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Posts posted by motherofmike

  1. On 1/22/2020 at 4:41 AM, tiyyo said:

    Not sure what to tell you. My husband had his first interview in February 2018 and had to request his passport back in June 2018 for work. We ended up having a second interview in February 2019 that led to me getting in touch with my congressman and several other email to the embassy. He finally got the notice to send his passport back in to the embassy in May 2019. He was given a photo copy of the DS-5535 on the day of his first interview. We submitted it back in that same day.


    And still waiting? They asked for the passport back 8 months ago and they havent issued the visa?

  2. 1 minute ago, Qusay17 said:

    I just got that email this week.Any updates on what happened with your case? 

    Nope. Back in January of this year I sent them all the info they wanted. Every since then still in administrative processing for the wife. Contacted then every few weeks same answer. They are still waiting for final approval from the Department of State. Get ready for the long haul, it's going to take a minute mate. 

  3. Hello everyone, as some of you may already have seen my previous post in regards to the US embassy in Amman returning back my wife's passport and asking further questions that needed to be emailed. Just one week ago I sent an email to them to see if there is an update, to my surprise they have responded back in detail for once: 


    Thank you for your email. 
    This case is pending administrative processing per Section 201(c)(3) of the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-173). This law requires the Department of State to coordinate with other federal law enforcement agencies to determine the admissibility of an alien to the United States. 

    We periodically request a status update from these agencies and as of yet, we have not received final approval for the mentioned beneficiary. 


    Sent from the embassy ^^^


    Has anyone went through the same thing, received the same email or has any knowledge of what this could mean? how long might this take now that they have given some information after a month of giving back my wifes passport? 


    Any help would be great. Thank you!

  4. 1 minute ago, pushbrk said:

    Just bear in mind that reading your response and actually investigating the facts are very different things in term of the time it takes.  If they thought the administrative processing would be days or weeks, they would not have returned the passport.

    This makes alot of sense, my guess is to keep on grinding until something comes up from them. But in your opinion would this whole scenario be much different then the average type of case?

  5. 2 minutes ago, pushbrk said:

    Unless your income continues, sitting tight in Jordan for an extended time could impact your qualifications as your wife's sponsor.  Otherwise, I would get on with life while waiting.  This could take several months.  At least with her passport, she can travel internationally if needed.  It may mean nothing more than that.  I do not expect they will tell you anything that will help you understand.  While investigating, they don't tend to give any clue as to why or what, so that people don't know what to set about covering up.  WHERE you sit tight is up to you.  Don't be surprised if you hear nothing at all for several months.

    Thankfully I have my own stream of income coming in where ever I go, as I have a small business running.  I havent seen the wife in a while which is why I decided to come here. I truely hope this wont take several months as the embassy is really quick in responding to me and is moved on her case rather quickly. But from what I have gathered they have not denied her visa since if they did they would have done so by now. But we wont know obviously so I am taking this entire situation in a positive light. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, pushbrk said:

    Hopefully, you sent ALL that was asked for.  NO, this was not all asked for during the USCIS phase.  For example 10,9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, would not have been asked for by USCIS.  Depending on age and experience it IS possible some of that has already been provided.  For example, if she only had one passport, email address, or phone number, they may well have the information but those specific questions were not asked.  For 6, only if she is an only child would they have all this information, since an only child's immediate family is limited to her parents.


    They are doing a full investigation of her past.  Why exactly, she would have a better idea than anybody, but she may have no idea.  If she doesn't, then it is most likely a matter of somebody with the same name, and perhaps date of birth, that IS ineligible for a visa.  If you actually gave them EVERYTHING  they asked for, then you wait with a positive attitude.  If your reply was provided under the kind of (You already have this.) attitude you displayed in your first post in this topic, then I would be more pessimistic.

    Thank you for your input in this matter. Any communication I have had with the embassy was always in a positive, understanding, and kind attitude. Even all these questions I answered PRECISELY and didn't leave a single detail out from any question. My attitude displayed on the previous post was simply frustration that I did NOT  pass onto the embassy at all. My only question left is why would they give her the passport back? Also, I am actually in Jordan now, would you recommend to sit tight and wait or set up an appointment with the embassy and further inquire in a very professional and positive manner? 

  7. 12 hours ago, pushbrk said:

    They want it directly from her, is the only "why" that you can be sure of.  Sending the passport back is not good.  Worst case, they are looking to verify a material misrepresentation.  Best case, a prolonged administrative process to rule OUT a possible inadmissibility OR to verify she is not THAT (person of the same name).


    What was the exact wording of the request?  That could tell us more.  Don't give us YOUR interpretation of the request but rather the actual wording.

    The exact wording is:


    Dear applicant, 

    Your case is subject to administrative processing and will require additional time. in order to be able to proceed with your case, you must prove the immigrant visa (IV) section with the information below. Please send your answers to the following email address:


    If we do not receive this information from you, we will not be able to proceed with your immigrant visa. (information was sent literally the same day we got this letter).


