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Posts posted by Nadja&Holland

  1. I got my certificate of naturalization and became a citizen this year.

    My daughter is 17 and I was told she became a citizen bcs she is a minor, but to get her certificate of naturalization i should pay the fee again.

    I did that and now they want proof that I have legal and phisical custody of her. I was never married she always lived with me and her dad is in Brazil! What should I do??? Any suggestions? I already aplyed for the passport too and they asked me the same thing! I feel hopeless... Any thoughts?


  2. I am getting everything ready for my ROC, and stupidly I believe I made a bad mistake. Just don´t know how to fix it now.

    When I was having problems with my husband march 2009, had to call the police, I stayed in a friends house for about a month, and I changed my adress at the post office. I went back home, after a month, but I didn´t wanted him to have acess to my correspondence so I just changed my adress back to our house when he was arrested this year in january. Now I was reading the I751 and they ask if you lived in other adresses, but the form about change of adress should be filled in 10 days...I am still thinking about file for cruelty, but I am getting divorced too...What can I do now...should I comunicate them, even that I changed back to the same adress..

  3. I called a good attorney lawyer in my city to check about prices. A regular case is about U$1800,00 plus the government fees (around U$500)...I will do my divorce anyway, and will try to make my husband sign. I believe it will not be bad if I choose to go through the cruelty relationship waiver.He will probably say that he will see about divorce when he gets out. This will not be anytime soon, since his sentence is 5 years. He has a projected release date for 2012, but after august he is eligible for parole. I believe he will not sign, to try to get paroled easier saying he has a family. I know even if he doesnt want the divorce I will be able to make it. Just more complicated. Anyway, the point is that I doubt it that I would get this divorce papers by october. I know there must be people that went throught the same... He will just not help...I just want to choose the better way to go. More guaranteed...even if I have to wait more just doing this waiver through divorce. I have 2 jobs, both for more then an year, one is as a substitute teacher in the district, this might help...But money is really short..

  4. My husband is in jail since january for a 3rd DWI. We got married in good faith in 2008,and we were extremaly in love.Since I got here in 2008, it doesn~t matter what we try, things just don´t work beetween us. He is very abusive. At first was just verbally, but it became physical. He dropped me out of his car in another city and left me there, pointed a gun to me, things that I don´t have how to prove.

    I have one police report when he took all my things on the front yard and took my keys from me. He hit me that day, and dragged me out of the house. There were several signs of violence, but I didnt do a medical report.

    I moved out, but we spoke and he convinced me to drop the charges a few days later.

    We tryed then marriage consulling, and he told the psychologist he had hit me several times. He was verbally abusive in front of the psychologist too.

    I didn´t know that I would need his signature to remove the conditions on my green card. So I was just glad he was in jail and stayed married until today.

    I already cryed a lot after I realized he still have control over me. He knew this because he was always saying that I would have to go back to Brazil and that he didnt wanted me anymore.

    After he went to jail I have been going alone to this psichologist, and I asked if he would write a letter what he confirmed. I know that a neighboor can write a letter about his verbal abuse that she could hear from her house, and maybe I could get a letter from my friend that allowed me to stay at her house when I didn t had where to go. She got pretty upset though when I moved back with him.

    I already read the advise that I should look for a lawyer, but this website helped me a lot to come here.There is a lot of people that really know what they are talking about because we never need a lawyer to bring me here. I want to know if this is the best alternative to me or not...What I have is enough proof or not Should I just try to get divorce and go trought the other route...I appreciate any advise I can get...My Permanet Resident Card expires in January 2011.

  5. OK, I guess I am still confused. I have filled out and sent the I-864 support form with my wife and her daughter as the beneficiaries. This has been recieved by the USIC. We are now assembling the package for Nadja's daughter for her AOS. The I-485has been completed for the daughter.

    My question is: Is it necessary to send yet another I-864 Affadavit Of Support package with all the same information along with the I-485 or will the I-485 be sufficient?

    I am self employed and I am just trying to avoid more work here. Since it is now 2009, and if I have to provide yet another I-864 package, I may have to contact my CPA to get copies of 2007 IRS forms plus my income, resources and bank account have all changed some since the last I-864 was sent. Probably will be the same for my mother, who is a co-sponsor.

    pulling my hair out in FW..

  6. It might seem unclear but it is very clear. Each intended alien who seeks re-entry into the USA while there I-485's are being processed, will require an Advance Parole document.

    The original visa application K-1/2 is no longer relevant.... The I-485 is.

