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Posts posted by SFT

  1. Just now, aleful said:

    I didn't say you were


    but you did say that there wasn't any proof, there is always proof of living somewhere,


    you stated that he wasn't going to lie.so nobody is saying that he is lying or he will be lying.


    but there are always things that do prove that a person has lived in a country, especially for a long time.




    My husband was in the USA unlawfully for about 7 years, but returned to Mexico 10 years go. Therefore the 10 year ban is already over based on the date he left the USA.


    The question is pretty simple: what evidence will the consulate want from him to show that he actually left the USA 10 years ago? Will they even ask for this, or care, being the 10 year ban is over?

  2. 3 minutes ago, aleful said:

    there is always proof of him being there


    the first question is how did you meet? per what you stated you met while he was in the US. if this is so, he would have to lie about being in the US and how you met. he left and you maintained contact, but you met while he was here


    plus if he ever drove, or opened a bank account, worked had a debit or credit card, went to the doctor and had some sort of ID number with his name, rented or signed any contract. 10 years is a lot.  and if he wasn't in Mexico, where was he? there is no proof of working in Mexico for 10 years


    As you said he won't lie, but it would hard to lie for others that would try, the Consul will always poke holes and ask questions to se if the evidence holds.





    Thank you for the reply but I'm sorry you completely misunderstood the question and statement that I wrote.... we aren't lying about anything here.



  3. Hello everyone,


    My husband is at the stage where we are submitting DS-260 and scheduling an appointment for a visa interview at the Juarez Consulate. My husband entered the USA in 2001 unlawfully and left in early 2008. After he left, we maintained contact and I eventually moved down to Mexico with him. We lived together in Mexico for 7 years as a married couple and are now applying  to come back. We decided to immigrate 1.5 years ago, and I returned first back to the USA in January 2017 while he is staying in Mexico. Rather than apply for an I-601 so close to the date, we decided to just wait out the 10 year ban for him to  apply "normally".


    Interesting thing about this is that my husband was never under any immigration proceedings in the USA. There is literally no evidence that he was ever there. Even so, we are going to tell the truth regarding his time in the United States unlawfully.


    My question is if the consulate will want to have evidence of my husband leaving the United States, even though there is no evidence that he was ever there either way. The reason I ask is because there is also no solid evidence of when he returned to Mexico, because when he returned he just crossed back on foot through Tijuana. Will they even care about this? If so I suppose we could prepare affidavits, but I just want to check if anyone has been through this or has any insight.


    Thank you for your help!



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