    1. Full name exactly as it is listed in your passport:

    2. Detailed information about your education in chronological order starting from high school. 

    3. Detailed information about your work experience in chronological order starting from your first place of employment. 

    4. countries you have visited and traveled to. List the country, duration of travel and purpose of visit. 

    5. Have you ever been a member of or in affiliation with any party or organization? 

    6. Names of your immediate family members, their dates and places of birth and where they live. 

    7. All telephone numbers including country and city code used during the past 5 years.

    8. All email addresses and social media accounts used by the applicant in the last 5 years. 

    9. All addresses where you have lived for in the past 15 years. 

    10. all prior passport numbers used. 


    I really hope from your experience you might figure out what all this means. Thanks brother. 

  8. Its been close to a month since I last posted about my wife's immigration case here and I've received a lot of responses and thank you all for that. What happened the past month is really interesting. 10 Days ago my wife received back her passport in the mail along with a piece of paper asking for more information, they did NOT give her a denial notice or an intent to deny. The paper is asking further information about her education, social media, email accounts, where she traveled, etc. The interesting thing is that these questions were asked during the USCIS phase, I have since contacted them a few days ago and they told me her application is still under administrative processing and to await further instructions soon. My question is why would they give her back the passport and NOT deny her application? Did anyone go through similar things? Any information, guidance, or perspective on this would be great. Thank you all. 


    Some information to know: I am a US Citizen (23) Wife is (21) (Jordanian Citizen). 

    We have been legally married for 2 years.


  9. Just now, pushbrk said:

    How old is your wife?  That will tell us how old she was in 2000.  This may all be irrelevant, but there's nothing you can do about it.  It is not you who decides whether this has anything to do with your wife's eligibility for a visa.


    My wife is 21 years old and I am 23. She was only a child during that time, that's what makes it even odder. 


    "It is not you who decides whether this has anything to do with your wife's eligibility for a visa." that's what's worrying me. Does there not exist any sort of clause or law in the immigration laws about not being liable for anything not related to you? 


    I understand this situation is probably unique on these forums but I just really needed some inputs. 

  10. 1 minute ago, H&T said:

    Relax. It just an extra background check because the country your spouse come from. Your spouse will get the visa soon.

    I freaking hope so, because, after all the sugar fed to me by them and making it seem like everything is jolly, they come out of the blue and start scrutinizing about some more information that doesn't even pertain to my wife! Jesus!

  11. Just now, Ontarkie said:

    They could be making sure that what ever the issue is has nothing to do with your wife.

    Would it be a possibility though that they might refuse a visa application due to a 3rd party issue, aka the relative, even though it most certainly has nothing to do with my wife?

    I'm just wondering if that ever happens, where something she never has done and has no involvement, because she's related to someone that did something they deny her. 

  12. 1 hour ago, pushbrk said:

    Freaking out would not be productive.  Unless you delve into what the questions were, I can't give a meaningful opinion about what this means.  However, they may simply be investigating a connection to some undesirable activity by a relative and determining whether that impacts the need for further security checks on your wife.

    But heres how im confused, whether the relative might have undesirable activity why should that affect my wifes application? Would they try and find a justifiable reason to deny her visa simply because of a relative? 

    40 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    Was the relative what might be described as a person of interest?

    Thats what im trying to figure out, but regardless why should that relative affect her outcome on a visa if whatever they are possibly investigating has nothing to do with my wife?

  13. Applied for my wife CR1 Visa in Jordan in June of 2017 to come to the States.

    approved by USCIS, got sent to the NVC

    Approved by the NVC.

    Wifes interview was on November 13 of 2018, she was only there for the interview as I'm in the states. 

    She told me that they asked her simple questions but handed her a white slip seeking a missing document which is a joint sponsor. 

    But they explicitly told her apart from that everything is good. 

    So I sent the document and the joint sponsor had excellent income so that wasn't an issue and it arrived at the embassy on December 20th, 2018. 

    I checked online status and it was in Administrative Processing so I wasn't truly upset maybe it was a placeholder word until they reviewed the document. I called the embassy on the 24th and I got hold of someone

    at the immigration Unit and he informed me everything is going great, just a few more days until an officer reviews the document and issues the visa. 

    on the 27th, it changed from Administrative Processing to "ready" which confused me since she already had the interview. 

    Lord and behold, I get a call from the embassy yesterday night asking for a current phone number from my wife.  They gave her a call and asked her a few peculiar and unrelated questions about one of her relatives. 

    I won't dive into detail about that but it wasn't ANY question regarding her. 


    So should I be freaking out that all of the sudden they start asking her questions not even about her after all these great news they keep giving me?

    Had anyone experienced such an odd scenario?

    If her case gets denied for an uncommon reason what would be the proper steps to go forward.


    Thank you all kindly for any input.



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