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Posts posted by Kca25

  1. It’s frustrating to us largely because we want a family and the timeline on what we have planned now is already pushing it. I’m 30 and we don’t want to start having kids immediately when he gets here. If we have to throw minimum of another year on top of the time to next visit/visa process (assuming it even goes well)/all that it’s really going to be pushing what I feel is an acceptable timeline for that. I know modern science and healthcare has improved and all that but the fact is that my time for a family is starting to run down. Also I doubt the military facilties

    in Morocco will treat them well so I worry for him but that’s a whole other subject I won’t get into here, he’s not worried about that so much. 

  2. I don’t see any way we will have time to complete this before this goes into effect. We don’t want to rush things either, we really want the visa to go through the first time and are spending a lot of time and effort into making a solid case. The rumors fiancé has heard are September or October. He’s enrolling back into English studies next month but if all it does is buy some time I would rather him just get it over with. This is very disappointing and upsetting news. He’s just in denial and I don’t know what to do with it. 

  3. Hi all, does anyone have any information yet as to if people will be allowed out of the country on a K1 or CR1 with the new military service going into effect in Morocco? My fiancé is employed but within the age range. He wants to go back to school until we apply for the visa (we decided to push our timeline to have more certainty on the visa being granted) but I feel that Morocco will find some way to prevent anyone from leaving until they complete this. I’m having a hard time finding news I can understand and he’s in major denial and won’t talk about it anymore.  

  4. 4 minutes ago, adil-rafa said:it is a simple exam / listen to heart 

    no blood work / no chest exray

    cost me 100 dh which is $10 / 2010 / may be a bit more now

    get your criminal report done just before u go as most expire in 90 days

    cost to get things translated is the high cost of this proceedure

    don't marry on first trip

    Huge relief, thank you for this info!! And don’t worry this is not the first :) We may actually do 1 more trip, just trying to make sure we have no issues with whichever we decide to go ahead and marry. Upcoming is still months out.  

  5. Hi all, using a throwaway account because this is a bit of an embarrassing question on this process. Starting to try to go through this process with Moroccan male fiancé, I know to get married there I will have to provide a certificate of good health from a Moroccan doctor. Can anyone tell me what exactly they test for? I don’t know if I am an idiot and can’t find this info, but I have searched all combinations of words and can’t get anything specific. Many years ago I had a jerk ex lie about his health and gave me HSV2 (herpes/cold sores) on purpose thinking he would force me to stay in an abusive relationship when I finally got it. Well jokes on him but now I have concerns. Is this something they will test for and reject me on? I’m kind of freaking out about this possibility. Apologies if this a stupid question. It’s so upsetting to me that this may come back to bite me when I keep trying to just move on for the last 6 years. For anyone wondering fiancé is aware of my status and OK with it. Thanks in advance!

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