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Posts posted by watuwa

  1. My wife has just told me that since where she has been in the UAE is a Royal family, the manager told her that they cant give her a police clearance for security reasons..what can i do? Do u think we can explain that at the American consolate and be accepted or will be a waste of money for both medical and visa fees?? 

    For police clearances in our mother country are okay and we have got them but its only her without for UAE??

    Humbly waiting for your advise ..

    Thanks members

  2. Dear members on this forum an so hambled for your tireless effort to help us meet the American dream. I , my wife and child have been scheduled for an interview towords the end of this month.my wife has been working in the UAE for 3yrs..but she has been refused to get the police clearance of dubai. She came back and informed me that she has the ID but when they check in the system it shows details of the manager(P.R.O)..the wife is telling me that since where she has been working was office of president of UAE, things are different..its a process to change the ID reflecting her in the system for security reasons ...I am the principal applicant of the Dv lottery..

    Qn..dear member do u think her not having the police clearance wont creat problems at the embassy?? Please advise..

    Thanks so much

  3. Greetings to u all on this forum, i must admit this site has helped me much in terms of advise. please thanks for tirelessly be there when we are in need of advise around different areas concerning Dv lottery.

    we are having our interviews towards the end of this month  my wife and son. we seem to be prepared with paper work but just need you to help me out with interview experience sites with questions concerning dv spouses??? just want to go through and get prepared of our to answer different questions..some one was telling me that questions seem related to previous ones...


    thanks so much as usual 

    God bless u 

  4. hello members,greetings to u, 

    we have been scheduled in may for our interview at the american embassy Nairobi kenya. my wife has a pending contract in the UAE  but has been denied coming back by her bosses until her contract expires. we won this lottery with our child aged 8..some one was telling me that our visa might be delayed if the wife is not around, besides that they cant allow me go with the child without some documents from the mother..my wife has admitted saying is ready to let us go in USA and then after will file for her CR1 (SPOUSE VISA).

    NB. The contract of my wife will expire next year and this means the case will have been expired..

    QN1. what documents do i need from her to let me go with the child? 


    QN2. wont  that incident of my wife not around at the interview cause denial ?


    QN3. my wife and child her on my case, generally what can i do to over come this issue after realizing the mother of my child is not attending the interview with us?


    am always grateful for your advise 



  5. i have got the A levels with all secondary pass but lacking a principal pass...i think i should not waste time..i had thought about explaining depending of my back ground but i think it will not make sense to the Co...??????..thanks for your comments fellow members of this forum

  6. according to the visa bulletin release i would have been called but i recently unlocked my ds 260. But if all goes well with Kentucky, surely in june is my interview.

    am orignally from East Africa a country called uganda but our immigrant interviews are being held NAIROBI KENYA..when entering the draw,they tell us the minimum qualifications needed is highschool..our education system at highschool has got both O and A LEVELS which i successful completed and was awarded both my certificates..That was my highest level of education ended..My O level i performed good but my A level got only SUBSIDIARY PASS..The US EMBASSY Nairobi recently changed from not only having high school certificate but wants atleast one principal pass and one subsidiary to qualify.. fellow members on this forum, some african people face alot of challenges in life as far as education is concerned, including standards of life at all levels of life.. For my case i would like to share a bit of my experience which i think there are others who might have gone through the same experience..My parents died when i was very young and a family friend took the responsibility, paid my school fees from primary then secondary, but at my last yr of completing high school he died then it was my decision to either find ways of completing high school or drop out..it was really challenging but i decided to say, BY ALL MEANS I WILL HAVE TO COMPLETE..then i decided to do simple works for the community paying for my self to atleast finishing Highschool. it was very challenging to combine both work and school..some times being chased for not having scholastic material , then spend a week looking for money and then go back finding hip of notes to write without explanations..Those are some of the reasons i even did not perform as expected.. i did not fail to F9s but just only missing a principle pass..

    I have attached what was recently added by US EMBASSY Nairobi and for my case i have marked with a pen




    Thanks for reading..

    awaiting your advise..

    God bless u through


















































    United States.pdf

  7. Greetings to u members of this forum..

    thanks u all for the advises given when i was confusing being married and being single...you people indeed enlightened me and found out where i had got lost..God bless u...

    QN...i am a dv winner 2018 but now when i check the status of my case it displays case AT NVC ..what does that generally mean? 

  8. before my wife went for work we were staying together but not officially married...does that mean i was single/ married because i got confused? remember when filling lottery paper and say married it could not proceed before u upload your spouse picture. And my wife was not around...i would have said married but it always demanded for a spouse picture for atleast taken six months back.. and my wife had been out of the country for ayr..at her place of work did not allow them smart phones and those who had smart phones were replaced with ordinary phones..so we kept on voice calls all the time for a full yr until she came back...let me hope am understood sir

  9. Hello Brothers and Sister,greeting to u in the mighty name of Christ.Am DV selettee 2018, under case 2018AF23XXX. by the time i entered the draw of the lottery, my wife was not around my country and had a pending contract in the UAE which had taken 1yr and 2 months. it was my first time to enter this draw but by God luck me and our 8yr old son were selected. since it was my first time to i read all instructions very well not to make any mistake. i did not put my wife initially but before she went for work abroad we were staying together and still kept communication. The reason i did not put my wife is that i needed a picture of her but one of the laws about american size say the picture should be atleast 6months back..but remember i had taken a year without seeing her. i tried so much to enter her name but the draw could not proceed without a missing picture.. what i did was to upload my picture and our son. where she was working i would have atleast requested a picture on whatsapp to develop it from a professional studio meeting the requirement of american size but at my wife place of work in UAE, they never accepted them smart phones, on her start of contract ,her smart phone was confiscated and given an ordinary phone which is not smart. And all fellow works were in the same situation. we were only communicating on voice calls for a complete yr until her contract expired and was released back. when she came back in August last yr, we arranged a civil marriage and got married in september last yr. we were given out marriage certificate and added her to my case.. she is the mother of my child with whom we won the lottery...

    QNS..1..People are scaring me that since i did not put her initially,it might lead to visa refusal but there is a bond btn us and is the child i won the lottery with.. do u think i should not waste my money because we are three and every cost counts on me?


    2...i have got my high school diploma certificate ( O level and A levels ).. depending on my post, please advise me on what am supposed to do cause depending on my case number i think am about to be scheduled? .. i was willing to add her initially but she needed to be around to take the picture of american size but was not around and i only put our 8 yr old son.. 

    3.. do u think this child can act as a bond to let us go through?

    4..can it be possible on my medical to pay extra and do DNA tests and we go with them to prove this child is biologically btn us and take them to consulate for proof?


    thanks so much brothers and sisters on this forum

    your advise is my last resort..

    God bless u so much  


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