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Posts posted by purpletwilight

  1. I tried to marry my fiance in Egypt but wasn't able to because they told me I needed a final certified copy of my divorce certificate with something about no appeal on it.  We've decided to file for the K1 visa now for several reasons but now I am wondering if this is going to be a problem again with filing for the K1 visa.  I have contacted my state's (Iowa) clerk of court and asked about this and was told that in Iowa the only thing I can get is a Divorce Decree not certificate and it doesn't say anything about no appeal on it.  I think the issue is that they want to make sure it is absolutely final and cant be changed.  Has anyone had this issue as well and what did you do that worked?  Im confused and maybe Im just asking the wrong questions because I dont completely understand what I actually need. Im hoping someone reads this and understands or has had to figure this out as well. Thanks!

  2. Hmm so I'm wondering, is it smarter to try and finish the marriage first and go spouse visa or try for the k1.  I'm new to all this and this site. I've been trying to read as much as I can but there's so much info and it looks complicated to me.  Do many people use lawyers to do this and is it worth the extra cost?  I'm just lost, frustrated, and feeling really overwhelmed. 😒

  3. I'm not sure how. Is that complicated?  The problem is that Egypt wants not only my final divorce decree but also a paper that says something about no appeal.  The state I'm from says that they either dont understand or dont have that so I'm unsure what to do.  Is it possible for him to visit the US and get married there without going through the k1 process?

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