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Posts posted by Credzba

  1. you made your first mistake in sending my comment to your fiancee. let's see if we can dig you out of that hole. if not, you have the wrong woman.

    while chinese women like their man to be "in charge" they do not want the man to be in charge only of them. they want him to be in charge of the whole world, and will give control of themselves to the man in the measure by which he rules the world around him. most chinese women are looking for an alpha male that will perform in the boardroom, at the bank, at the banquet, and in the bed, but they do not want to acknowledge ...

    Just wanted to post, I am happily married to a Chinese woman, all that stuff you say about "being in charge: is not applicable at ALL.

    If I acted the way you say, I would be divorced in a heartbeat.

    We are very much equals, though we each know the things that the other is better at.

    In most things, we think so much alike you would think we were mind readers, but if there is a conflict we find a solution, not some alpha-male dominate decision.

    So, while someone wants a dominant spouse, it certainly is not true for the Chinese women I know.

    My wife says it best I think, she wants me to be her mountain when she needs one, that doesn't mean run her life, it means support her in what SHE wants to do.

  2. WE GOT OUR NOA1!!! I AM SO HAPPY!!! This is a big motivation for me, really! Now.. the longest waiting is ahead!!


    It is a long wait, but you can prepare.

    Look at the NVC shortcuts, and prepare the paper work you will need for nvc.

    Some of it can't be submitted until you get your NVC case number, but preparation will speed your case, and keep you busy so the time passes faster.

  3. Hi Guys,

    I need some help for a friend in the Philippines who is married to a USC and they are still waiting for NOA2 at the moment. They've been married nearly 2 yrs now and things had change recently with their relationship. Just last December the came back to the Philippines to supposedly visit the wife but he only stayed there for 2 days. He confessed to his wife that he has another girl in manila and he is no longer in love with his wife. He told her that he arrived a week early and stayed there with the girl. The wife was devastated about it but still hoping that the husband will come back to her. Anyway after he came back to the US he tried ignoring her. Just 3 days ago the husband called the wife telling her that he has a big problem. He said that she needs to sign a divorce paper because his previous marriage to his was not final when they got married in the philippines and the ex wife is filing a case to him about bigamy. Anyway, my question is : IS this possible that the divorce was not final?

    Thank you very much for any input..


    Thats just stupid !!

    Tell him if what he says is true, he needs to finish divorcing his ex, not divorce his current wife!

    I think he is lieing.

  4. Many people are saying that the I-130 is the way to go because of many good reasons and that it's only taking about 30 days more than the K-3 route but the key question is: Does that time period apply for any/ to every country????? I think not because from what I've heard in some countries(like my hubbies) there is a waiting list and it could take a long time for one to get an interview with the consulate.

    What do you all think?

    You are correct that scheduling the interview can be longer for some countries than others.

    However, all of the marriage visas, K1, K3, and CR/1 require an interview.

    So, I think that would not impact the decision to go cr/1 vs k3.

  5. As others have said it depends.

    If either you or your spouse have ever over-stayed visas

    If you have sponsored someone else to get a visa in the past.

    If your ages have a large difference.

    If you or your spouse has commited a felony type of crime in their country.

    If you or your spouse have done other stuff that might make the US government not happy.

    Any of these kinds of things, you might consider a lawyer, still might not need him, but might think about it.

    If you have a normal case, and you can read english and follow directions, then doing it yourself will probably be faster, and will certainly be cheaper.

  6. If it was me, I would immediately file the I-130 for the child.

    If you end up using the K3, then you use the I-130 for the childs AOS, and it is already being processed.

    If you are lucky, the USCIS people will be fast enough to catch your child I-130 up with your I-130 before you interview.

    In the very worst case, the money spent on the Childs I-130 is wasted because you decide to use the K3, and do AOS in America. Then both I-130 moneys are wasted. but this is worst case, and can be avoided.

    Given the cost of AOS in america, it would be reasonable to fly the child back to Philipines for interview instead of doing AOS in america, then only extra cost is extra round trip to Philipines, and you need to visit home anyway :)

    Best wishes.

