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Posts posted by JOHN and AMI

  1. Here it is January 5th, still waiting on a approval of a visa from way back in April of 2008. As of now we have contacted a State Congressman in the middle of December of 2008, and the week of Christmas we sent our authorization letter to a State Senator, have not heard anything from either one yet. Checked with both of them today. We both are keeping faith in the system and only hope the beginning of this New Year will come our way. If anyone has any suggestions for us we would gladly accept any. As far as we know we are not in security checks, just everything is moving slow for us. I am heading back to the Philillipines the coming February to see and be with Ami, I sure hope we will have the Approval way before then. If anyone can help us in anyway we would really like that.

  2. A long time ago we applied for our Fiancee Visa, here it is Christmas night, and still waiting, this past week we did have a Touch, on the 21st of December, but nothing as of now. 2 weeks I contacted a local Congressman, and he said he would get something done, haven't heard anything yet. Its just alittle over 8 months now, we have already did a Inquiry, but still nothing ,,, can any one give us some suggestions. I am heading back over to the Philippines in Feb for 2 weeks,,,, i need to see and be with my fiancee, even though we talk everynight on the phone for almost a hour its not like being with her. I ve ran out of things to do,,, all I am doing now is waiting,,, what else can I do????

    You need to call and ask what is going on? sometimes you need to call and follow up not just wait.

    I have called the USCIS twice a week now,,, I made the Inquiry along with my attorney on December 1st,, so I am not just waiting,, have done alot,,, but nothing is happening...
  3. A long time ago we applied for our Fiancee Visa, here it is Christmas night, and still waiting, this past week we did have a Touch, on the 21st of December, but nothing as of now. 2 weeks I contacted a local Congressman, and he said he would get something done, haven't heard anything yet. Its just alittle over 8 months now, we have already did a Inquiry, but still nothing ,,, can any one give us some suggestions. I am heading back over to the Philippines in Feb for 2 weeks,,,, i need to see and be with my fiancee, even though we talk everynight on the phone for almost a hour its not like being with her. I ve ran out of things to do,,, all I am doing now is waiting,,, what else can I do????

  4. im really sorry to read that u have not received ur noa2.........

    take my word for it congressman, senator, they really cant do much other than send inquire as to where the case is.

    we have had it dont a few times by our senator, our congressman refuses to get involved.

    i will put u guys in my prayers is about the best thing i can do cuz i have no advise that can really help u


    Thank you, I do have a Congressman wish is a close friend, and said he would help... just keeping my fingers crossed
  5. Have you called USCIS, it looks like you are outside the normal 6 months processing time frame.


    Have already contacted the Uscis, and have had a inquiry or service request done, still its going on 9 months and my Fiancee is getting upset, Ill be going back to the Philippines the February, hoping everything will be approved by then, well at least the petition approved before then, I am contacting the Congressman tomorrow.

  6. Our Petition was filed this past April, we have heard nothing from it, this past Monday my attorney called the USCIS and got through to a supervisor, and had gotton a inquiry done on our case. They told my attorney that they are presently working on our petition. and that there would be a decision made within 45 days, and if we hear nothing within the 45 days to call back and give them the ECT number they gave us. Can anyone tell me if they have ever been through having to make a inquiry done. if so is a decision usually made before the 45 days are up.

    Hi JDMEYER62521.

    It took us 9 months to get NOA2.

    We had an RFE since they lost our passport photos. :wacko:

    Other than that, we had no issues. However, it still took them 9 months to process our petition...

    Based on your timeline, it seems you are in a similar situation; taking long though there is no problem with your case.

    It is great that your attorney could talk directly to a supervisor.

    Your petition should be approved soon.

    I hope you the best luck.


    Goodluck to both of you!!!
  7. Our Petition was filed this past April, we have heard nothing from it, this past Monday my attorney called the USCIS and got through to a supervisor, and had gotton a inquiry done on our case. They told my attorney that they are presently working on our petition. and that there would be a decision made within 45 days, and if we hear nothing within the 45 days to call back and give them the ECT number they gave us. Can anyone tell me if they have ever been through having to make a inquiry done. if so is a decision usually made before the 45 days are up.

  8. We are now past 7 months, no word of any kind, our attorney and myself have both called the Uscis, to have a inquiry done, they have told us that the Calfornia Service Center is now processing the 4th of April. My attorneys office had 2 visas cleared last month that were filed in February, all for the Philippines, Any one have any good suggestions for us. This waiting game is a pain in the butt. I met Ami in April of 2007, was back there last month with her for 3 weeks, and planning on going back this next February, would like to get this thing approved before then so she could fly back with me.

  9. :thumbs: hello all,i spoke to uscis today after its been 6 1/2 months now.the 6 month processing does not put you behind.we must wait an extra 30 days to be out of timeline.i didnt know that as of today.we will wait another 2 weeks and we should know something.i just got back from 8 day visit to my honey in philippines,i couldnt wait any longer :devil:

    Hope you had a great time we are now on 213 days with nothing, Going back to the Philippines in about Feb, Hoping we will hear something soon, cause would like Ami to be able to fly back with me.

  10. Ok, I know this is subjective, but what would be considered a good price for a plane fair to the Philippines? I live in the Midwest area, Michigan to be exact. What Airlines services the Philippines the most?
    About now 1200.00 around the holidays it about triples.. just look up on Yahoo Travel or northwest Airlines, Christmas it get close to 3000.00 but after it drops back down
  11. Technically your case is still within the processing time, even though some have been lucky to have their petitions approved in much less time. You need to wait at least another 35 days before calling USCIS to enquire about the delay. Hopefully your case will be approved before then.

    The USCIS site also stated "6 months" up until the latter part of 2007, after which a massive backlog developed as a result of the hike in processing fees in July 2007. The whole process became topsy turvy at that point. Many cases submitted in July 2007 were put into long term storage and forgotten for as much as a year while USCIS concentrated on approving more recent 2008 petitions.

    We applied for our petition April 28th of 2008, have heard nothing from the California Service Center since, its already been 175 days plus,, How long of wait more does any one have any idea, and what does the new posting of 6 months mean

    We applied for our petition April 28th of 2008, have heard nothing from the California Service Center since, its already been 175 days plus,, How long of wait more does any one have any idea, and what does the new posting of 6 months mean

    Does Anyone know what month the California Service Center is processing K-1 Fiancee Visas,,

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