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Posts posted by Skycathedral

  1. It's much better to wait for at least one week...cause the VISA always take at least 4 or 5 days to arrive home...Also don't forget to have ALL the papers for the interview, cause if you are missing one of them will delay the VISA..it happened to me...they asked me for the POLICE CERTIFICATE, when it wasn't indicated on the original documents that they asked for...It took me about 7 days to got that paper, then sent it to the embassy and then..finally after three weeks my VISA arrive...

    Good luck for you guys...and while you wait for the VISA .. enjoy a delicious ceviche at Mancora Beach with a cold Cuzquena...

    hehe, yea I do miss Mancora beach. and ceviche too. I tried ceviche in a Peruvian restaurant here in my town and it wasn't good like it is in Peru :crying:

  2. Hi, I am trying to plan how much time I will stay in Peru when I go there for the interview. My fiance lives in Piura, which is in northern Peru. I was just wondering, after the interview, and if we are approved, can we stay in Lima and pick up the visa, or does it automatically get mailed to his home address? We were hoping to fly back together, but if the visa doesn't get mailed back to his house right away, we may have to re-schedule our plane tickets. Is it best that I stay in Peru for at least 1 week after the interview? Please let me know what you think.



  3. It's ok. I got my RFE because I didn't know how much information this website has and I hadn't really researched it before I sent in my I-129. They wrote me and said I needed more evidence that we met because I only provided pictures, and plane ticket itinerary stubs (which only had the day and month on them and not the year). They said they needed proof that we actually have met in person in the last two years. Well, when I sent in my reply, I provided a huge packet of evidence, so I think I definitely convinced them that time.

  4. Hi, I just received my NOA 2 approval notice in my e-mail so I am happy about that :star: , but I am a little worried too. My fiance has a tourist visa to England and will be there from May 1st until May 30th. But I'm wondering, if our case is forwarded to his embasy and he receives his letter while he's gone, will it be ok if we don't return the required documents until he gets back? I was just wondering if there's anything that has to be returned immediately. Also, do they schedule our interview after he returns the forms or before? I hope we won't have to delay the interview..

  5. Hi, I am hoping our visa will be approved and my fiance will be here this year. I'm worried though, because his parents are both old and sick, so I was wondering, if he came here after the fiance visa is approved, could he return home if they got really sick or if one of them died? I would hate to have to re-do the entire visa process if he had to leave, but we would have no choice if anything happened. Please let me know.



  6. Hi, my fiance and I are trying to plan when he will come to the U.S. to live, and we are thinking that even if we had our interview and got approved as early as August, he would probably not be able to come here to live until December or January. He wants to finish his certificate, and I need time to earn enough money before he comes. But I was wondering, is there a time limit after you are approved at the interview that says when you have to come to the U.S. by? I don't know if there is a 3-month time limit or anything like that. Please let me know. Thanks, Sara.

  7. Hi, I am posting for the first time on this forum. I just applied for the fiance visa on January 21st for my fiance in Piura, Peru to come to the US. I have read other posts and I noticed people are saying that it's pretty important for both people to go to the interview in Lima. I don't know if it is possible for me to do this though because I will be starting a new job as an instructor at a college this fall and it would look bad for me to take time off in the very beginning. But I'm afraid if I don't go, we will be declined because we don't have much evidence other than about 6 pictures, e-mails, and my receipt of my plane ticket from going down there. I was wondering how long I should plan to stay in Lima if I do go to the interview. Is it usually just a one-day thing or do they ask you to keep coming back with different forms? Please write back soon. Thanks, Sara.

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