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Posts posted by Lulu01

  1. On 5/29/2019 at 11:12 AM, NohochMuuch said:

    My husband and I have been waiting a while, too. Our preference category is IR-1 and our priority date is March 28, 2016 (we had to do an I-601A waiver), and we received our NVC letter dated February 4, 2019 that stated all documentation was received. The letter also said that most appointments are set within 3 months, but it's now been almost 4. We were told that spouses of citizens are processed first, then spouses of permanent residents, then other family members.


    I wonder if the consulate is overwhelmed with processing asylum applications for people in Juarez? Or is this just normal for the Juarez consulate?

    It's about a 9 month wait

  2. On 2/8/2019 at 7:57 AM, JaviMB said:

    :D Congrats!!!!!    now its just a matter of time , they will send you an email with the DHL airwaybill or if is available for pickup :D ... we had our interview on February 1st (friday) and we recived our airwaybill yesterday (February 7). 

    Congratz! Do you mind sharing how long were you in there and how long was yiur interview?

  3. On 2/12/2019 at 4:39 PM, davidsf said:

    Hi everyone! This is my first post on the site - thank you in advance for any insight you can provide. 


    My husband and I were married in January 2018 and we got all of our documentation submitted by mid-February. Everything has been smooth except now we're in a limbo status waiting for our appointment at the embassy in Ciudad Juárez. We received the email that the National Visa Center (NVC) received all of the required information and that we're in the queue to receive an appointment date at the embassy. That email was on October 4th... it's now February 12th and still no appointment date. From my research on this site and others, it's looking like it can take 2 to 6 months. Is that true? The wait is killing us and the fear that we're somehow "lost" in the system is getting to us. Our lawyer was caught off guard too and therefore didn't properly set our expectations.


    Thanks again!

    Yes so your cc (case complete) would be Oct 4, I woukd expect news from them around end of may /june. You can email them every week or call....emailing them helped me keep my sanity, by hearing from them even though it was just to tell me to keep waiting. Good luck to all!

  4. 4 hours ago, LisaV said:



    For us it was about 30 minutes of questioning but a whole day process. It’s very important to not take anything that you don’t need if you go alone. Husband almost had to throw away his watch because they said it had a secret compartment. He also had to throw away his charger. 


    They asked basic questions from his paperwork like if I was a USA resident, what he was going to do for a living, about our kids, any tattoos, ever took drugs, any arrests and if he’s every crossed illegally. Then since we have a complicated financial part they took about 25 minutes trying to understand that. They had a supervisor and had to consult with them. But it was just because it was so unusual. 

    That was on Monday and we had our packet sent out and it arrived at the facility this morning. 

    Thank you so much for sharing, congratz!!!

    I have mine march 26 and started to get anxious😜😜😜

  5. On 10/26/2017 at 9:46 AM, RamStu said:

    Hi VJ members,


    I would like to share my story with the VJ community regarding my wife's case. My wife had her interview in Ciudad Juarez on September 11, 2016 and was refused a visa for the following inadmissibles:


    INA 212(a)(6)(C)(ii) - False Claim to US Citizenship

    INA 212(a)(9)(B)(II) - Unlawful presence (10 year ban)


    I remember my wife coming out of the consulate building and informing me that she needs a wavier for falsifying documents and that the CO said to not worry, that she will be back and the visa refusal is only temporary until she gets the waiver approved. It wasn't until we returned to the hotel and I read the blue sheet that was given to her and I noticed the false claim to US Citizenship had no waiver; pretty much saying she was banned for life. I knew there was some kind of mistake because this was not the case and I started typing up a transcript of the conversation my wife had with the CO to determine why the false claim to US Citizenship was imposed to her. The following transcript is the best to her knowledge and it is truthfully written:




    Good morning. How are you? (CO)


    I’m doing well. Thank you. How are you? (wife)


    Who is petitioning for you? (CO)


    My husband (wife)


    What is your husband's name? (CO)


    Says Husbands name (wife)


    Does he have a naturalization certificate (CO)


    No. He only has a USA passport (wife)


    When did you enter the United States (CO)


    February, 2012 (wife)


