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Posts posted by Schnutz1983

  1. I am currently on an E3 work visa living/working in Las Vegas. I have lived in the United States since Jan 2002 and I don't have my green card. Do I qualify to get a green card without requiring sponsorship from work or through marriage? Is there a process of being able to obtain my green card another way seeing as though I have lived in the United States for so long? 

  2. Hi All. I'm currently on an E3 Visa (work visa for Australians) living in Las Vegas. I've been living in the states since 2002. If I wanted to be become self-employed or work for a company where I will be independently contracted with them, what visa would I need to be on for that to happen? Because I was told by a lawyer that b/c I'm on an E3 visa, It doesn't allow me to be on a 1099...only W2. Any correct information regarding my inquiry would be greatly appreciated. Thank you 

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