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Posts posted by Keith&Jessica

  1. After first interview Jessica was put on AP and was given a second interview on July 28 2008, because she had not received her medical report, and my mistake in not having my W-2 with the Tax returns, on the second interview Jessica provided all the documents needed and she was approved for her visa and received it on August 1 2008. I'm now here in Ghana with Jessica and we will be taking a flight to Los Angeles August 12, I would like to Thank Everyone for there Prays and good wishes.

  2. Zee Congratulations, me and Jessica is so happy for you and Inusah, thank you so much for the detail, now we kind of know what to expect, and Jessica want be so nervous for her second interview, have a beautiful life together


  3. Well my Jessica's interview date had finally arrived, I was there at the Embassy with Jessica during her interview, we arrived at the Embassy around 6:45 am, at 7:00 am Jessica entered the Embassy, the guard would not let me go in with her, US Citizens could not enter the Embassy until 8:30 am, at that time I entered and waited with Jessica to be called for her interview, about two hour later she was called to the window, were she gave all the document, proof of relationship, dated pictures, letters, emails, more than enough to prove our relationship, well after about a hour, Jessica was called for her interview, I sat and watched as she was talking with the CO, it seem to be going well, than after about five minutes she ####### to me and called me over to talk to the CO, what had happened is Jessica became nervous because she did not understand one of the question the CO asked, and asked the Co for a interpreter, the reason Jessica wanted an interpreter, because the CO ask her, this question, Does your finacee have any sibling? and she did not know what the word Siblings meant, so here's the unusual part of the interview, when I went over to talk to the CO, he seems to me to be angry, and began to tell me that Jessica does not understand English well enough for us to have a relationship, but she proved him wrong, when I told him to slow down a little when he speak to her and she will understand everything he say, here's what makes this interview unusual, to be satisfied that we have a relationship, he said he would interview me as well is her, after interviewing us separately about our knowledge of each other and our families, he was satisfied of our relationship, but it did not stop there, he wanted to know how I can afford to travel to Ghana two time's this year and with the affidavit of support, the two supporting income tax returns, needed w-2 forms to support what was entered on the income tax forms, so the CO gave Jessica another Interview date of July 28 to bring the documents requested, it want be a problem to get those document, I have already have them, I am confident, that she will get her Visa, when she bring all the document needed.

  4. Thank you to all, this was a great help now that my fiancee knows she can have her interview in her own language she a little more calm, she do speak english, well enough for us to communicate with each other, it's just she was worried because her emglish is'nt perfect, and she was afraid it would hurt her in the interview. Thanks again :thumbs:



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