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Posts posted by lillers

  1. can you tell me where you got this VOIP? I need something like that. GRACIAS!

    yeah i do the same i was there last may and now i'm going back next month :) i'm so happy to see him again!

    about the calling how do you do it? i have broadvoice which is VOIP and i pay 15 dollars monthly and he could call me and i could call him anytime, unlimited minutes.

  2. I understan where your coming from. however, it will be worth it when you and your family are together. for now, make the sacrifice and follow all the instructions. Don't think of it as a hardship, since it's a need. Besides, look how close you are to getting the appointment!

  3. sinceramente la k3 yo no la veo como una buena opcion si uno tiene meses de casado al poner la peticion I-130 por que al arreglar el status me imagino que aun le toca tomar la residencia condicional y luego remover esa condicion tambien cuesta. ese dinerito mejor lo ahorro para el depa o algun otro gasto cuando estemos juntos. aunque despues de todo no tiene precio el poder estar junto a su amorcito lo mas rapido posible.

    Si... la verdad que las cosas economicas no van tan bien, pero Dios ha provisto hasta ahora, y tambien creo que vale la pena por que el estar juntos hace la relacion mas fuerte. Seguramente Dios nos proveera 'sustento y con que cubrirnos' (una tortillita para mi que soy mexicana, y su platanito para mi esposo) :thumbs: JaJAJA...

    Si, se me ha olvidado actualizar la informacion de mi perfil. Lo hare ahora. Otra pregunta: ya que no hay lista de espera, alguien sabe, una vez que la NVC recibe la aprobacion, como cuanto tiempo se tardara la cita en la embajada de Santo Domingo?

  4. Hi there. Just wanna be sure: you say you filed yours in Feb 08 and in March 08 got the approval notice? You mean, you received NOA1 and NOA2? OMG. That is fast. Did you get a lawyer to help you out? If so, let me know what I can do to speed my case up. Thanks!

    I'm sitting here 6 months after my case was filed waiting for my I129F portion to be approved so I can get on with my K3 visa, (which is supposed to be the faster Visa). I waited until my receipt date was current and then decided to call and see what was going on with my case. On the online status it still says it's being processed. On the phone it still says it's being processed. So I decided I would try to talk to a PERSON instead of that damn machine.

    The first lady said it was cancelled and that they sent the other portion to the NVC and that I should call them. I called the NVC and they said they don't have anythign to do with whether it goes through as a K3 or CR1. They just process what they get and that I should call USCIS back and pick my bone with them. So I did. I got the most incompetent lady EVER. She kept putting me on hold before she even asked for my receipt number. I had to keep repeating myself over and over and I am a very articulate person (if I do say so myself!! and I do say so!). She didn't even know what an I129F was... All I could do was roll my eyes and think to myself where the hell they found her. So after she put me on hold again, she comes back reading me some email she supposedly got saying that as of July 31 or something like that, they are cancelling all I129Fs that are sent in as K3 and processing the I130 only. :blink:

    IS THAT ALLOWED? Mind you I have received NO notification of this whatsoever! I said to her does she realize that this is going to slow my case down. She got all snooty with me and told me that there was nothing else she could do...which i'm sure there isn't but she didn't have to be all snooty about it. LOL

    Anyway, HOW THE HELL CAN THEY CANCEL PART OF YOUR PETITION WITHOUT NOTICE and give you the slower visa? HAs this happened to anyone else?

    Sorry for the long post, I tend to be a bit long winded when I'm pissed! :)

    Thanks everyone!

    K-1 Visa

    I hear that D.R. resently(in 2008) change some of their workers. Due to that the processing of visa time period should be a 6-8 month waiting period. I started my process in Feb.2008. My I129f was approved on March 20. Which seem quicker than other who file Feb. 2007.

  5. Wow! That is super fast! How did that happen? I sure hope mine goes that smooth... I'm going for a spouse visa, though. Those are some good news. Hey, even if it took DOUBLE what yours took, I'd be happy!


    I filed in Feb 08. My application has been approved within 30 days. My file is now being sent to the Embassy- Santo Domingo. It has been 2weeks. I am waiting for my Packet 3. But, I will inform you when I receive my packet 3. So, you can get a better idea about the processing time. God Bless. :thumbs:

  6. Yo tambien estoy casada ya... pero creo que ya entendi. Vamos a ver: con la I130 que yo envie estoy pidiendo la CR1 que es para que a mi esposo le den la residencia. Pero si tambien envio la I129F estare pidiendo la K3, con la cual podra ingresar a EUA y alli seguir el proceso de la residencia.....

    Bueno, en ese caso, a llenar mas formas se ha dicho! Gracias.

    Si estas aplicando para la K1 solo envias el I129F yo por mi parte ya estoy casada y estoy aplicando para la K3 esta tambien se solicita con el mismo formulario I129F, La K3 es una visa de noinmigrante igual que la K1 lo unico que la k3 es para los esposos (as) les permite que viajen a USA y sigan el proceso de residencia en USA, igual que la K1 hay que hacer ajuste de estatus tan pronto uno llegue a USA excepto casarse pues ya uno esta casado ;) .

    Asi que no te preocupes nuestros casos son diferentes por eso envie dos formularios ya que la K3 es como de decir una hija del I130 que si no se envia este primero pues no se puede solicitar.

    Cualquier otra duda me dejas saber.

    Suerte!! :thumbs:

  7. Hola. Disculpen mi ignorancia... pero noto que enviaste el I130 y luego el I129. Puedo preguntar: es necesario enviar los dos? Que no el I129 es para prometidos? Solo pregunto para asegurarme que no me brinque un paso... gracias

    Hola Sracastillo,

    Soy dominicana me case con un ciudadano americano el ano pasado, enviamos nuestra solicitud I-130 el 17 de octubre 2007 aun estamos esperando la aprobacion.

    Y quiero decirle que ya aqui en DR no hay que esperar tanto para la residencia, desde marzo de este ano NVC se esta encargando de asignar las citas y ya ha eliminado la FAMOSA LISTA DE ESPERA que existia en el consulado aqui y la que provocaba la tardanza en los casos, he sabido de casos de CR1 que solo han tardado 11 meses desde la solicitud y eso que ese caso en particular lo enviaron en junio 07 donde sabe que hubo el incremento en las peticiones y pues ya esta persona tiene su cita para mayo y asi hay muchos, que ya no tardan los 2 anos y pico que tardaban en el pasado claro dependera de uno tambien pues si se comete errores en la solicitud y eso o le faltan documentos pues esto le trae como consecuencia tardanzas.

    Ya tengo 2 meses esperando el NOA2 y pues segun lei en las fechas de procesos de USCSI mi centro que es California va trabajando con los casos de septiembre espero que mi aprobacion llegue en este mes si Dios lo permite y ellos quieren. ;)


  8. Hi, everyone! Here's my story: since we heard so many horror stories about the time frame to get a fiance visa, we decided to forgo that fiance visa (which was already in transit) and got married January 2008... the same week we received the APPOINTMENT for the fiance visa :wacko:

    Anyway, we're already married, so no can do. I filed the I130 earlier this month. I'm hoping that they'll take notice that we already waited 16 months (that's how long they took to process the fiance visa) and they'll speed up the process of getting us a spouse visa without having to wait YEARS!

    Anyway, my question is: has one of you out there been in my same situation? Can you maybe tell me what the estimated amount of wait time is for a spouse visa in the Dominican Republic? I've read many estimates, but it seems that it takes longer in the DR than in other countries.

    Í will appreciate any input :whistle:

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