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Alannah Jones

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Posts posted by Alannah Jones

  1. The 1st interview for the k1 visa for my fiancé who resides in Kabul, Afghanistan was unfortunately missed. The consulate sent me an email and did not advise my lawyer or my fiancé about the information, and somehow the email was lost and I just now saw it today. His interview was suppose to be on 01/06/2019 but it is now 01/24/2019, so almost two weeks went by before finding out about this. I notified my attorney who is suppose to be emailing them about a reschedule but I have so much anxiety as to what will happen now. There wasn't even an alert to my email, why was I the only one notified why not my lawyer and him? Please someone guide me because my heart is sinking!!! It's already been over two years of waiting...will this delay our case substantially?

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