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Pudum and Ken

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Posts posted by Pudum and Ken

  1. Her age does NOT freeze because mom nor you (as step-dad) did not file any petition for her back then.

    She is eligible to come NOW to the US via F1 or F2B category.

    If YOU file i-130 (as step-dad), she will be under the F1 category (Unmarried Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens). Waiting time is 7 YEARS.

    If MOM files i-130, she will be under the F2B category (Unmarried Sons and Daughters [21 years of age or older] of Permanent Residents). Waiting time is 8 YEARS.

    She has to remain SINGLE/UNMARRIED all through out the F1 or F2B category. Marriage will void those petitions.

    Source: http://travel.state.gov/visa/bulletin/bulletin_5953.html

    Sad bad news but thank you. Too bad our immigration attorney never mentioned this to us.

  2. Hi all.... Please I need some guidance . I married a Thai female in America in July 2007. We did not file for the daughter at that time. Wife has her 10 year green card now. She has a daughter in Thailand that was UNDER 18 when we married. She wanted to complete her university studies in Thailand and then come to America. So today she is 22 and will be finished next July(2114).

    Question is will she be eligible to come at her 22 years of age? She is single. I am not sure if she will be supported by The Child Status Protection Act of 2002. Is her age "frozen", and can she come soon or wait for years??? Please help, So stressed over this...

    Thanks a million.


  3. I lived in Thailand for about a total of 2 1/2 years, and I can't even remember the amount of stories I've heard exactly like yours. It's so unfortunate that that type of thing happens, but personally (and I know I'll probably get wacked for saying this), I could NEVER ask someone to marry me after only spending a matter of weeks with them. Yes I know, the love at first sight thing blah blah blah, but love and then love and asking somone to move thousands of miles from their comfort zone is totally different.

    Anyway, best of luck to you and I personally believe everything happens for some reason, whether good or bad, so something better is yet to come for you!

    Thank you very much!!!!


    Move on Take care

    Oh I have moved on to bigger and better things. Thank you so much!


    sorry to hear that but at least you found out before she got to the US! Good luck for your future!!!

    Thank you so much and best wishes!!!!,


    Sorry about your change of plans, but I do hope it all works out for the best. The distance is the real killer with all this. Rhosie and I are constantly putting up with people trying to step between us including supposed friends and even ex's. Just keep believing and you will be happy as you were meant to be. Good luck.

    So true, Thank you and best wishes always.


    sorry to hear about what happened, but good luck to you finding the right person to share your life with.

    Thank you so much and I believe that I have found that someone special. I will keep my fingers crossed.


  4. David and Mae

    Thanks. Help from friends is good.

    There was trouble and red flags. Glad it happened before she came here. I have a buddy that kept telling me she wasn't a liar, that I was thinking too much. I had to let go of that too. It's hard enough without his misdirected comments. And I was injured at work too and can't work. So yeah, it's raining. And I'm learning something. Let go, let god.

    Can't even function well enough to close this application down effectively yet. Wait time I guess.

    I am so sorry for your situation.

    I am in the same exact boat all the way around. Let's compare notes please.


  5. Hello all,

    Just an update to let you know that I will be canceling the visa for Pudum. Come to find out she is not as nice as she leads on to be. The sad part is that Pudum was using the 2 children as pawns against me, and all of a sudden the whole game changed and it was becoming all about money. Oh and let me not forget to mention that she has a boyfriend. No wonder she wanted me to stop talking Thai and to stop learning Thai. Her excuse was the typical response from her, "I don't like". Hummm... How do I communicate with her family.

    It's all OK, but an expensive lessen to learn and I should of heeded everyones advise back in April and quit then. But I could not, had to give her the benefit of the doubt.

    The good news, I just had to look in my own back yard to find a nice Thai lady. Taking it real slow. She is here on a B2 visa, so look out for a change with me. You may see an page on here with a time line for an adjustment of status. And to quiet your minds, I did meet her after Pudum, and we have hit it off good. Will take it real slow. She goes back in September and we may go together and come back together.

    Now I need to learn more Thai, she speaks little english.... :innocent:

    OK I guess that's the update for now.


  6. Had our (me and my daughter’s) medical exam last week. Sent the forms on Monday to the Embassy.

    Called this morning the Embassy and said that I can schedule the interview any time next week. My first available day was Thursday, so June 21st will be the day of my interview... Unfortunately, my father just died Monday to Tuesday night, so all this is under a great grief and I feel numb and powerless.

    Wishing you all good luck with your interviews...

    So sorry to hear about your loss... My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during such a difficult time.

