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Posts posted by Slacky

  1. Having the child means nothing in this situation. Best find a good immigration lawyer and see what can be done now that you've been out of status for so long.

    Thank you everyone for your replies.

    Any resources for finding a good lawyer?

    My ex-wife handled all of my immigration details, I am absolutely useless at filling in forms or dealing with any sort of oficialdom, seriously, it's bordering on an illness.

  2. Anchor babies don't make things any different. Owning property won't make a difference.

    I can't suggest anyone in your local area.

    Consult with a qualified, experienced immigration attorney. Someone that has experience in this type of case and that will give you some client references to check.

    Thanks for the reply but she's no more an anchor baby than your wife is a mail order bride. She's my daughter.

  3. Can anybody give me some advice, or at least reassurance.

    Hallowe'en 2006 I entered the US from the UK on a k1 visa and married my now ex-wife. I was granted my conditional permanent residency on 08/01/2007 which expired on 08/01/2009.

    My wife and I divorced in July of this year. We have a child together who lives with my ex. I also own a house here.

    For whatever reason I never filed my I-751 and I now have a letter saying that I'm being deported. It says I can appeal this during the deportation proceedings.

    Has anyone here had a similar experience?

    Will the fact that I have a child here and can prove that the relationship was genuine count for anything.

    What about the fact I own property?

    I'm in Jersey City NJ, if anyone can recommend a reasonable immigration lawyer.

    In general, HELP!

  4. locator for Jersey

    There are lots of Civil Surgeons in the Newark area. You need to bring the Vaccination Worksheet and ask them to transfer the information to the I-693A, which only a Civil Surgeon in the U.S. can fill out.

    We had a shock on Sunday in Morristown, NJ when the Surgeon questioned the validity of the Worksheet! Luckily he filled out the form but we had to fax him records from Toronto showing that certain vaccinations had been received. (As if someone could forge a medical and get a visa fraudulently ???)

    He kept referring to the INS so I knew he was old school ... from a time when local offices handled AOS and a full medical was required. K visas are relatively new (2001?) so these old timers don't get it ... that we already had a medical and just need a supplement. "Do not collect $200!"

    Ok, thanks for replying.

    The vaccination worksheet is in the envelope they handed back to me at immigration?

  5. Why don't you share what you found, it may help others coming behind you :thumbs:

    Because I found it by searching this forum.

    Ok I went today and walked away empty handed because they were indeed trying to charge me for a full mediacl.

    I explained I needed only the supplement I 693a but they couldn't understand why it had not been filled out in the uk if I already had the I 693.

    What do I need to get it transferred?

    I don't have a copy of my medical, I thought that was sent directly to the embassy. Should I have a copy of this?

    Also do I need vaccination records from my doctor back home?

    Thanks for any help.

    Oh and I'm in Jersey City NJ if anyone wants to reccomend a civil surgeon.

  6. Hi,

    I had my medical back in the UK but I also need the i-693a vaccination supplement.

    I've made an appointment for this tomorrow but I'm worried its going to cost me an arm and a leg.

    The woman I spoke to on the phone was a bit dozy and couldn't tell me how much it would cost and that I should look it up on the website, however the website only shows the entire exam. I'm worried I'm going to get stung for money i can'afford to lose.

    Has anyone been for the i-693a?

  7. Hi all,

    I entered on a k1 visa from the UK and my wife and I married January 13th.

    We have yet to take any further steps towards changing my status as we are still waiting for the marriage certificate to arrive.

    I had an EAD stamp in my passport when I entered through JFK, I tried to parlay that into a social security number before the marriage but was told that it was not allowed.

    Now here's my problem. I have a shot at a fantastic job, its just perfect for me and the guy is keen to hire me but I am of course in a legal limbo.

    Is there anyway to get emergency work authorisation?

    Is there anything I can do at all to legally be able to work for this guy.

    Thanks for reading this and I appreciate any response.

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