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Posts posted by JESSIBESSEY82

  1. Hello we have a question. We have an approved waiver.  We went to the Visa appointment in Guatemala last week and I forgot to take my 2017 tax return and 2017 W2, so they gave us a sheet stating that visa was denied because we had missing documentation. They said to schedule a new appt for my husband and to bring the documents on the new date.

    Question, is it normal for them to have kept all of our paperwork, the doctor records, police report and such? Is it normal for them to have us schedule a new appointment instead of having us send the documents via cargo express? Also will it be okay if I just filed an amended tax return, can I turn in the amended tax return that I mailed to the IRS, but they haven't finalized it yet? The reason we amended tax return was because we had put our niece as a dependent because her mom doesn't work, but in doing so we didn't know that would make us have low income for immigration purposes. My husband and I only need to have $20,575 in income correct? but if we put a dependent we have to have more than $25,975 bc they would consider as a family of 3. I am so nervous, we thought he would receive a yes on that same day. Has anyone encountered issues and had good outcomes?

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