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Posts posted by Kayleigh

  1. We sent (as proof of meeting in person in the two years prior to filing) boarding cards, flight itineraries, photocopies of passport stamps, pages from bank statements locating me in the US at the relevant times, and photographs of us together - all of the above for four separate visits. Also a couple of hotel receipts. Remember to label the photos you send with your names (and those of other family members etc in the photos) and write the dates and locations on them - we sent ones that matched up with the dates & locations we'd sent photos from, which of course matched up with the dates of our visits as shown by flight itineraries & boarding cards... all of which helps to paint a complete picture showing that we'd spent that time together.

    Oh, we got approved, incidentally, with no RFEs. Good luck with yours! :)

    Thanks everyone for all your help! Im currently trying to get all the evidence together, iv filled in the g325a form - just got to wait to fill in the I-129f! not long now though!


  2. Fill out all the information on both the I-129F and the G-325A (note the "A" - there are two forms out there, a G-325 and a G-325A - don't make a mistake).

    Fill them out on the computer if you can: with the most recent edition of Adobe Acrobat (downloadable for free), you can fill in and save the I-129F. The G-325A DOES NOT allow you to save your work, HOWEVER, it does auto-fill the additional pages - so what seems like 4 pages of work, is really only one, short page of mostly repeated information.

    The I-129F does say you can just fill in on the G-325A what is not on the I-129F. Don't do that. Just fill in the whole thing. I'm not even sure what you would leave blank anyway, and you don't want some ####### government employee flagging your file because he/she decides that you missed a box he/she would rather have seen filled in.

    When in doubt - slap an "N/A" or "None" into EVERY blank spot, as appropriate.

    For the employment history - go back as far as you can, even if you need to attach a separate page (make the same-looking chart yourself, make sure you SIGN, DATE, and indicate the item number on the spare sheet - make 4 copies for each of the 4 G-325A pages), until you get the 5 years they ask for. Since you're 19, it's likely that you'll have a few years of "none," which is fine, just write "none" and the dates that covers. There's no consensus here about leaving blanks in employment timelines. But why do it? So what if it takes a few extra minutes - better to spend them now than extra weeks or months later when they write back wanting more information or information better presented.

    For the evidence: what you have sounds good. Because I was concerned that my copy of my birth certificate didn't have a front AND "a back," I included copies of ALL pages of my passport. I also included additional copies of my passport with the evidence of meeting section - but there, I just included copies of the identification page, and the page with all the stamps on it. Boarding passes are excellent and they, along with the passport stamps, are "primary evidence" from what I've learned on this site. Photos are secondary evidence (they can't really be authenticated, if you think about it - there's not much proof that they were taken when you said they were. Harder to fake up a passport and a boarding pass).

    Save the originals for your fiance's interview. Copies are fine.

    I used some phone bills and photos of congratulatory cards and the ring receipt for proof of intent to marry - wasn't necessarily required at this stage, I suppose, but again, it didn't add too much heft to the package and I figured, why leave any doubt.

    Thankyou very much! your a star!! :thumbs:

  3. First of all can i apologise if someone has already asked these questions - ive searched and couldnt find the answers myself! :blush:

    1) For the evidence of meeting within 2 years - would the following be enough? - Photocopy of my passport stamps, Photocopies of my boarding cards, Photographs of us together at christmas?

    2) The I-129f and G-325A forms seem to ask for the same information - Do i fully complete all of them? even if they are repeated?

    3) Employment History - As I am only 19, I have not undertaken any full-time work, however i have had many part-time jobs and also worked over at disney last summer - any suggestions on how i write these on the form? Im guessing i will need to use an extra sheet and note this on the form?

    I think thats it for now.. :wacko: Thankyou for your help in advance!

    Do you also have letters and emails? If so, be sure to include those. Include as much as you can!

    Yeah i have some emails hes sent me.. we tend to talk on the phone more though! Maybe a copy of the phone bill? :innocent:

  4. I am just asking for some thoughts and prayers and some good energy to come our way please.

    To explain...I sent our ORIGINAL k-1 packet...with reciepts, pictures, birth certificates, etcetc (you all know what is in the packet) on the 18th through the USPS. Express...etc...insured...sent in a mega bag with plastic locks on it...etc etc..

    It has not arrived at Chris' house yet. Interview is on the 7th. I am in a panic.

    Last tracked date is the 19th leaving New York.

    Please let me be over reacting, please please tell me what to do. Re assemble the package..? It won't get there in time. What do I do. That is my life in there. Personal idenitity information...

    this is the first time during the whole process that my stomach is in my throat.

    Im sorry i cant help but i wanted to let you know that im thinking of you both and that i hope it gets sorted soon for you.. Is there anyway you could contact USPS direct and ask them the exact location of the package?


  5. First of all can i apologise if someone has already asked these questions - ive searched and couldnt find the answers myself! :blush:

    1) For the evidence of meeting within 2 years - would the following be enough? - Photocopy of my passport stamps, Photocopies of my boarding cards, Photographs of us together at christmas?

    2) The I-129f and G-325A forms seem to ask for the same information - Do i fully complete all of them? even if they are repeated?

    3) Employment History - As I am only 19, I have not undertaken any full-time work, however i have had many part-time jobs and also worked over at disney last summer - any suggestions on how i write these on the form? Im guessing i will need to use an extra sheet and note this on the form?

    I think thats it for now.. :wacko: Thankyou for your help in advance!

  6. Hi Kayleigh. Welcome to VJ! I too will be filing for a K1 in the next few months and have found the K1 guide and the associated flow chart to be extremely helpful in getting my case file organized. Good luck!

    :) ah wow! its nice to know im not the only one about to embark on this long long journey!!. Yeah iv read the guide on there and its been really helpful - very detailed!! Im just hoping i dont get any of it wrong!


    Good Luck and keep in touch! :thumbs:

  7. :thumbs: Hi Im Kayleigh.. I thought id come and say hi to everyone *waves*

    Im hoping to move over to be with the love of my life over in Florida... we are hoping to file the I-129f form within the next few months (for the K1 visa).. Ive been reading soo much stuff on these forums and its certainly a bit daunting!

    Anyway.. i just wanted to say hi, if anyone could give me any tips or further help id really appreciate it.. im still a bit confused about the processing times.. apparently we still send the forms off to texas but they go to california?! :unsure:

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