    How did you guys meet (CO)


    At a Christmas family event (wife)


    What year did you guys meet? (CO)


    December, 2012 (wife)


    Now tell me where did you cross? (CO)


    I crossed through San Ysidro (wife)


    How did you cross? (CO)


    Walking (wife)


    How did you cross walking? Through the pedestrian border lane or through where? (CO)


    I crossed through the pedestrian border lane (wife)


    What did you use to cross through the pedestrian border lane? (CO)


    I used a passport. (wife)


    Where did you get the passport from? (CO)


    A person sold it to me. (wife)


    Who was this person? (CO)


    I have no idea. I only paid for the passport. (wife)


    How old were you when you crossed through the pedestrian border lane? (CO)


    I was 17 years old (wife)


    Do you know if it was an American passport? (CO)


    I do not know. I just wanted to leave Mexico because I was kidnapped and sexually abused. I was pregnant and I was scared that they wanted to take my daughter. (wife)


    Whose passport were you using? (CO)


    It was mine because it had my photo and DOB but the year was incorrect because it was showing that I was 21 years old and I was 17 years old at the time. wife)


    So the passport was not from someone else who let you use it to cross? (CO)


    No. The passport was mine with all my information and did not have information from someone else. (wife)


    So the passport was fake? (CO)


    Yes. I believe so. (wife)


    How were you able to pay for the passport? (CO)


    Someone from the United States helped me pay for it. (wife)


    Who is this person? (CO)


    My sister. (wife)


    *** CO is typing on her computer and left briefly ***


    I apologize for making you wait. How many times have you been to the United States? (CO)


    One time. (wife)


    Have you crossed into the United States more than one time? (CO)


    No (wife)


    *** CO continues typing on the computer ***


    I apologize but your visa application has been denied for now. I understand that you have a waiver approved (I-601A) but it does not apply to your current situation. If you want, you can apply for a waiver and when it is approved you will return to the Juarez Consulate. Do you want me to give you a list of the waivers you are required? (CO)


    Yes, please give me a list (wife)


    If you want, you can hire a good lawyer for your case (CO)


    *** CO gives wife a blue sheet outlining her inadmissibilities and tells her for the following: ***


    The I-601A waiver you were approved for only covers you being unlawfully present in the United States but does not waive the use of false documents. Before there was not a waiver for the use of false documents. Apply for the I-601 waiver and once they approve it, you will return to the Ciudad Juarez consulate . (CO)


    *** CO gives wife a second sheet of paper ***


    Here is a list of waivers that exist. For your case, hire a good lawyer. (CO)


    I understand. Thank you (wife)


    Do not worry, you will return. (CO)


    Thank you (wife)



    Based on the conversation they had, I cannot figure out why she was found falsely claiming US Citizenship if she never falsely claimed US citizenship nor did she ever claimed to have used a US passport. I believe my wife should have received the fraud/misrepresentation under INA 212(a)(6)(C)(i). Has anyone encountered or know of someone in a similar situation? I hired a great attorney who believe there is a mistake on the CO's part based on what we presented and sent an inquiry  on September 22, 2017 and as of today, we have not heard back from Juarez. I will update this topic as new information comes in. I have also written additional helpful information below.


    Wish me luck!


    Background information regarding attorney:


    Prior to our interview, we hired an attorney, who I will name Martha, to help us with the I-601A waiver packet and to get recommendations regarding my wife's case. We previously hired a gentleman who works at an immigration and naturalization center who helped us with our I-130 CR-1 petition but because he was not a licensed attorney, we did not feel comfortable proceeding with the I-601A waiver with him.


    My wife then explains to Martha on how she used a Mexican Boarder with a tourist visa to cross through the San Ysidro pedestrian lane. Martha simply asked my wife if she was caught during the act and my wife responded "no". Martha then recommended use to apply for the I-601A wavier and because she was not caught, she had nothing to worry about. As my wife and I were working on her statement for the I-601A waiver, we also wrote down on how she crossed into the US but our attorney told us to erase all the details of her crossing and to just put that she crossed through San Ysidro. 


