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Posts posted by Raja

  1. Anyone assist please

    How I can track the process in embassy (NWD - New Delhi for me)?

    I see in some timelines over here showing the date case approved & frowarded to embassy

    then the date for entering into their systen at embassy etc etc..

    please assist how I can check the status

    email OR phone or online


  2. Hi Devblt

    How I can check that IV DS 230 form has been generated?

    Can I email to check or call NVC.

    Do they specifically say that it has been generated?

    or Generated means 'Mailed by NVC'


    for response...

    it is a good idea just to use James' shortcuts for the bill since it is so easy to create one - probably will save you 10 days to two weeks and can be mailed as soon as it has been "generated".

    Wow, good to see that the dream lives on!

    I never thought those shortcuts would still be good two years down the road. It's heartening to know that they're still helping people get out of NVC quickly, though!

    James, it's good to see you are still around on VJ. On behalf of all the VJ'rs who have used your shortcut's (including me) I'd like to say a BIG THANK YOU for putting it together! :thumbs:

  3. Thanks

    both of you.

    I am sure about the Barcode that it is correct. I matched it with the one i got along with previous latter I received

    . I can see the thickness of lines, group of lines etc. it is the same.....

    As I asked earlier, can I resize the picture of barcode...?

    I see the same barcode but of smalller saize on the letter itself..

    My concern was... may be there scanner wont understand the code..if I resize it..

    any way, just having a wait from NVC, I did some stupid testing ..taking the barcode to store and tried if it reads it.

    I found that it reads only if it is already in system...

    Also I clipped a small piece of barcode from previous origional letter from NVC and tried pasting it with glue

    right below the Barcode I generated.

    THanks for suggestions, I know i may take one week more if I wait for origional Barcode sheet.

    but just was curious to find what is this code anyway and how it works.....

    I dont think it barcode sheet is an integral part of your case package...

    it is just for them to easily enter your case # correctly...is n't it..

    what if we don't provide Barcode sheet ...are they gonna deny your case????

    Thanks all of guys..for help


    is there any way to test the barcode, before you send it to NVC/
    Hi everybody

    I Think I we resize 'Barcade' picture it should work OR

    it has standard size.

    please advise

    Raja ,

    i didnt do the barcode work otherwise i would have really liked to help you ,

    but i will only say one thing if u are not hundred percent sure to generate barcode u can end up delaying the case so pls be careful

    tk care,

    Mala .


    No way to "test" it. As long as you've followed the instructions exactly you should be fine. Again, if you are unsure, just wait for the offical bar code to come through the mail.


    as deven told even i will suggest you to wait for official barcode if u are unsure

    tk care .

  4. is there any way to test the barcode, before you send it to NVC/

    Hi everybody

    I Think I we resize 'Barcade' picture it should work OR

    it has standard size.

    please advise

    Raja ,

    i didnt do the barcode work otherwise i would have really liked to help you ,

    but i will only say one thing if u are not hundred percent sure to generate barcode u can end up delaying the case so pls be careful

    tk care,

    Mala .

  5. Hi All,

    Just wanted to let you all know that we've finally got our interview date for May 4th. I know I should be :dance::dance::dance: for joy, but unfortunately I feel like :crying: because it looks like we'll need to reschedule the interview since my wife has her final exams for the first 2 weeks in May, and there is no way she can skip those exams.



    Congratulations !!!! :thumbs: A


    Thanks for your help

  6. Yes, I raed those,

    But kind of confused, ATTN: ACL or CMr etc. etc.

    I have mailed I-864,

    Only one side of 'Processing Table" to follow.

    As I understand, I should wait till I receive IV fee bill rather than sending before I receive it.

    because of Barcode and following alternatively picked digits......

    Only moment I can save time is, when I can mail DS230 quickly after it gets generated...

    Thanks for help

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