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Sarah H

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Posts posted by Sarah H

  1. Hi guys, thanks for your response! My husband is from South Africa and reached out to his medical provider from when he was a child but they apparently don’t have any records of his vaccinations and said it’s usually the mother’s responsibility to keep track of this however, his mother passed away a few years ago so we’re still trying to find a way to get any records but are thinking of just going to get all the required vaccinations at a GP in London ahead of his medical examination to have new records. Could someone help in explaining the vaccinations chart provided? I don’t quite understand for example the first one “DTP/DTaP/DT”, is it saying they would require vaccination records showing he received the vaccine during the ages 2 Months - 6 Years, or is it saying evidence of this vaccination is not required because his current age (32) is in the “NO” bracket?


    Appreciate your help!

  2. Hi all, a question about the medical examination for those who have gone through it. My husband doesn’t really remember his vaccination history and isn’t sure if he’ll be able to get records. I see on the UK site it says to just discuss this with the physician. Would he get whatever vaccinations required on the day at his medical examination or is there a way to find out what vaccines they check for so that we can get this done ahead of time and avoid any delays?

  3. I am considering the CR-1 visa more now, you make some good points since we have concerns about having to wait a while for a work permit and about traveling once we arrive in the US on the K-1. I have read mixed information online about which visa is the better choice for us. Does anyone have other opinions or experiences to share about the K-1 vs. the CR-1?


    Thanks all!

  4. Thanks everyone, your responses have been really helpful! It’s good to know the K1 visa is good for 6 months, for some reason I thought it was only 4. And this is from visa issuance meaning the actual issued date on the visa post interview and medical exams?


    For the marriage CR-1 visa, I read somewhere that you have to apply for it in the US, is that correct? My fiancé and I live together in London.


    Thank you!!

  5. Hi everyone, my fiancé and I are just beginning the K1 visa process and we are looking ahead at our timelines. I understand that upon entering the US, the K1 visa holder cannot leave the US until we are married and that once he files for an Adjustment of Status, he also should not leave until this is complete. This may be a silly question but is this also to say that he cannot leave between the time that we get married and the time he files for AoS? We ask because his brother is getting married in South Africa in June 2019, and I don’t foresee the entire process to green card being complete by then.


    Any input would be much appreciated.


    Thank you,


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