    When we called Martha from Juarez to inform her of what happened, she neglected to take any fault and told us that we never told her that my wife used a Mexican passport to cross and she does not have any notes on her case file regarding the use of a Mexican passport. 


    Wife crossing into the US:


    February 1st, 2012


    My parents took me to the Guadalajara International airport where I took a direct flight to Tijuana, Baja California.  When I arrived at the Tijuana airport, a friend of the family picked me up and took me to the coyote. The coyote then took me to a safe house where I stayed until the next day.


    February 2nd, 2012


    In the morning the coyote arrived at the safe house and trained me on questions CBP might ask me. Then in the afternoon, they brought me makeup, clothes to look older, designer bag and sunglasses. They applied makeup and prepared me to cross through the pedestrian border lane.


    A gentleman arrived in a car and he told me that we would be crossing through San Diego but at the very last minute, he told me we would be crossing through San Ysidro. We then arrived at the San Ysidro pedestrian broader lane he then gave me a Mexican passport which had a tourist visa attached to it and a Mexican ID. Once in line, I was two pedestrians behind the gentleman. The Mexican passport & ID had my photo and information except that it was showing a DOB of 1990 when my DOB is 1994. It also said that I was living in Tijuana.


    Once the gentleman passed through customs, he waited for me on the other side. Once it was my turn to go through customs, the CBP officer asked for an I.D. or a passport. I gave her the Mexican passport and Mexican ID but the CBP officer said that she only wanted the Mexican passport and gave me back the Mexican ID. The CBP officer scanned the Mexican passport and asked me “what is your DOB?” I responded month/date/1998. CBP officer then asked “where are you going?” I responded “I’m going to San Ysidro plaza las americas.” CBP then asked “What will you be doing at San Ysidro plaza las americas?” I responded “Shopping.”


    The CBP officer then asked me “For how long will you be staying at San Ysidro?” I responded “I will be returning the same day. I’m only going for shopping.” CBP officer instructed me to pass.


    I met with the gentleman on the other side but he told me to walk and he would follow behind me. We crossed the street where the taxis were parked. I got in one taxi and he got in another taxi. I told the taxi driver to take me to Plaza Las Americas. When I arrived, the coyote who picked me up in Tijuana met me at Plaza Las Americas. He then took drove me about half the distance to Los Angeles where a friend of the family picked me up. Before I left the vehicle, the coyote took the Mexican passport from me and demanded $1,000 US Dollars in order for me to keep the passport. I told him no and he kept the Mexican passport.


    *additional information*

    - Mexican ID & Mexican passport said I was living in Tijuana

    - I took passport and ID photos and my parents sent them through mail to my sister who lives in the United States, a month prior to me leaving to the United States

    - The coyote who was hired had connections within the Mexican government which is why when the Mexican passport was scanned, it showed as valid. It was an authentic falsified Mexican passport with a tourist visa.





    Hi! I hope you are doing well, im wondering if you have an update??

  6. 3 hours ago, Diamor2181 said:

    My cc june 12 2018

    Apt set March 21 2019.... Long wait but all worth it... Just looking into a hotel and expensives, anyone have an idea or recommendations on a hotel???

    City Express jr. Is across from the consulate,  has a shuttle and serves breakfast. I reserved at $42 dollars/night. I also read to have your medical app at least 2 days before because there is no guarantee that your results will be ready the same day..

  7. On 2/4/2019 at 10:40 PM, melendeznair209 said:

    Happy for you! I’m wondering since they are already scheduling for the month of June, and my wife’s Cc is Sept 28 2018, I’m guessing the latest they’ll have her interview set will be around June/July ? From September to June is 9 months, I see that’s what most people are waiting right now🤔

    Yes, that's what it looks like,  unless it speeds up a little because There were a lot of app sent for june cc's ...

  8. 21 hours ago, jfrndz said:

    I have been calling almost everyday ! :( and nothing.... its breaking my heart i just want to be with my husband already:(

    Send them an email every week, but I've heard that appointments are scheduled at the end of the month and into the first week. I can imagine,  this process is brutal! My prayers with all🙏🙏🙏

  9. 23 hours ago, Lulu01 said:

    Did you get it??? I heard there was a lot of activity for june cc's ...

