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Posts posted by jeffgator

  1. On 3/6/2018 at 2:06 AM, noway123456 said:

    No news might be good news. We just got a letter in the mail dated 02/28/18 and it was an RFE!!! We've never gotten that before😐😐😐 It says we've failed to establish good faith marriage because we didn't send actual transactions on bank accounts and credit cards, and the 2015 taxes weren't signed and "did not provide supporting evidence to corroborate the information reported." What does that mean??? What evidence do we have to send for taxes?? It also says that photos did not cover all the marriage but we sent so so many, From anniversaries, trips to Turkey Disneyland and local spots.


    I really didn't think this would be an issue. Our baby is even turning 1 soon!! 


    Aby by advice on what to send would be greatly appreciated!


    My wife and I just received the exact same statement in the RFE we just received: that our 2015 taxes weren't signed and that we "did not provide supporting evidence to corroborate the information reported."  Did you figure out what USCIS is asking for here, regarding the supporting evidence?  We spoke to a clerk at the local USCIS office, and she thought it was referring to our W2s, but she did not sound sure.  Anyone else on here know?  Thanks in advance.

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