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Posts posted by BenSF

  1. I am seeking the fastest and most reliable way for a US visa for my Iranian soon-to-be-spouse, so we can be together. As we would be starting the visa application process only now, I am concerned that the visa ban is a big problem.


    Would love to hear feedback on two avenues I'm considering.


    First more details for context:

    -I'm a dual US-Philippines citizen living in California

    -We met in 2015 in the Philippines

    -My girlfriend is an Iranian passport holder

    -She has no existing ties to the US besides me

    -We plan to marry this coming August 2018



    #1 Pursue a waiver and go through K-1 or CR-1. According to the US  "From December 8, 2017 through June 15, 2018, at least 809 applicants were cleared for waivers." (https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/News/visas-news/revisions-to-presidential-proclamation-9645.html)


    #2 Obtain a 3rd country passport. The visa ban doesn't apply to "Any dual national of a country designated under the Proclamation when traveling on a passport issued by a non-designated country" (same link as above)


    It sounds like #1 has been pursued fruitlessly for most.  Has anyone heard of individuals pursuing a US visa by first obtaining a 3rd country passport? 



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