    ???!!! You're only a few fays after me, Im almost certain you'll hear something the last week of feb when the new appointments go out,  hang in there this is a short month, your very close. Try emailing every week, just to keep your sanity 🙏🙏🙏

  10. On 1/17/2019 at 9:03 AM, cmend006 said:

    Hi There, I wanted to give everyone my revew. My husband's interview was on 12/28/18. We have been married 7 years so IR category, he has DACA, a few arrests, and was in removal proceedings but was granted voluntary departure to pursue consular processing. We arrived to Juarez on 12/26/18 around 7 pm so all we did was go to our hotel that night. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express; it was a very pleasant stay everything is very clean, free breakfast, computer access, and transportation available. The driver is very nice there. 
    The morning of the 27th we went to his medical exam, he had an appointment at 6 am at Clinica Medica Internacional, we started lining up around 5:30 am. We were there about 2.5-3 hours. He had to do an eye exam, blood, psychological exam, and had to get several immunizations. It was over $400 for the exam. 
    After the medical, we ate breakfast at the hotel and then the driver there took us to the Fiscalia for the Carta no Antecedentes Penales. It was super empty so we were in and out in less than 15 minutes. We went to the mall for a bit, its right by the consulate area, everything is walking distance there. At 1 we returned to the Clinic for the results, there were hundreds of people there. We were there for like an hour and a half. Ate lunch after then went to his fingerprint appointment at 3:30 pm. Fingerprinting is very fast and organized. Don't arrive too early there; they only let you in 10 minutes before your scheduled interview. Don't take anything inside with you. If someone goes with you, have them hold your belongings. That was it for all the things before the interview, we were able to do everything in one day. 
    Interview Day:
    His interview was at 9:15. We walked over there like at 8 am and they let him in. I went back to the hotel, it was raining and there is no point in standing out there. He did not come out till almost 1 pm, over 4 hours in there and came back very sad. He had a blue paper saying he was out in 221G Administrative Processing. 
    Documents he gave:
    Marriage Certificate
    Carta no antecedentes
    My Checkstubs
    2017 Taxes and W2
    DACA work permit
    Arrest Documents

    These were the questions he was asked:
    Who is petitioning you?
    Where is she now?
    Where does she work?
    Is this your first marriage?
    is this her first marriage?
    Do you have children?
    Do you have children in common?
    when did you enter the US?
    Do you know where/how you entered? (my husband was 5 so he said I don't know)
    Did you go to school in the US?
    Up to what level?
    Do you have DACA?
    Have you ever been Arrested? This is where it all went bad. My hiusband told him he had a DUI, Consular officer said "I don't care about the DUI." He was pulled over in 2004, no traffic infraction, just profiling I think. The officer accused him of having a fake ID because at the time all he had was his Mexican Matricula card and he speaks perfect English. So he arrested him and accused him of falsely representing himself. The charges were dropped but nonetheless, the consular officer wanted more information on it. He requested more court documents and police records. He kept the passport, overall the officer was nice. He didn't seem concerned, said he just needed more information. He checked to see what DHL location we chose, and told him thats where his visa would be issued. 
    So I flew back home, got the court and police things we needed and mailed them to the consulate. He was in Administrative Processing for 2.5 Weeks, I made sure to call the service center every day for updates and check the CEAC website. On 1/15/19 his status changed to "ISSUED" Visa was approved! The passport still has not been sent out to Jalisco, where my husband is waiting, but the wait is over. He will come home hopefully next week after being in Limbo for all this time. 

    The consulate area is very safe, I would recommend making appointments for everything around the same day or maybe 2 days but thats it. Otherwise you will be very bored. I also recommend using the public inquiry tool online, that is how I was able to get him out of Administrative Processing. Another thing is to bring all your documents, you never know what they will ask for, it depends on the officer. The one my husband got didn't ask for his waiver or about his voluntary departure but we were prepared. Next step, Citizenship in 3 years! 

    Hi! Im wondering how many days it took before your hubbie received his envelope in jalisco after the paperwork was approved?

    Trying to plan, I might go to jalisco to wait for it there as well...

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