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Posts posted by REP&KMM

  1. My mom had to overnight the I-134 to Rich 2 weeks ago... we went through Fed-Ex International Delivery, she sent it out on Friday night and it was there on Monday Morning (the delivery man woke me up grr!) I think it was like $40. Kinda an ouch situation with the money, but at least its fast...

    Go to FedEx.com and it tells you an estimate of how much it will cost to ship it, and how fast they can get it there- Goodluck, hope he gets it soon!!

  2. ahh guys! great news- the embassy called Rich today, they resealed the envelope and gave it to the couriers today- the couriers called him and told him that they would deliver it tomorrow between 9-5!! So looks like he should be good for his flight on Wednesday! I swear the second I see that boy he's gonna gettng a kick for the stress he's put me though this last week :P

    But hey at least we know for sure now the if anyone else going through London opens their brown envelope (DON'T DO ITTT!) the embassy will do everything they can to get it back before the flight- Just for future reference, call the embassy, email the embassy about the whole situation(include flight details) , AND attach a letter with the envelope the courier picks up to bring back to the embassy. Worked out perfectly for us!

    thank you guys soo much for the support, couldn't have done it without you! :dancing:

  3. haha I totally warned him about the brown envelope- its so stressed DO NOT OPEN, but Rich has always been one of those 25 year old kids and just had to open the present from the courier!! :bonk:

    update tho- he got an email back from the embassy saying that they were going to reseal the envelope and send it back the day they recieve it... we sent it back by courier today, should be at the embassy on Monday so we should get it on Tuesday or Wednesday- meaning Rich shuld make his flght on Wednesday afternoon!! Oh seriously, I hope this works out!! :star:

  4. hey guyss- thanks so much for all the replies. Rich emailed the airline and told them he may need to move back his ticket so we're just waiting for a reply now. The courier is going to come tomrrow to pick up the stupid envelope, and we're really hoping that we will have it back in time. You know its going to be one of those situtions where if we were to push back the tickets, the envelope will come, but if we don't then it won't come. I KNEW this process had been too easy for us..!! haha always gotta throw a kink at the end, just trying to stay positive through this...

  5. Hey guys,

    Rich had his visa interview Monday, was approved and the courier dropped his passport off yesterday. When the courier dropped it off he said to Rich "Ive never seen one of these bulky envelopes before, wonder why you got that??", and silly Rich, the excited kid, just had to open everything up. He opened up the mysterious confidential brown envelope, even though we have been warned 1000 times about not opening it-somehow that slipped by him...

    Rich called the embassy this morning, and spoke to a really rude man (he was like "you opened the brown envelope, WHAT?!"),He told Rich it would take 2 weeks to get the envelope re-sealed and the visa/passport back to him.

    Since the guy was so rude when he talked to him, Rich decided to call the extortion line again and see if he would get any other response- he talked to a really nice lady who was really helpful and said that the embassy will see that Rich's travel date is next Wednesday (!!!) and would possibly try to get the envelope back to him on time.

    We've emailed the embassy, but it takes 4-5 days to get a reply so who knows what is going to happen. The courier is coming tomorrow to pick up his brown envelope, and our fate is basically in the embassy's hands-I just feel so devastated right now. Had this not have happened, Rch and I would just be ridiculously happy right now, but instead we're in limbo... I just wish I knew what was going to happen- has anyone heard of situations like this at the London Embassy?? Any stories would be great, I just feel so down right now. :(

  6. hey guys!! Just want to thank everyone for the 'goodlucks'... seemed to work, Rich was approved this morning!!! I can't believe it actally happened, he called me at 12:00 UK time to tell me the good news!

    Goodluck to everyone who has their interviews coming up- apparently its a breeze! I'll have rich post about the interview tonight :D

  7. I haven't been touched since the 11th.... got my NOA1 on the 9th ... I'm starting to worry about getting and RFE. Seems like everyone else around my timeframe is already hearing about their NOA2

    Sabovee I feel exactly the same way- haven't been touched since the 17th... I'm trying not to stress out and just relax knowing I'm lucky to be at VSC but can't help but worrying... does distance in time between touches usually mean you're going to recieve an RFE?? :unsure:

  8. hey guys,

    sorry if this topic has already been posted, but I was just looking at the checklist for packet 3 (who ever started that post thankyou so much!!) and it says that we need to bring the beneficiary's birth certificarte to the interview- I'm looking at my SO's BC right now... says his name, sex, Place of Birth, Date of Birth, etc but no parents details- does that make it short form?? I'm thinking he's going to have to apply for one of the long form types, but I don't know how to go about doing that... any ideas on how to do this??

    Thanks so much!! :D

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