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Posts posted by Mohssine

  1. 11 hours ago, adil-rafa said:

    you and she can state mother's address as her permanent address

    temporary or permanent it does not matter 

    if she supports her mom ,  then family size would be 5

    for information she needs to marry in Morocco,  it takes anywhere from 3 weeks (and that is fast ) to more than a month

    she will need a criminal report (within 90 days of coming for the marriage)

    a birth certificate

    birth certificates for both her children

    proof of income (for this it can just be letter from employer with dates of employments and income)

    divorce papers of previous marriage or death notice if he passed away

    a resume stating her intent to marry in Morocco to you

    4 passport photos

    1. she will first go to US embassy for Affidavit of eligibility to marry (look up the fee on us embassy site)

    2  get that and all other papers translated into Arabic (6 copies)

    3  take the affadivit and other documents to Rabat to the Office of Foreign Minister (make sure there is a woman with her as the lines for women and men are seperate)

    4  she now needs a medical exam from Morcocco doctor

    5. next contact your Family law section at the Prosecutor office at Court of Appeals where you live for the interviews with police and judge with your application to marry 

    she will be asked if you slept together and of course,  you can't as you are not married

    she will be asked how much dowery you have promised and/or paid

    among other questions 

    you may be required to provide her with an interpretor for the interviews 


    she should bring the I 130 and I 130a applications with her so  you two can fill them out without the expense of mailing things back and forth


    thank you so much dear friend i had no idea about this things thank u again

    plz if theres any other info which could help me more lemme know plz

  2. 15 hours ago, aleful said:



    you will tell the truth, if you both are going to live there temporarily, you say so, people change addresses al the time, but she has to have an address for immigration purposes



    Thank u so much I really appreciate 

    13 hours ago, Paul & Mary said:

    It might be best until she has more income reported such as next years W2s.  Since she is getting cash tips it is not showing up on her paystub so using pay stubs to show current income will not help meet the guidelines.  Since it takes a year to get the VISA maybe waiting a two months.  That will make sure that next years data will be ready by the NVC or interview time.  By then she will have a better tax return and hopefully pay stubs.

    Thank u I really appreciate 

  3. 1 hour ago, Paul & Mary said:

    It is too bad she omitted the tips.   


    If her mother joint sponsors as a household member there might be enough combined income for the 5 of you?

    thank you so uch dear friend but i don't think that her mom would do that unfortunatly 

    but i think a second aprt time job would be fine

    plz if theres's any information in order to help me i'd be really thankful 

    thank u so much again 

  4. 50 minutes ago, EandH0904 said:

    Does she claim her tips as income and pay taxes on them? I'm willing to guess not. 


    Morocco is a difficult consulate to get a visa from and they may ask questions like how can she afford to come visit you and all the marriage expenses if she can't afford to sponsor you? 


    I hope you have spent a lot of visits together already to improve your chances 

    thank you so much dear friend , yes fortunatly she came to morocco 3 TIMES within this last 2 year 

    and about how she could afford it to come to morocco , she always waited till she got her taxes back 

    plz sure if theres any information  it could help me i'd be really thankful 

    thank u again 

  5. 2 hours ago, aleful said:



    it will depend on how much she will be making this year and the next


    the process will take over a year, so current income will matter,  she will need to make over 31k to cover 4 people if her mom isn't her dependent 


    if it only herself, plus 2 kids plus you, she would need to make over 31, maybe 32k, every March or April, the new poverty guidelines comes out, and it is more than the year before,  so she will need to check the 2019 poverty guidelines or depending on when she files and how long the process takes, it could be under the 2020 poverty guidelines, 2018 poverty guidelines are over 31 thousand a year for 4 people


    will she continue to live at her mom's? she can put her mom's address and then make a change of address if she moves in the future



    thank you so much my friend i really appreciate your priceless help 

    but plz i just need to know what if they ask me about where im going to live , can i say at her mom's house even if im not going to or ??

  6. helllo everyone ,

    i just signed up here hoping to get some help and good information about cr1 visa 

    well , 

    me and my girlfriend been together for 3 years next march we'll get married  in

    morocco so i got some questions needed some answers plz :

    1) she got two kids and she is living with her mom so in the application what should we write where i'm going to be living ? 

    2) her income is 28000$ a year and we have no one to sponsor Us :( but she's getting tips from her work she never included this in her taxes, she got almost 50 $ a day from her tips

    so the question we have here is , if that would be good enough to be able bring me there ?


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