    I suffered a loss as well when I went to Thailand for traditional wedding, as I was on way to hotel, I listened to my voice mail to discover that my sister had passed away. It was hard to try to enjoy such a great event when you loose someone close to you and you are so far away.


  7. Hello gang,

    We have our interview date and it is set for the 13 of July. Very quick.

    Now I am just going crazy, it getting here so fast and many things to do.

    I am not sure if I can make it for interview. I have looked and looked for tickets and they are not cheap so, Pudum may have to be there without me. She says no problem. Everything is happening so fast now.

    Please wish her luck. :thumbs:




  8. Our case is sent back to NVC already. What will i do next? I contact Marc Ellis, but he is very busy. Please give me some advise, do i need to appeal with this case or apply a new K1? Is K1 or K3 better? Do i need to wait for this K1 expired first?

    Can i apply K3 at the USA consulate in Ho Chi Minh?


    What happened????

  9. Hey - my petition is currently sitting it the state dept, waiting to wing its way to Bangkok. I am trying to plan about how long it will take to get an interview scheduled? Is it still about 2 months on average? Has the new Phnom Phen Embassy affected wait times?


    It takes roughly 1 month for you to get everything done and forwarded to the Embassy and then a week and then Interview in a month from then.

    Good luck. I am right in there with you....waiting.........

  10. Hello everyone,

    Just a quick up date on our case.

    Pudum has had her hospital visit and so have the children. They all got sick from the injections.

    Pudum goes to the police station on the 12 of June to pick up police check then deliver all paper work to our Attorney Brian Wright. Then he delivers to Embassy and I am hoping for 25 July interview (my birthday) but Brian believes sooner. Pudum then goes back on the 20th June to the hospital for second round of shots and children go on the 29th June

    Then the race to get airline tickets. Does anyone know of a good source for short time line ticket purchasing? Good travel agent? Anywhere in the US?

    Ahhh back to Bangkok... I love Bangkok...

    I have looked and for both of us the cheapest that I have found is $3126 for both . Not a problem, it's just the waiting for the unknown.

    I hope everyone is well and I wish each and everyone of you the best in health, love and speedy painless approval. My thoughts are with you and the couples of the Dominican Republic, I wish things would speed up for you, over 2 year wait is just too much. My thoughts are with you though.


  11. Hello everyone,

    Just a quick up date on our case.

    Pudum has had her hospital visit and so have the children. They all got sick from the injections.

    Pudum goes to the police station on the 12 of June to pick up police check then deliver all paper work to our Attorney Brian Wright. Then he delivers to Embassy and I am hoping for 25 July interview (my birthday) but Brian believes sooner. Pudum then goes back on the 20th June to the hospital for second round of shots and children go on the 29th June

    :help: Then the race to get airline tickets. Does anyone know of a good source for short time line ticket purchasing? Good travel agent? Anywhere in the US? :help:

    Ahhh back to Bangkok... I love Bangkok...

    I have looked and for both of us the cheapest that I have found is $3126 for both . Not a problem, it's just the waiting for the unknown.

    I hope everyone is well and I wish each and everyone of you the best in health, love and speedy painless approval. My thoughts are with you and the couples of the Dominican Republic, I wish things would speed up for you, over 2 year wait is just too much. My thoughts are with you though. :thumbs:


  12. Congratulations on your approval! I know the relief you got when you saw the email! I am with you all the way! This group is a big help with the stress of the process we are going through.

    You are living your dream, as I am too. Not many people can say that they are living their dreams. We are a special group of people that must demonstrate that it can be done to find true happiness. Hummmm.... Just ask me!!! I am living a dream that has been stirring inside me for over 20 years.

    The time is now to make you happy!!!!!!

    Good luck and please keep me and everyone in the group posted.


  13. Thanks sooooooooo much everyone!!

    It's such a relief that we are not the single case being in this situation. I was just thinking that our petition was the only one got mislocated by NSC people. Now I know just to wait patiently until check is cleared or NOA1 gets into our mail.

    Really, thank you all so much for replying my message.

    I will post it here as soon as either the check is cleared or NOA1 is received, so we same 'boaters' can give comfort to each other :)


    Just hang in there, it will come. I know how hard the wait is and not knowing what is going on. It is if you have dropped your paperwork in a giant black hole and you are waiting for it to be spit out. Be strong. I know the stress you feel and the anticipation. We all have been waiting for so long to live our dreams and for most if us the time is now.

    I feel like this is all a dream and that I will wake up and be back at square one like so many, many moons ago ( dream for over 20 years to find a nice Asian lady). We are all here to help each other and give our support. I remember sitting in your shoes only a few months ago and now I am in the last 2 and a half months of waiting and I am beginning to feel like it's going too fast. I have so much to prepare for my fiancé to get here I am not sure if there is enough time. Hummmm just 2 and a half months left, short time. You will be here sooner than you think! I promise we are all behind you 100%

    If you need someone to talk to, I am here.


