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Posts posted by jomaezelle

  1. hi to all. thanks in advance...

    we had our interview last year and we didn't get the pink slip. i needed to provide more documents. so finished all the needed documents and sent it to embassy. got a letter they needed a new nbi clearance and medical report.. my question is will my fiance still need to go thru and interview again? please help.. thanks...

  2. hi everyone.. first of all thank u for those who have replied and helped me.. thanks.... anyways just to enhance u with my situation... i just graduated this march and returned to california april. i have a new job making good money.. i filed a fiance visa last year got the form where i need to bring in more documents.. i'm planning to send the documents this august. my question is does the philippine embassy actually accept co-sponsors? i'm kind of confused coz people say no and others say yes... u think i can get confirmative answers if i call the embassy? i'm just so worried.. please help thanks in advance.

  3. hi..

    i started this new job and i'm making good money. the problem is i don't have 3 years of income tax. do u think my fiance's petition still be approved... help please... i'm worrying..

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