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Posts posted by BincoLee

  1. Hello, 


    I'm just curious and seriously disturbed. I have a pending I-751 application with USCIS for almost 2years now cos I was emailed that my case is going through extended review. My native country is one of the just added countries to the travel ban. 

    Presently I'm in my native country, came down here with the I-551 stamped on my passport and my expired gc as advised by a lawyer that I could travel with the stamp and also the uscis website said the same thing.

    My flight back to the US is on the 25th of February and the ban will go into effect on feb 21 or 22(not sure which is correct based on different dates seeing online).

    Could I be barred from entering the US on my way back even with my valid I-551 stamp? 

    I'm thinking about changing my dates and be back on the 20th but what I came down here for which is very important too is on the 22nd of feb.

    I've read countless of articles online since Friday trying to see how I could be affected but none say anything about pending i-751. 

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 


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