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Posts posted by tammy2688

  1. Sara,

    I am so sorry for this happenning again. I feel the pain you are going through, at this point, pulling out some hair is the only physical thing that feels good. But this world is not all physical...mentally God is there for you and will be there to help you get through this. I know when my husband was sent back for the 3rd time I basically did not believe anything could help us because we had some other problems that I wasn't able to express and I started to believe maybe God was keeping him away from me because something catastrophic would happen if we got together. Well those are that evil whispers from Satan, do not give in, you are so young and having to go through all of this. Surely this all will build your character and your life to be wonderful when you are together. A fighter never loses in life, you are a fighter. It brought tears to my eyes to hear this again, because I know how it feels to stay up all night only to hear that there is more weight. I suggest you psych yourself out like I had at the end. Just completely believe you and perviz have the visa and it will come true. Its like depression patients feeling better on placebo. Wierd tactic but even your prayers are getting muddled now...how many times can you wish for one thing and not get frustrated? You are a human being and this is not easy - its ok to feel like everything sucks right now, because it does. But imagine, if he was flat out denied or of he was impatient, or if your life turned out like many visa journey women where the guy comes but turns out to be the worst thing in their lives...Nutty comes to my mind...see it could be all those things but it is not. God gave you a wonderful man, who you are fighting for. In truth, you could end this any moment but you are going on, its your choice, waiting for him is a much better alternative than being without him, at least he is healthy and ok and loves you so much...that's life, so many blows and a few really amazing gifts - God will help you and you will have a beautiful wedding and you will be happy and you will see him very very soon. These are not condolences...I have seen God's miracles too many times to feel defeated now SARA - YOU WILL BE TOGETHER WITH PERVIZ VERY SOON, INSHA-ALLAH THIS VISA WILL COME AND IT WILL BE THE MOST WONDERFUL DAY YOU HAVE EVER HAD.

    -God bless,


  2. They don't say much to begin with and won't answer specific questions in e-mail, which is not to different from the robotic phone conversations you are gauranteed to have with them but calling gives a chance to ask follow up questions which you can't do in e-mail. Unless you want your questions answered 6 months apart, there's no use in e-mailing and it may be that with this method you have you visa before your reply!

    God bless, I hope you guys get the visas.


  3. Hi there,

    My husband had 13 months of AP, you may have read my posts. If not, do a search on my past topics, it is all about AP. I am sorry you are in this position but most males, especially from Middle Eastern countries get AP. They will do extensive background checks and you may have to wait for 6-8 months, sometimes longer or shorter depending on your case. Also, I will openly and honestly tell you that US government officials do know about thsi website and can see all of our posts, go in our e-mails, and know every way to prevent fraud. While it is hard to match you with your VJ account, I would tell you they can go in your e-mail and nothing is a secret. This is again, for fraud prevention. They of coarse will now check why she got married so quickly, if you have any other relationships in Tunisia and her background as well. I would not say "stupid visa" as you did, more things may be added to your list of things that need to be checked, I am not even kidding. I wish Insha-Allah you will get your visa soon, but until the security and background checks are done, there is nothing you or your wife can do. I suggest she get updates from DOS about the status of your case and e-mail the embassy once a month so they have your case in their mind.

    God bless,


  4. If he's going to be a vegetable, no - my answer is "C"; otherwise - "A".

    What if the procedure has an uncertain outcome, with only a 50% chance of Jim being a vegetable?

    AJ or stfu is trying to see how much it would take for us to kill Jim. I hope the exact same situation were to happen to you so you wouldn't have to do a VJ thread to find out. I always try to put myself in someone else's position before I answer. I currently go a private university but my state university has a much better course curriculum and it proves itself through the average GPA and by ratio how many get accepted to medical school. So someone losing their private school for Jim maybe a blessing but if it takes you going to a state school to save a life, keeping in mind if you were dying you would want to be saved, I think it would still be worth it. Choice A, and not because I am against rich/other people's kids going to private schools, but because I wish everyone would put themselves in poor Jim's position before they selfishly answered in their current and temporary youth. Tables can turn faster than you can blink, AJ if you get into a deadly accident and are in intensive care, maybe you will realize the answer to your own morality question.

  5. This can mean many things, and that is what is the worst about AP. "Last stages" can be the last stage of the current checks that are being performed, or AP as a whole. If the embassy does not call your husband in the next few weeks, you must call DOS. If they say that AP is still pending then other checks are being performed. Generally the embassy does not wait too long after AP is complete to contact.

