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Posts posted by Steve81

  1. 3 minutes ago, geowrian said:

    No visa needed...you just need to complete ROC as noted above. Your permanent residency is not tied to your former marriage.

    Thank you for your reply. I'm not sure I understand this point.


    What I was asking is, if my current application is denied, can I make a new application on my second marriage? As in, can I go back to square one with my new marriage? 

    3 minutes ago, geowrian said:



  2. Hi All,


    I have done some reading on the topic, but as everyone has a different situation, I thought I would outline mine in an effort to receive some advice and, maybe easy my worries. At the very least, it would be great to have some idea of what will happen in the coming months. 


    I am from Ireland and entered the US under ESTA Visa Waiver on August 1st 2014. I married my Wife (a US citizen) December 2014 and applied for my green card visa (I-130) in May of 2015. I was successful and received my temporary green card in November of 2015.


    I applied for the restrictions to be removed from my card (I-751) in October of 2017. At this point I have been granted a six month extension past November 2018 as the system is very back logged.


    Long story, short; my Wife and I decided to get a divorce and have filed last month at the end of September 2018. My question is, or course, what happens next??


    The marriage was enter in good faith, but, to be honest with you, was never really a success! The details do not matter, but about a year in to the marriage she took a job which took her over seas for a year. Our marriage, which was already rocky, did not survive this year. We tried to make it work though and the good news is that we stayed together until almost a year after I sent in the I-751 form. The evidence we sent is was also pretty good. Around 100 photos, tax returns, joint account, credit cards, insurance, ect. I even went out to visit her in Europe and have evidence from that. The only big thing missing was a lease. I was not on hers as the Landlord did not know I was living there. 


    The first questions I have is, how do I got about telling USCIS that I am divorced? Should I wait and see if they ask for more evidence, or should I be upfront? Most likely the latter.


    On to the second part of my story!


    Life takes all sorts of twist and turns, does it not? I have fallen in love with a women (a US citizen) I met over four years ago when I first moved to the US. We were introduced through mutual friends the first month I moved here. While we were always friendly, there was never anything more too it. When things fell apart with my Wife, we discovered that there was more to our friendship. A lot more!


    We are very much in love and we are going to get married. Where would a second marriage leave me, in regards to a Visa? Assuming my current application is not successful, can I reapply once I am married to my girlfriend? Can that be done from the US? 


    I feel at this point, leaving the US, even for a vacation would be quite a risk to my immigration status. I intent to try and stay here and get everything nice and squared away with my new partner.


     Any questions you can answer or any advice or tips will be greatly received.

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