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Posts posted by Qcanuck

  1. 2 hours ago, Andsco said:

    Yep..there's people who waited up to 2 years to get the GC. In my case it's up to 17 months of waiting for the Seattle Office..

    My attorney told me when we filed I was looking at about 8 months for my EAD and 12 months for my green card interview, but with how slow it's going I honestly doubt it now. Just going to have to suck it up and wait. Hopefully mine is sooner rather than later.

  2. Hey everyone, My wife and I filed for adjustment of status a while ago and 3 days ago I did my biometrics in New Orleans because apparently (According to my attorney) not only is the Montgomery Field Office extremely under staffed they don't even have their biometrics set up yet. I get that USCIS has an important job and I get that it must take a long time and they probably don't get everything they want or need from the government in terms of Manpower and budget ect... But C'mon? You set up an undermanned field office for interviews without any biometrics and force me to drive through Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana to take my finger prints and picture for 10 minutes?....Aaaaaanyyyyway. Do any of you feel the USCIS Processing times on their website are BS? It says my AOS will take 12.5 months to 23.5 months to process...Even though I'm waiting for my EAD now, These "timelines" that USCIS provide seem extremely vague and not informative at all, My attorney said Montgomery is one of the newest and slowest in the country in regards to field offices but I seriously doubt it would take me 23.5 months to get my interview. Anyone here got a ridiculous timeline and got it "early" than they said? I'd especially like to hear form the people with the Montgomery Field Office but anywhere will do.

  3. Hey everyone, I'm new to this site and getting used to everything here but its so helpful! I'm wondering if anyone else here wants to sound off if they have the same field office in Montgomery AL? I live in the Florida handle with my wife (The US Citizen) and we filed for AOS with our attorney. My biometics is on June 1st so once I get that done I'll have my EAD. We currently stay at our in laws and really want to leave and have a place of our own but we would like to know what YOU guys think the average processing time for this field office is, USCIS doesn't seem to be too accurate in predicting it on their website lol. The reason we want to know so bad is that I plan on joining the Marine Corps when I get my green card but we don't want to sign into a lease if the wait is less than a year and then we have to pay for a place while we're somewhere totally different! Also, please don't hesitate to give your stories on this office and waiting whether you're done or still currently waiting! I would love to get everyone's input!

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