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Posts posted by seantruce

  1. 7 minutes ago, Unidentified said:

    google it. 

    To me it seems I am the one being trolled by everyone calling me names and insulting me. I do not think I have insulted anyone. I think that I have a good point to make and that many people here take the other position, because they are protected from working by the affidavit of support and can threaten their spouse when they get in a fight like my wife did. Any wimp I would disagree with her, she would bring up affidavit of support and hold it over my head. Am I making my side of the argument and them people are disagreeing with me, which is ok, but then calling me a 10 year old, that is more trollish.


    I think I am right and I think that upsets people that benefit from the current i864 policy.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Lemonslice said:

    How do you suggest the affidavit of support be rewritten so you are responsible for her then?  Maybe she has some mental disability... Would be convenient to get out and say she's scamming you, no?

    It should be rewritten to say if she is able to work, that she is required to support herself and if she refuses to work, that she will lose her status. If that were the case, she would work and support herself. The way it is written now, she would be penalized for working.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Unidentified said:

    This is the part that makes you sound like a troll. Because instead of admitting that this is your own fault. You blame everything on a form that you signed and you now regret because your marriage failed. 

    Not what you said. 

    I thought a troll was someone paid to go to a chat forum and pretend they were someone else to further a political or other agenda. I am not that. I am a real person that is getting taken advantage of due to the i864

  4. 7 minutes ago, missileman said:

    What if, within 2 years of marriage, the foreign spouse becomes very ill (and cannot work)....and the USC decides he/she want to divorce the foreign spouse........what do you propose ?

    Then I would be ok with reimbursing the government for services.


    I am trying to be fair. She is just using the system against me. She told me she would never work and I would have to support her forever. She has no physical reason why she cannot work. She just refuses to because the i864 gives her $30k/year in perpetuity for not working.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Lemonslice said:

    If your spouse is unable to support herself, because of illness or disability, your suggestion would be?  

    She is able to work, but there is nothing in the affidavit of support that requires her to work. In fact if she works for 10 years, she will give up her right to sue me. If she makes less than $30k, she will have no financial benefit.


    She has no benefit for working unless she can make a lot of money. She has told me that she will never work and I will support her for the rest of her life after a short marriage.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Unidentified said:

    Expressing an opinion and breaking the Terms of Conditions of this website are two very different things. Telling someone they can't post is also a violation to the TOS.

    I just said that "you do not have to be here" I welcome you to be here.


    People here are sure set on picking apart little details and taking advantage of them.


    Let's have a discussion!

  7. 14 minutes ago, Muffinji said:

    I think before you talk about stopping the i864 because it’s causing you issues due to your personal mistake,

    note that the main objective of the form I believe was to prove that the beneficiary would not be a public charge. 


    I think it does not only apply to spouses. It also applies to other family members. 

    Before you want to campaign for removing the form, I think you should understand the main objective of the form and if your new suggestion does not achieve the objective of the form but is just for your own cause, ....



    My personal mistake... Ok, I should not have married that girl. Many people make that mistake. If I was divorcing an American I would have already been done paying support by now. If someone wants to be here, they should be required to work and not live off any American.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Unidentified said:

    The reason why you are in this predicament is because you didn't go through the process together with your spouse, you let her handle it. The rest of us had both partners involved and we talked through the whole process and money were discussed and in my case I informed my USC spouse what the affidavit would mean if, by some weird reason, we were going to get divorced. You guys didn't talk, you had no idea what was going on and here we are. 

    Yes! Let's let everyone come here and be public charge! Sweet!

    I do not want a public charge, I just want people to support themselves if they want to be here.


    You can see here on VJ that there are many conflicting opinions about what this document means:


    I was believing what I read at first and that is what my ex told me.


    I was tricked.


  9. 6 minutes ago, Unidentified said:

    I know. But I can't help replying...


    I don't think the mods are awake. I have reported him for circumventing language filter and spamming and nothing has happened. He also revived an old thread from like 2011-2012. 

