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Posts posted by Pete&Ludilen

  1. My Fiancé' had her passport expire while in Dubai UAE and had to have it re-issued.  Now it says that the issuing authority is PGC Dubai [Philippine Consulate General].  Now when filling out the DS160, it asks where her passport was issued.  She says we should say UAE but I'm thinking it's still issued by Philippines even though it was through the consulate.  We're not sure of how to answer this question so any thoughts would be appreciated.

  2. My Fiancé' had her passport expire and then re issued while she was in Dubai UAE.  It says the issuing authority is PCG Dubai [Philippine Consulate General].  Now when filling out the DS160 it asks where her passport was issued and she thinks we should answer UAE, but I think we should answer Philippines since it was still issued by the Philippine consulate.  Anyone got any idea what we should do???

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