    Most people do things and move ahead fast. A rice farmer plants each plant and then steps back as not to crush what he has planted.........And he looks.............

  14. From the timelines I see several in the 400-600 day range, from some of my readings in the posts The consulate in the Dominican Republic is the slowest of the consulates.

    A few examples:



    More good reading here:


    Thanks for the info!!... I'll keep buggin the system and I'll keep you posted.

    I wish you well....I know it's a long hard struggle. I can not imagine the pain and agony you all getting so from the DR is going through... but my heart is with each and every one of you. I know how important this is......Ken

  15. Hello all,

    Just want to scream to all that our petition has been approved from the CSC in only 84 days. I think having an attorney helped big time. We had bare minimum evidence to submit and got approval without any RFE at all. :D:D:D:D

    Now continue to hold steady and ride the waves.

    Thank you to everyone for their continued support and concern.

    ok, just to get this fuzzy math straight...cuz i am a feb 16th noa1 as well...from feb 16th to may 4th is...mmm, 77days...

    Actually it was approved in 76 days on May 3rd Mr wizard, but the official time line on visa journey counts from when the petition was mailed. Check out my time line on my main page.

    Thanks for your concern, I hope that I have you corrected now.


  16. I think it's perfectly fine to say 'I love him, but...', and I think anyone who insists "NO! You must be perfectly happy at ALL TIMES OR YOU ARE NOT IN LOVE AND DONT DESERVE a visa" needs to share the drugs with the rest of the class.

    The visa process is supposed to suck rancid donkey butt, people. It's okay to hate it.

    Maybe you missed the headline======RIGHT NOW I AM SICK OF MY FIANCE AND THE VISA, I FEEL TORN

    That's the problem. At this point the SO needs all the support, trust and love you can give, not be sick of you and the process. She is SICK of him...................and the process. I agree the process is not right but it is all we have. No one says that you MUST be perfectly happy at ALL TIMES, that's stupid to say. Hate the system, not your SO.

  17. Thanks for the clarification on the notification, Yodrak. Apparently you understood my post as a statement instead of the question it was meant to be. As always, thanks for the answer.

    Kang Lang...wow, 17 months apart? That's just wrong! But you will never have to wonder if your love is real or not...that's for sure!

    As for Brian Wright...yes, he will work with you (ala carte;). Tell him you are in a similar position as "n2ojones" and ask how much he would charge to fine-tooth the details. I too started out with someone else... but then fortunately found Brian.

    Congrats again and I wish you well.

    thanks n2ojones i sent mr. wight an email last night so i should get a response later today if he's not too busy. i am finally feeling like we are getting on track and i couldn't sleep last night!

    Brian Wright is my attorney as well. I interviewed 23 other attorneys before deciding on Brian and oh how glad I did. No one can match Brian's experience. I had the pleasure of meeting him face to face on the Th of April and he is just awesome. I can not see going into something as important as this and not spending the small amount to get the professional help and piece of mind from someone who is right there in Bangkok and has an excellent association with the Embassy.

    My hat is off to Brian.

    Anyone need info on Brian, reference or anything that I can do for you, don't hesitate to contact me. Ken email at metro33777@yahoo.com and phone at 727-768-5164


  18. I feel bad for this poor guy from a far away land that his woman here can not be honest with him. This guy is giving up everything in his country to come here to be with a woman who is sick of him already. this shows the poor moral values we hold here in America. This guy is gonna be so blindsided by confusion when he gets here, I hope he has money to get back home because he will need it....

    " A rice farmer plants each plant, then steps back as not to step on his crop." Think about it...........K :thumbs:

  19. I just need a break from all visa talk.


    why not just take a break from VISAjourney , instead of creating a new user id and posting in a VISA forum. That is since you want a break from all the VISA talk.

    On some levels it is and I probably should. Although this was the only time I have ever not taken a call from him. It's just that he's so excited about it all the time and I don't want to put a damper on his enthusiasm,but honestly sometimes I just don't want to hear it.

    Maybe it's because he LOVES you and desires ONLY you. This should be the most important event in your life and it is a long hard journey. Maybe you are having second thoughts... I can't imagine not thinking about the visa every day, neither can my so. My so is way on the other side of the globe and she worries about her visa more than I do. Thankfully I hired an attorney in Bangkok to do everything. We saw him this past week and he made my girls mind much better by talking with her.

    Take a deep breath and re-think what you want. You jumped both feet into this now you must swim.........

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