    God bless,


  6. Hello,

    Please do a search under my name for my topics. I have several very informative sections written about AP and basically there is no real pattern to it. No everyone does not get it and it makes me a bit angry at that but what can we do. My husband got 13 months and the guy who had his interview on the same day got his the next day so its mainly dependant on whether the name hits are cleared for the person or not, or if they have some extra things such as travel history to verify. Honestly I have tried everything to figure out why and who gets AP and haven't figured out the answer after waiting over a year. I know that when checks expire, then the AP is longer, usually doubled, but if the checks do not expire, meaning the embassy issues the visa as soon as the set of checks are cleared, then AP can be on the shorter end. Nowadays all men of Muslim countries go through some kind of AP, whether it is a security check on them prior to interview or AP afterwards. Insha-Allah your husband will get out of it soon.

    God Bless,


  7. Hm...I am surprised I did not see this earlier. Well, if anyone has become a symbol of Bangladesh AP on VJ it's probably me. My husband got AP 3 times, with a 13 month wait and finally the visa. They kept his passport twice, gave it back once in the middle. The problem was his name/security check kept getting hits. Of coarse with common names like "Muhammad" or "Khan" the name checks are always long. After 4 months of AP, my husband was called to come back because AP was over but the checks had expired. I was shocked, devastated and you can imagine, went a little crazy. We waited and I went to bangladesh during the 6th month of AP to the Embassy to ask what is going on, and nearly in tears I asked if me showing up will prove that everything is ok. The lady assured me we will not get denied and then after I came back to the US we waited another 7 months when finally the embassy e-mailed me to say the visa was ready for pick up.

    I must say this entire process is unpredictable and every case is different. Most of the time the cases coming from bangladesh take about 2-8 months. It is stated under the website for the Dhake-US website that 6 months is now EXPECTED. This is pretty scary but it also depends on the cases themselves. If your new sponsorship documents are sufficient and your husband's name is not as common, the checks can be done quite quickly - say another month. In that case, the embassy will all your husband to come back and get the passport with visa in it. If for some reason the case expires, he may be called to get the passport, but empty. So be ready for all situations and pray for the best. You may call the Department of State (DOS) at 1-202-663-1225, ( press 1, 0, 4, 3, 0 ) and give them your case number and your husband's name, information and they should be able to tell your your status.

    Hopefully you will get out of AP soon, pm me if you have any questions.

    God Bless,


  8. Hey there,

    I am not saying this is right or even what she is thinking, but women many times say things and mean another. Maybe she is trying to not be with you, so using home sickness as a sort of easier way of saying she wants to leave, seeing as mabe her expectations were not met. If indeed it is really homesickness, she should be mature enough to just suffer through the first couple of months and keep in contact with her family, get to know you better and after the marriage, should go there for a visit. She should never feel she is "stuck" here, and your job is to help her understand that. I am sure you love her and she loves you, but maturity is such an important factor and if she emotionally says she wants to stay but wants to go back right now, she then did not think about how much paperwork, time and money you have to put in again. As your fiancee, she should be worried for your finances too just as you are her concern. I hope within the next 2 months she will feel better about being here. We all know it's hard to adjust, but are drowned in love with our SO's to not think that much about family back home enough to want to literally go back. Try your best to make her feel at home and see how she does with that. Give us an update on her, we are hoping she feels good enough to stay after the 2 months have passed.


  9. Hi there,

    I am sorry you are in this mess, especially being from the Middle East region and having to face AP. There could be two sides to this, first that they indeed did not need to do any background checks because your husband's name check came out clear and they only need the travel history. The second, and more unwanted thing is that they need his travel history to first be verified and then they will start the background checks, which can take months to years for that region depending on how popular his name is. In our case, we went to India for our honeymoon and I a sure they checked this out, which prolonged the visa process, but this may have been done first or in the middle of AP and I do not know. I had written a letter with the packet 4 I believe, to the embassy saying where we had gone and how long so they did not need to ask me but if I had not said it and they asked me about any travel before starting AP, I would have thought that was all they needed. After 13 months of waiting, I was sure that was not the only thing they had checked, so it could be that in addition to security checks, they are now needing your husband's travel history. Either way, it should not be a problem if everything is cleared and generally name checks last 2-8 months on average. Just prepare yourself to wait for some time and hopefully you will not need to.

    God bless and may your journey be speedy and well.


  10. Hey this is a good bizzare! I love knowing details too but I wouldn't question it, you are a lucky man! The thing is, "sending it" to USCIS then to the embassy is just wiring it back and forth, the embassy technically always has the case at the embassy after it receives it. So there was probably some confusion with the interview but upon review the embassy cleared it up and decided to not have ot go through USCIS. Also, there is a lot of information about how the USCIS is getting backlogged and absolutely don't want more cases to deal with that they have already approved. They request that the embassy not send cases bac to them unless its just total obvious fraud, or huge discrepency of paperwork or proof on the side of the applicants. In this case, be happy it is going to be handled at the embassy, we really don't know solid answers to why the embassy does certain things but I hope your journey is smooth from now and that you will receive the visa soon.

    God bless,


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