as it'd be the most successful of its kind, or I'd get shot dead in the first week :P

    By quitting smoking you've shown you've got even a little willpower, so use it and get on with it.

  5. We all should step back and admire the OP for the skill he has which enables him to sidestep any decent argument and instead resort to insulting someone who doesnt agree with him, awe inspiring.

    If that's 'intelligence' I'm glad to be a doorman.

    Dear Mr Oath - you insulted me first by likening me to your friend who was a 'effing idiot' - that is not a reasoned argument as you claim and so I had a pop back at you by asking why you chose idiots for friends ? If I am an idiot then perhaps we could be friends ?


    I did?


  6. My question, if you don't like America, don't like its people, why he hell are you trying to come here?

    Many of us only move here because our loved one is here, and it makes sense for us to be here at this point in time.

    (I was waiting for this question to pop up, only took until page 3!)

    I had written a large paragraph as a reply to that, but there's little point in posting it.

    The original poster will have a pleasant and enjoyable time if he learns when to shut up, it's that simple and it's something everyone else learned from childhood.

    And that's exactly what I offered as advice on page 2, but somehow I think the OP is gonna have a hard time finding what he is looking for.


  7. My question, if you don't like America, don't like its people, why he hell are you trying to come here?

    Many of us only move here because our loved one is here, and it makes sense for us to be here at this point in time.

    (I was waiting for this question to pop up, only took until page 3!)

    I had written a large paragraph as a reply to that, but there's little point in posting it.

    The original poster will have a pleasant and enjoyable time if he learns when to shut up, it's that simple and it's something everyone else learned from childhood.

  8. The US is a violent society (as a whole) - surely you don't want to say that isn't so ?

    The UK is IMHO a more violent society than the USA. Homicides may be higher in the USA, but the average person's experience of violence in the USA is way lower than in the UK, especially random violence. In 8 years of living here I can count on 1 finger the number of bar brawls I've seen, on one hand the number of one of one fights I've seen, and on zero fingers the number of shootings I've heard/seen.

    I was in the UK for a week last summer, and was in the pub when a fight broke out and my brother was mugged. These were in nice surburban neighbourhoods, the same as I live in the USA.

    Given my Job I agree completely with you, I've seen way more violence in the UK than I have in the USA.

    My question, if you don't like America, don't like its people, why he hell are you trying to come here?

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