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Posts posted by islandgirl671

  1. 13 minutes ago, islandgirl671 said:

    HI what is a ROC?



    13 minutes ago, islandgirl671 said:

    HI what is a ROC?

    Hi sorry, just realized ROC is removal of conditions. Yes, my lawyer applied for removal of conditions based on divorce. I got my extension and I’m waiting on the approval of my permanent GC. I was told that it can take up to a few months to 2 years. My bf and I are serious but will remarriage affect my ROC while waiting for the approval? 

  2. Hi,


    I went through a crazy divorce with my ex husband due to abuse and infidelity a couple months ago. I had to deal with several lawyers from military lawyer, state divorce lawyer and an immigration lawyer. All this was an arduous and long process. Especially involving the military. Thankfully everything worked out and I am out of that nightmare of a marriage. I've been granted a divorce and a restraining order from my ex. My immigration lawyer has filed my petitioner waiver (i-751) . Filing in the grounds of abuse. I was told by my lawyer that this process could take up to a few months and even up to 2 years. My conditional GC is expiring in March but thankfully, I received my 18 month extension. It was a horrible nightmare of a marriage with a vicious cycle of increasing abuse. I thought I would never get through it or love again. HOWEVER, I unexpectedly met a nice guy not too long ago. He was part of a friend group when I was going through hell and he has dealt with a lot of the side effects of my last marriage. He met me at my worst and stayed regardless. Help me get out of that terrible hole I fell into. We fell in love unexpectedly. He stayed through the worst despite me pushing him away. I am better now through much counseling and help. He's honestly one of the best things that has happened to me. We're both serious when it comes to relationships with similar upbringings and beliefs. A lot of people might think I'm crazy for considering marriage so soon but my first marriage was absolutely a nightmare from the beginning. I felt lost and depressed. I lost myself in the process of trying to make him whole or making our marriage work due to how I was brought up--marriage being sacred and important. My first marriage didnt feel like a marriage more like a nightmare after a month. It was almost 2 years of hell. I wouldnt even consider that marriage. 


    Now that I found this amazing man, were both serious and have talked about it. He travels a lot for work and it would be great being close to each other.


    Would remarrying affect my application for a permanent GC? I think USCIS does NOT force you to put your life on hold? We all make mistakes and we cant change the, But i know we can look forward to a better future-- sorry for the mushy sob story but I believe this future is with my amazing current bf.

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