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Posts posted by elinhye

  1. Hi


    I was wondering if the photo taken during N400 biometrics will be used on my naturalization certificate later. 

    I have read some reviews on how you should probably bring 2 passport style photos for the interview later, but I assume this is for the passport, not the naturalization certificate?


    I have read posts regarding this few years ago, but not sure if it is still the same case now. any recent updates on this? 

  2. I got my i751 approved and got a new green card. I also entered the US with ny new green card few days ago. 
    I used to carry everything with me like my old green card, i751 notice of action and marriage certificate. But this time they only checked my new green card. 
    Can i just carry the new green card with me when i travel abroad? 
    Or is it safe to have the all the documents in hand? 
  3. 1)

    In May 2019, I moved from MA to NY. But since the end of May, I was out of country due to an internship + travel. I am still out of country and I will return to the States in mid-January.


    I know the 180-day rule, so I will make a short visit to the US(1-week) next month before the 180 day mark. Will I have a problem at the customs next month when I make a short visit to the States?


    2)N400 if moved to a new state - 90days rule:

    In mid-January 2020, I will return to the States and won’t leave the country much. However I hope to begin my N400 process ASAP. Would it be ok to apply for N400 in January even though I wasn’t physically living in the recently moved state for more than 90days? I have been “residing” in NY but I wasn’t in the country…   


    * I have been eligible for N400 since July this year. 

  4. Hi,


    My CG has been expired and I am currently stuck in the long-lasting pending I-751 status. I left the US end of May 2019 to travel in Europe. Recently, I started a 3-month internship in France which will end in December. I was worried about the 6-month out of country rule so I plan to visit the US in mid-november(less than 180days but close), spend about 5 days and come back to Europe.


    Once my internship ends, I intend to go back to the States maybe early January for long.


    Is my travel plan to risky to pass the US immigrations? I never intend to stay in Europe for long, but this short-term internship opportunity is very important for me. 

    Will I bump into a problem when I travel back to the US in mid-November? (less than 180days but close).  


  5. So I have resided in NY state since early May this year. I moved to ny from a different state and changed the address around the same time. 


    Since June, i have been abroad traveling. I am planning to go back to the states in October for few days and travel abroad gain for about 3 more Months. 

    I was hoping to apply for n400 in oct when im physically in the States. 


    I know, it might be just easier to apply for n400 after i finish traveling right? So prob like early next year...?

  6. Hi,


    I filed I-751 in Sep 2018 and am still waiting for the ROC to be approved. (fingerprint reviewed in Nov 2018 and no update since then, vermont office)

    I am eligible to apply for N400 but I am not sure if I can apply or not. I have seen some postings on combo interviews, but I am afraid to do so. 


    Also do you have to apply for N400 while abroad? Even though the application is done online?

  7. I am moving to NY (different state) in May. From the end of May, I will be traveling abroad until the end of September. When can I apply for citizenship regarding the 90-day continuous residence in the same state rule? I will have all the proofs that show my continuous residence in NY during those times I will be abroad...(driver's license, lease, rent, joint account, utilities)


    Should I file N400 90 days after I come back to the states? Or can I file after 70 days after coming back since I was in the US in May (roughly 25 days)?


    I might need to travel abroad for 2 weeks in December.. does this mean I should wait another 90 days to file N400? I just don't want to risk. 

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