    I am confused with the AOS process. I didn't fill AOS separated for my daughter. I came in march, we got married in april. She came in july. Do I have to send all papers again for her to get her permanent residence? Thanks. Nadja

    Yes, otherwise she will not become a permanent resident or ever get a green card. No such thing as a derivitive benefit on the parental I-485

    Ok... Thanks

  7. It might seem unclear but it is very clear. Each intended alien who seeks re-entry into the USA while there I-485's are being processed, will require an Advance Parole document.

    The original visa application K-1/2 is no longer relevant.... The I-485 is.

    I am confused with the AOS process. I didn't fill AOS separated for my daughter. I came in march, we got married in april. She came in july. Do I have to send all papers again for her to get her permanent residence? Thanks. Nadja

  8. Hi all, been a while since we posted. My wife has recieved her parole to travel back to Brazil to visit her friends and family while we wait. It's a little unclear what she can do regarding her daughter who is 10 years old and now here in the states with us. The main purpose of the Brazil vist will be for her daughter to spend some time with her grandparents. Does anyone know if her daughter will be required to have a separate parole document or can she travel with her mother using the same paper? The daughter's application was included in the paperwork earlier this year when we applied for the visa for my wife and later when we applied for adjustment of status.

    Thanks for the help!

    HK Smith

  9. Well it has been a stressful morning, but I just received a text from Nadja saying she got the visa. I dont know any details yet, but she will call me as soon as they get back to the hotel. I managed to pull this off without an immigration lawyer and I'm pretty dam proud of myself. However, I could NOT have done this without Visa Journey and our thanks go out to all of you that answered my stupid questions and also to those that posted their experiences here. I gained much insight by finding and studying others' thoughts and experiences. Thanks to my Lord and Savior for without him, nothing is possible.

  10. First of all, it will cost a FORTUNE to ship this stuff to the US. Second, the voltage which powers his equipment may not even be compatible here and could cost another small fortune to have it converted. Third, the fuel efficiency, power, octane level etc is much different on cars here than in Brasil. Same for exhaust emmissions standards, so even if he brought it all here and had it reworked to operate on our electricity, it probably wouldnt help him with automobiles in the US. My advise would be to sell all of it in Brasil for as much as he can and use the money to buy new stuff here. More than likely he can buy it all here cheaper anyway. He will probably need some classes as well to learn about the differences in our testing equipment and applications. Some tech jobs offer ongoing training as standard perk because the auto engine technology changes so fast even in just a few years.

    hope this helps

    hks in fwtx


    We got news that our interview will be scheduled for next month, so we are trying to get all these little questions answered so that we can organize ourselves.

    My husband is Brasilian and he works as a mechanic. He has automobile diagnostic equipment that comes to a grand total of about $7,000-$9,000 USD (minus his $10,000 laptop) which he bought in Brasil. Anyway, we are wondering if he will have to pay tax on these items he wants to bring with him when we move to the U.S. Of course, he would like to be able to use them for work, so would they be considered items for "commercial use"?

    He also has two laptops, both of them are very expensive, but we could claim them under "items for personal use". I just don't know about the other equipment. Any advice? or is there somewhere we can check on the internet to find out what is allowed if bringing items related to your occupation?

    Oh, I don't know if this makes a difference, but he doesn't have a job offer--we're going over on a marriage-based visa.

  11. I guess this document verification is something new, we didn't have to deal with it two years ago. I hope the issue is resolved quickly. Good luck :thumbs:

    yuh it's just started november 2007


    My fiance is leaving next Sunday for her interview in Rio De Jainero. Is this something that they are doing in all countries? What documents are they verifying?


    hk in FWTX

  12. My fiance and I were wondering if we are required to pay a separate $131 (Visa application fee) for her daughter. The child will join us later in the US after we get my fiance here and settled. The interview is scheduled for Feb 19 and my fiance will have to fly to Rio from her hometown which will be about $300US roundtrip. We want to be sure she has enough money to cover any extra costs so we dont have to pay for another flight, delay the visa, etc. We are also wondering if her daughter needs to go to the interview because she has an Italian passport (my fiance holds a Brazilian one) and I am fairly sure she will need a separate stamp to get through the POE when she joins us. Sorry if this question has been answered in another post, but I dont have the time to do a search today!

    Thanks in advance


  13. Hi, we applied for K1 visa in May 23. We never rcvd NOA1.

    My fiancé called CSC too, after the answering machine he spoke with a person there, that gave him another number. He was was informed to wait.

    According to USCIS website, last time they touched our case was in june 13.

    I feel very much like you :(

    We are trying to believe that it´s taking more time now bcs of the problems with the work visas ...

    I hope we all have some good news soon!