  7. The IR1 / CR1 visa is generally considered a better visa.

    With K3 you will STILL have to file AOS after your K3 gets your spouse to america, and the cost is about the same as the IR1 would have been.

    The "extra" time spent in NVC for your IR1 will be partially offset by not having to do the P3 process in the applicants country.

    your choice, but the IR1 visa is usually preferred over the K visas.

  8. I just want to know if TIN number is different from SSS number?

    Certainly yes !

    When you receive your TIN number, they print in big letters, and repeat many times.

    TIN is a Tax Identification Number. It is NOT a social security number.

    It can not be used for work.

    It can not be used to claim benefits.

    It is NOT a social security number.

    A TIN is only meaningful to the IRS for the purpose of reporting income.

  9. Go to the US consulate in Mexico (or call) and they can give you the papers necessary for your daughter to get US passport.

    Then your daughter will be able to travel to america with no problem.

    From what you say, your visa should be easy to get because you can prove you have relationship easily.

    As pushbk says though. Make sure your husband comes to visit you often, and take pictures in places where date is obvious.

    In bank that has date and location on wall.

    Get newspaper with date visible and hold in picture with you both in the picture.

    Anything like this to prove you are together.

    For this though, really the BEST proof is if he comes to the interview with you.

    Then, they can not argue, you have proof he is standing beside you :).

    The only other possible problem might be finances. Make sure the US citizen makes more than 125% of the poverty level for a family of 3 (counting your daughter).

    Also, he must have a place for you to live in America, so get proof of a lease, or utility bills, etc. that show where he lives in USA.

    Best of luck to you.

    I hope you are home in America soon.

    I met my fiance over 5 years ago and we had a daughter born here in Mexico in 2006. We submited all this information with the I-129F. We also registered her at the US embassy and she now has a US passport. I´ve never entered the US illegaly and I have always had a tourist visa, I was even granted a new one a month ago (and I told the truth).


    Do you think there´s any chance of me not getting aproved?

    Does my daughter have to go throgh any further process or can she go straight to the US?

  10. If we still marry when he "visits" in August, we can: 1.) file the CR1 right after we marry right? and 2.) He can stay for as long as his visitor's visa says (i.e. 3 months) then 3.) He must return to the UK until the CR1 is approved. Is this all correct?

    Yes all correct.

    and what's the NVC?

    NVC is the National Visa Center, not a faster anything.

    They process visa application, no matter which center you send your original petition to.

    If you think about the process, it has 3 parts.

    1) you petition the government to let your spouse apply for a visa.

    2) Your spouse applies for a visa

    3) Interview medical etc. takes place and visa is granted.

    1 = USCIS

    2 = NVC

    3 = US consulate in foreign country

    It isn't exactly that way, but it is a reasonable way to think about it.

    What we're worried about in all cases is the work status. He wanted to be able to work right away but he's also very worried about us being away from each other so long, which all of these visas seem to promise. So, after reading the guides and looking at time lines, I'm still very confused and trust all your experience more. Please can you answer my above questions and let me know whether the K1 (so we don't marry yet) or the CR1 ( we go ahead and marry and file in August) is best?

    This is a decision that everyone struggles with.

    K1 is absolutely the fastest way to be together in the USA.


    You must marry in USA within 90 days of arrival.

    You must still pay for AOS after you marry.

    Social security number and work permit are a bit more difficult than the CR/1.

    CR/1 is probably 3-4 months longer than the K1 visa


    ss# within weeks, and ability to work on entry.

    You can get married anywhere you want.

    Thats short answers to your questions. The forums, guides etc. have longer answers.

    PS another question he has is: During the CR1 or any process can I come stay (as a visitor) with him in the UK while we wait?

    You as the american citizen can travel anywhere you can get a visa. no limitations are placed on you.

    Your spouse however may be refused entry to the USA if he tries to come visit you in USA while K/CR visa is processing.

  11. They can ask for 2007.

    I called IRS phone number and got 2007 tax transcript in about 2 weeks.

    Also, you can bring your copy of tax return and w2 copies to interview if need to.