    Are you against me expressing my opinion? This is a real issue that needs to be addressed. If you do not like it, you do not have to be here.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Unidentified said:

    a prenuptial agreement would not have gotten you out of your responsibilities as the sponsor. 

    It could not have hurt. I have heard in some cases it did help. Where they write the prenup like another contract where it says that the sponsor will get reimbursed by the immigrant.


    It just is not fair that someone making $30k per year will have to give all their future earnings and have zero money for signing this contract.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Roel said:

    They really cannot if their goal is to be with their US citizen loved one. 

    OP doesn't understand that no one is ever forced to sign that document. I've tried. :P


    Mods please close this thread. At this point OP is just trolling. 

    I am not trolling. I am real and this problem is real. I am sure there are instances where people do not get married because of this i864 document. They should get rid of this document so that there is no question about why people are getting married.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Unidentified said:

    No sweetheart. No one held a gun to your head and made you sign it. You choose to not read up on what kind of contract you were signing. This is all you. This is not a human rights thing. It's a human error thing. 

    Since we have this policy where anyone in the world who can con an American into signing this form will get potentially a million dollars, it will attract bad people to immigrate here.


    I can't understand why a good hard working person would support this policy unless they think they are entitled to something for nothing.


    The error was also put in place by politicians. I say work or lose status. Are you afraid of work?


    Americans, do not sign the i864, it is like putting a gun to your head!

  13. 6 minutes ago, arken said:

    Once again you are wrong. Someone is getting 30k per year not because of just marrying an American citizen but because that American signed a contract saying he would pay. One person can sign that i864 for somebody’s wife or other relatives and could end up paying the same way. 


    Anyway, good luck for your policy change idea. You talked about the President earlier, yeah, may be he’ll help you, after all he also signed the omnibus bill without reading it.

    I guess you think that if an immigrant can get someone to sign an i864, then they should not have to work for the rest of their lives. Is that true?


    end the i864 requirement!

  14. 3 minutes ago, Lemonslice said:

    Then no one will be able to bring their spouse... Lol


    Seriously, scammers are going to scam, some Americans scam, some immigrant's do. Most don't.  Before advising anyone to get a prenuptial agreement, I suggest you do some more reading.

    My opinion is that if people were getting married for love, then a prenuptial agreement would help prove the love. To often people marry for money.


    Yes there are many Americans that are scammers. I think the i864 policy for short term marriages is a scam waiting to happen. We should get rid of this document. It would reduce the amount of marriages, because the scammers would be less likely to get married without knowing they could be rich for suckering someone into signing it.


    i864 scammers are just looking for this opportunity.

  15. 1 minute ago, Unidentified said:

    So how are couples who want to live together in the US supposed to do that without signing a required document?

    They can move to the other persons country like someone here just pointed out.


    They can come here on another type of visa.


    i864 is against human rights in my opinion. If someone makes $30k per year and then the immigrant can take it all from that person for life, that is very wrong. I see that most people here on this discussion think that it is ok to have this policy. 


    Stop the i864!

  16. 34 minutes ago, Unidentified said:

    Plus he mentioned there were "a lot of countries" and he mentioned one. And he mentioned they were kicked out because they couldn't support themselves when that was not the case for Switzerland either. He has no clue. 

    Can you tell me of any other country with a policy like the USA where we have to sign the i864, then we can get sued by the person we are sponsoring and be forced to pay $30k per year, even if we only make $30k per year?


    Only in America as far as I know, but please educate me.


    Beware i864!

  17. 34 minutes ago, MariekeH said:

    Seems like you have a lot more research to do before starting your big lobbying campaign. First of all, Switzerland is not part of the EU. Second, the EU consists of a lot of countries that all have their individual immigration policies. There is no shared EU immigration policy.

    I agree that I do have a lot more research to do. Thank you. I am definitely not an expert in EU immigration policy.


    Do you know of any other country besides the US where if you sponsor and immigrant, that you can potentially have to pay over a million dollars if they refuse to work?


    Beware i864!

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