  14. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem:

    My fiance will have his interview soon and we are still working on proving our ongoing relationship. I have called him many times on calling cards. When I called the calling card company, they told me I could subpoena the calling card company to get calls from a card or cards, but then the lady from the legal subpoena office of the calling card company told me that since those cards are prepaid and throw-away, (the kind I bought form a grocery store,) that they would not have any record of my calls -- even with a subpoena.

    I heard that there was a woman who posted on visa journey at one time who obtained proof of prepaid calling card calls, and she bought her cards from a gas station. I have no way of accessing her posts. Does anyone have any ideas about if I can access the calls I made to my fiance with pre-pay grocery store calling cards?? Also, does anyone remember seeing her post and know how to access it?

    My fiance' wanted me to save the old cards(I guess for sentimental reasons) so I have stacks of them. I checked my cel phone records and found the access number I had been using for the cards and highlighted the number on the copies of the records, and made copies of 4-5 of the old cards highlighting the access number on these as well and sent in with the 129F. Luckily, I had been using the same access card and number for several months. It remains to be seen whether this works or not. My fiance also sent me several months of her cel phone records showing all the times she had called me. I guess my advice is dont throw the old cards away!

  15. Hi. I've read several places that the petitioner should mail many things that it appears the beneficiary, my fiance, will not need to bring to her interview.

    Can someone tell me what the purpose is to mail the copies of I-129F package, supporting evidence of an ongoing relationship, original documents used for the I-129F, a copy of the NOA2, letter affirming your desire to marry your fiance, etc...??

    Will the interviewer ask to see these documents and proofs during her interview? I like to do things by the book and I think mailing unnecessary documents and proofs will only cause confusion and clutter if they are not needed for the interview. Can someone tell me if my fiance will need these documents and proofs at some point during the interview? Thanks.

    OH and make sure the photos of both of you show the "ears"...this is something I completely missed and will hang your fiance up at the embassy. Luckily mine caught this and made sure hers was correct...I have short hair, so I am in the clear ;)

  16. Hi. I've read several places that the petitioner should mail many things that it appears the beneficiary, my fiance, will not need to bring to her interview.

    Can someone tell me what the purpose is to mail the copies of I-129F package, supporting evidence of an ongoing relationship, original documents used for the I-129F, a copy of the NOA2, letter affirming your desire to marry your fiance, etc...??

    Will the interviewer ask to see these documents and proofs during her interview? I like to do things by the book and I think mailing unnecessary documents and proofs will only cause confusion and clutter if they are not needed for the interview. Can someone tell me if my fiance will need these documents and proofs at some point during the interview? Thanks.

    I just sent my packet yesterday. The "step by step" instructions on this site for the K-1 are very helpful. Also, you should visit the "Embassy Reviews" section...there are recent experiences involving the embasssy in RJ(if this is where your fiance will go) After reading, I feel like I know exactly what mine/we will have to deal with when she gets to this stage.

  17. HK,

    The USCIS does not process visas of any kind, so it's unlikely that you would find K1 visa information on a USCIS service center's web pages.

    You should find something about I-129f petitions - what kind of information were you looking for?


    Does anyone know about any recent changes at the Texas Service Center in Mesquite, TX? I visited the website and cant find anything about a K-1 visa at all.


    HK in Fort Worth

    Well it seems the USIC in Texas doesnt do much at all. I called the 1-800 number and after going through about 5-6 "tiers"(i.e. "for english press 1") I get to the place where I am asked to enter the form I am inquiring about(I-129F) and it says it doesnt recognize the form I am trying to enter. #######? I know I am not crazy because I did this several times and got the same results. Isnt the I-129F the most common of all the frigging forms? Just like the electric company, the gas company, the cable company, the bank etc. They should just have one message that says "you are now living in the 21st century, do not attempt to inquire about anything on the phone. We are busy, now hang up and quit bothering us" I think it would save them alot of money.

    Also, am I the only one that has discovered a small but IMPORTANT discrepancy on the USIC website about the fee for an I-129F? One area says $165 and the other place says $170. Which is it? Is it not true that if you do not send in the correct fee your package will be returned? I would gladly pay $200 to the USIC just to avoid this BS, but I am afraid the packet would be sent back. :angry:

    pissed off in FW

  18. This is complete #######. I try to edit my timeline for the first time, then it asks me to verify my email address( the last part of my address is shown) and when I fill the rest of the blank, it tells me I cant enter 2 timelines OVER AND OVER. The VJ website has also taken upon itself to select a consulate for me(ARMENIA) but my fiance is in Brazil and the consulate she will use is in Rio De Janeiro.

    One would THINK that editing your timeline would be easy to do since it is posted all over the VJ website to "please edit your timeline" but it is not easy at all. I have a life and need to get back to frigging WORK. :angry:

    OK, I'm done ranting...anybody know anything?


    HK in FW

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