    We filed my husband's AOS using the 2006 tax papers because we had not filed for 2007 then but since the tax deadline has passed now and our case hasn't been adjunct can immigration ask for our new 2007 return? i hope they don't
  12. listen to your lao po

    and it sucks...... :wacko:

    CSC is around 150 days :wacko:

    Listening to Laopo is always a good idea but she may not always be the best source of US Immigration information.

    NVC complete to immigrant visa interview in Guangzhou runs about five to seven months.

    Check these timelines...


    I read about something about P3 & P4 but still have no idea about them.

    What documents are included in P3 package and what do we should send back to Guangzhou Embassy?

    What is P4? When do we need get medical inspection? Right before Visa Interview? So many questions, thanks a lot for your help.


    Lucy, you will get more answers if you open your own post instead of asking inside someone elses.

    More people will see your question.

    Since you are an CR/1 - IR/1 filer, there is no "p3" packet really, this is a K visa thing.

    The equivalent to a p3 is the paper work you send to NVC for your type of visa.

    The p3 packet that NVC sends to the agent (probably the US citizen) has a checklist of things you will need for the interview. 90% of the things on the list are actually needed at the medical exam.. I'll talk about that later.

    My main point is when you receive this checklist packet from NVC, make a copy for yourself, then forward it to your spouse in China. Once your spouse receives it, you can call them and go over what all is needed.

    A forum like www.Candleforlove.com that is all china visa discussion is a good place to get help for how to gather any document that isn't clear.

    Once you send everything to NVC, they will "approve" your case and send it to the Guangzhou consulate in China. This is the only US consulate in china that does immigration visa interviews, so even if your spouse is certain there is a US consulate closer, you will go to Guangzhou for your interview.

    From the time NVC mails your approved visa to Guangzhou until the consulate "receives" it is about 3 months.

    I realize you could swim it across the ocean faster than that, but in truth it sits in a warehouse until the consulate gets to it, so just plan on 3 months and save yourself some grief.

    Once Guangzhou receives your case, it takes about 2 weeks to schedule an interview date, and mail out the p4 packet.

    The p4 packet tells you when to come to the consulate for your interview, tells you what paper work you need to bring to the medical exam, and what you need to bring to the interview.

    What they do is have the approved medical exam places pre-process your required papers so that when you get to the interview, they know you have all that ready. So about 90% of the stuff that was on the p3 checklist is actually used at the exam.

    Then, you get all your exam stuff in a sealed envolope (DON'T OPEN IT), bring the additional proof of relationship documents to the interview.

    Pass the interview, and live your lives together in marital bliss!

    Best wishes, and good luck

  13. Most everyone makes the US citizen the agent. It reduces mail time, and is usually the best situation.

    On I-864, Part 2 is information on the Principle Immigrant, that would be the NON-US citizen (your husband if I read properly. So put his address etc. in Part 2.

    On I-864 Part 4 #12 it says Information on the Sponsor, that is the US citizen, you I believe, so you put your US address in this part.

    On #13 I put the words "same as mailing" in all the spaces. I know it says "(if different from mailing address) but everyone told me to leave nothing blank, so I didn't :)

    Last, look over the wiki on James' shortcuts:


    You probably wont need any of the shortcuts. As I am reading on the forums lately the online payment system also lets you print out most of the cover sheets you need.

    Still, the wiki gives you information on what forms you need to gather ahead of time, and will reduce your time spent in the nvc process.

  14. If you file CR/1 or K3 it will make tourist visa impossible.

    Also, if you file CR/1 or K3, remember they are immigration visas, not visitor visas.

    You should plan to move to the USA if you apply ofr one of these.

    Also, to get a CR.1 or K3 you will have to prove you have a place to live in the USA, so if your livining in Thailand now, it may be difficult.

    I am sure others can give you good advice, but this is best I know.

  15. She can speak a little English, But here is an amazing thing. She can read and write English. Anytime we had a problem with the spoken word, she would ask me write it down on paper. She would then reply, by writing. On my two trips to China, we filled about 3 notebook, (AND SEVERAL DOZEN NAPKINS). She works for a company that ships things all over the world, so she deals in many languages, but mostly English.

