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Posts posted by Nawaz

  1. 6 hours ago, Ahmed&Freda said:

    Mine was attested by an Advocate of High Court Notary Public.


    We never supplied proof of employment and bank statements and the only thing we have ever had attested by the office of foreign affairs was my husbands divorce documents.  

    Sure thing....I notice lots of confusion on here.  I think because they are an Islamic state but Pakistan was once part of India and is in the continent if Asia.  

    Thank you very much for better guidance 

  2. 37 minutes ago, Ahmed&Freda said:

    Pakistan is South Asia not MENA.  


    As the poster above stated above its pretty straight forward.   You get the rupee stamped paper add your wording and have it attested.   

    My first VISA to Pakistan I needed a letter it granted me 1 year single entry visit.  I had to register with authorities upon arrival and was not allowed in the CANT areas.   My second visa I did not need the invitation letter I used my marriage docs instead which granted me a 5 year visa, multiple entry, I do not need to register and have no restrictions. 



    Attested from who ? And which offices ? Kindly let me know 

    I heard it's require the proof of job and bank statement and also attested from ministry of foreigner office Islamabad . Is it true ? 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Ahmed&Freda said:

    As Kastrs has mentioned you do not need to meet multiple times before the marriage.  It's not culturally accepted in Pakistan to meet many times before a marriage.  My husband and I also married on our first  visit but that wasn't even brought up as an issue.  What was an issue was my husband and I both being divorced, they also didn't like that we met online but that was a small issue.  The divorces have caused us the most hurdles.


    If she is much older than you and was married before you'll need to overcome those red flags and prove that your relationship is not for benefits.   I do agree you'll  need more visits before the interview.  Not much commingling of finances can be done from abroad but you do your best to combine your lives as a married couple (read the guides above).  


    Make sure you are both prepared that this could take years..if you're not up for it turn back now.   It can be emotionally draining and agonizing at times.     Living apart from your life partner is extremely difficult and gets harder everyday.  

    How will be prove that our relation is not for benefits? 

    And yes her ex was cheated her so many times and he was also drugs addicted.

    Kindly tell me some about of red flag because I don't have knowledge about it .

  4. 3 hours ago, old-fella said:

    Dude 1st visit and marriage, that's a huge step. Online and offline persona of people are different. I suggest you guys meet and spend quality time and then maybe marry then. 

    Arranged marriage is cultural. And here you are meeting her online and now getting married at 1st visit. 


    Does she make enough money for AOS? If not does she has a co-sponsor to file AOS?


    Do you have your family member in the US? If so how did they get to the US? 


    you said met online.. How did you meet online? Is there an age difference?  The journey itself is costly and emotionally draining. Be prepared mentally and emotionally



    Yes she have co-sponsor and currently she is on disability benefits .

    I don't have any family member in USA .

    Yes we have difference in our ages .


  5. 6 hours ago, Kastrs said:

    not necessarily

    I got married on my first visit, and filed directly after


    culturally it is not necessarily normal in pakistan to meet multiple times before marriage


    Editing to say, I believe this is very strongly worded and a bit incorrect for Pakistan


    It is not normal to have several visits before marriage

    Is it must to be meet multiple times before of marriage ? 

  6. I hope you all fine and well .

     I have some questions kindly please help me. I am from Pakistan and am 25 years old . I have a girlfriend in USA she wanna marry me and we talk online together from since 5 year now she is decided to marry me very soon and want to come to Pakistan for marry with me and she want that I will move with her after marry .

    I want know which kind of visa would be I need to apply after marry with her in Pakistan? 

    how much time will be take visa process?

    Will be I get an emergencey appointment of US embassy Islamabad ? 

    Kindly guide me about of all procces 

    Am waiting your answers kindly answer me I will be very thanksful to you for this act of kindness

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