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Posts posted by NinaRenae

  1. Hi Yuna, thanks for that! After going through the UK Process, compared to what I've foubd for the US Process, it seems MUCH easier to apply for a UK Spousal visa haha


    But, our original decision to stay here until I obtained citizenship was based on the exact reasons you've gone through, because we definitely would not have to go through it all over again, especially with the charges increasing year on year... Luckily I will qualify for this in October 2020, so thats not too far off. 


    I am just trying to get a head start on the whole thing so that I know what to expect, just as well if we somehow decide to start the process before then and just forget about my citizenship here. Although, I'm still hoping someone could explain the general process of how we would go about it all haha

  2. Hiya everyone!


    My name is Nina, I am a Texan, currently Living in the United Kingdom with my English Husband. ☺️ 


    So a bit of a backstory, hubby and I met through a mutual friend, and after a year of doing the (very expensive) long distance thing, visiting each other every 2 months or so, he asked me to marry him, and in May 2014 I was granted my Fiancée Visa for the UK and moved here and been here ever since. I am coming up to getting my Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK next year, and the original plan was to live here until I qualified for citizenship, and become a dual citizen a year after I got my ILR. But, recently my heart has grown very homesick, and we think we would be happier in Texas, closer to my family. 


    At the moment, we are weighing our options, because obviously these things are so expensive and difficult. I was just hoping to find out the way forward if we did decide to move back to the US. Ive had a look over the USCIS and the form I think I'm meant to fill out... Could someone here please be so kind as to confirm which type of visa I actually need, as well as the general process and standard supporting documents that may be needed? (Also, as I'm currently living and working in the UK, we will be looking to use my mom's income to meet the financial requirements as shes happily agreed -anything she can do to help get me closer to home, she is all about lol- how will work within the process?)


    Thank you in advance for reading this novel of a post and offering any help you can! Xx




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