    We talk each day on the web, once again by writing. Sometimes, she uses an electronic translator, for unfamiliar words.

    Robert given what you say, hearing and trying out words with someone she trusts (you) might be best.

    Get a china phone number (I use ITalkBB) and every day when you chat with text, repeat what you type so she can hear it.

    When she types something, read it back to her, and let her try.

    If you do this, after a while she will pick it up just from practice. I think this would be faster, cheaper and more fun than any lesson.

  16. Got the reply from my congressman today.

    I wont type it all in, but it basically said, we are slow and have done nothing with your constituents application.

    I don't know about any of you, but this does not meet my definition of information.

    It basically says NOTHING !

    Anyway, this will set your expectations, I hope you get better information.

    I am replying to my congressman to ask him "Do YOU think this is an answer? I don't want to know what they have NOT done, I want to know when they plan to process my application and schedule a visa."

  17. You filed in the middle of that flood of applicants, and everyone was slow.

    From reading the other timelines, it seems to be going faster now, but that doesn't help you I know.

    Based on the average timelines, you should get NOA2 very soon.

    Are you prepared for NVC, have all your paper work and documents ready to mail?

    You can't speed up USCIS phase, but you CAN at least not slow down NVC.

    Read James' shortcut on the wiki, and even if you don't use his shortcuts, fill out all the forms ahead of time, and gather all the documents you need. Then when asked for, the american spouse can immediately mail them in.


    I made it thru NVC in just under 3 months because I was prepared.

    6 months in USCIS, 3 months in NVC, 1 month for interview.. You could be together by August.

    So, keep optimistic, plan ahead, and stay busy.

    If it makes you feel better, my wife is in China, so the travel costs are large, and there is only one US consulate in all of China (1.3 billion people) that does interviews. They are (of course backlogged) so after waiting for the long USA wait for approval, we get ANOTHER 4-5 months of waiting for the US consulate in China to open our paperwork in their mail ! (Yeah I am a little bitter :( )

  18. Avoid this lawyer like the plague !

    The AOS route goes like this.

    If you "happen" to meet while the foreign person is in America legally, fall in love and get married, he does not have to return to his foreign country. They will allow him to overstay his visa while you apply for AOS because he married an american citizen.

    IF, however, he entered the USA with the intent of marrying you, then he MUST leave the USA before his visa expires. If he overstay the visa, he can be banned from entry to USA for up to 10 years.

    For a lawyer to tell you that you could "sneak around" the system like this is stupid, and dangerous. Even if you thought you could get away with it, it is something better done between 2 people who both will keep the secret.

    If you go this route, good luck, I think you will need a lot of it.

    By anonymous forum, I mean there is no way for anyone to associate the real person you with anything you say, so its safe to say something that you might not want the US government to know. (drugs, visa fraud stuff like that).

    Still, always be careful what you post. Big brother is always watching :)

    If the only "risk" is that your husband was divorced 2 years ago, that is not an issue. You should file yourself and save the money in my opinion.

    My wife was divorced for 2 years, I was divorced for 2 months when we married, and I filed for her (I went IR/1).

    We are all approved, and awaiting the interview date now. My point is divorce alone is not a problem.

    The only reason I mentioned divorce is a repeat pattern of marrying, letting spouse get green card, divorcing, and doing it again look like visa fraud.

  19. I am in agreement with Saphire.

    Whether you need a lawyer or not depends on your situation, but if you need a lawyer, don't hire THAT one.

    $6,000 would only be reasonable if the foreigner had a 10 year ban, had been convicted for terrorist, or drug activities, stuff like that where the lawyer is going to be pulling every string possible to get them into the USA.

    If you have previously sponsored a foreign person for a visa, and recently divorced that person to marry this one, you might look suspicious, and consider a lwayer, but for this small risk item, it shouldn't cost you $6,000.

    If you don't have any legal issues, then filing yourself is not difficult, and there are plenty of people here to give you good advice.

    This is an anonymous forum, do you have any special issues ?

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